(Please scroll down for English version)
Ardeii umpluti sunt o reteta traditionala romaneasca, pe care o am de la mama. Mai multe popoare europene fac ardei umpluti, dar fiecare este diferit prin carnea si condimentele pe care le folosesc.
Ardeii grasi de aici sunt foarte mari, si cand gasesc din cei mai mici imi place sa ii folosesc la ardei umpluti.
Umplutura de ardei este la fel ca cea de la sarmale, dar gustul este total diferit. Carnea folosita trebuie sa fie tocata mai mare si cu ceva grasime prin ea.
Am folosit carne tocata amestecata de vita si porc. Se poate face din una sau din alta, mama face chiar si din carne de gasca.
8 ardei grasi
aprox 500 gr carne tocata de vita si porc
1/4 cana orez
1 ceapa medie
1 ou
1 lingurita sare
1 lingurita boia dulce
cimbru (oregano), piper proaspat macinat
2 foi de dafin
aprox 500 gr rosii tocate amestecate cu sos de rosii
patrunjel tocat
Ardeii se taie cu varful cutitului pe langa cotor, si se curata de cotor si de seminte.
Ceapa se toaca si se caleste in cateva linguri de ulei pana cand se inmoaie si incepe sa se rumeneasca. Se amesteca cu carnea, orezul, oul, sare, piper, cimbru, boia si se mesteca foarte bine. Se umplu ardeii, eu i-am umplut cu mana, si se apasa bine sa ajunga pana la varful ardeiului. Se pune putina faina in capat si se aseaza intr-o oala, de preferinta cu fundul gros.
Restul de amestec de carne care ramane se amesteca cu rosiile si foile de dafin, se mai adauga sare si piper dupa gust, si se toarna peste ardei. Se adauga apa pana cand acopera ardeii.
Se pune la foc mic aprox 1 ora-1 ora jumatate, cu capacul pus, lasand numai o mica parte descoperita (sau se pot baga la cuptor cam aceelasi timp).
Se presara patrunjelul tocat. Se servesc cu smantana si paine proaspata.
Pofta buna!
Stuffed peppers are a traditional Romanian dish, and this recipe I have it from my mom. Stuffed peppers are made by many European countries, but there are differences in the meat and seasonings.
I don’t like to use bell peppers for this, they are too big, and I like to use gipsy peppers, are smaller and thinner. Even the filling is similar with Stuffed cabbage, the taste is totally different.
The ground meat should be chili grounded and should have some fat in it. I used mixed ground pork and beef. You can use either or, my mom uses sometimes ground goose meat.
8 gipsy peppers
1 pound ground meat, pork and beef
¼ cup rice
1 onion chopped
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp dried oregano
Fresh cracked pepper
2 bay leafs
1 pound fresh tomatoes chopped or 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes
Fresh parsley
Little flour
With the tip of the knife, cut the peppers around the core. Remove the core and the seeds and set aside.
Mix the meat with the rice, egg, salt, pepper, oregano, paprika and the onion. Fill the peppers with the mixture and tap some flour on top. Place the peppers in a pot.
Mix the tomatoes with any remaining filling, salt and pepper after taste and some water. Pour over the peppers. Fill with water to almost cover the peppers. Simmer on very low heat or bake in the oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit) for 1 hour to 1 ½ hours, turning the peppers once or twice.
Serve with fresh parsley and some sour cream on top.
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