
October 22, 2010

"Tea" party... or "Martini" party?

Miercurea trecuta am programat cu fetele petrecerea noastra cu ceai, editia a doua. Si cum trebuia sa o facem mai speciala, am evoluat de la ceai la martini. Asta da "Tea party"!
M-am trezit devreme sa fac supa de praz si cartofi, si printre picaturi a trebuit sa verific e-mailul si blogul, cand am observat tot felul de poze ciudate peste tot meniul blogului. Cat mi-a trebuit sa vad ce se intampla, era gata sa ard prazul. Se pare ca "template-ul" meu disparuse... asa ca pana gasesc altul o sa ramana aceasta "fata" pentru blog. Se potriveste, e in tema. Si chiar imi placea cel de dinainte...

The second edition of our tea party was scheduled last Wednesday, at my house. And we wanted it more special, so we upgraded it to martinis. This is what I call "Tea party"!
So I woke up little earlier to make the leeks and potato soup, and in between I had to check my e-mail and the blog, when I've seen a lot of weird photos all over the menu. I had to see what happened and I almost burn the leeks! The template that I used dissapeared... so until I find another one I'll use this face for the blog (and I really liked the old one...).

Am inceput cu un bol de supa...
We started with some soup...

Agne agita martiniurile:
Agne is shaking the martinis:

Mariya le toarna:
Mariya is pouring it:

Si Asta ma invarte pe mine pe scaun. Si mi-au mai dat si paharul in mana, sa arat mai bine :)
And Asta is spinning me with the chair, like I'm in a carousel. And they gave me the glass too so I look better!

Adriana a venit numai putin, cat sa incerce supa si martini-ul.

Am mancat biscotti cu ciocolata si alune de padure, super buni facuti de Mariya. Asa de buni ca am cerut reteta. Putina inghetata de pepene si bomboane de ciocolata au completat meniul.
Pisica s-a ascuns sub pat :)

Adriana stopped by just a little, so she can try the soup and the martini.
We also had chocolate hazelnut biscotti, made by Mariya. So good so we asked for the recipe. A little melon ice cream and some chocolate filled the party menu.
And the cat was hidden under the bed :)

Martini "Sclipiri frantuzesti"

40 ml lichior de zmeura (sau vodca cu aroma de zmeura Chambord)
55 ml nectar de mango (noi am folosit mix de mango cumparat, dar este foarte bun si nectar proaspat stors)
30 ml sampanie (vin spumant)

Se agita gheata, nectarul de mango si lichiorul de zmeura. Se toarna in pahare si se toarna deasupra sampanie.
Si se savureaza :)

"French Sparkle" Martini

1 1/2 oz raspberry liqueur or flavored vodka (Chambord)
2 oz mango nectar (we used mango martini mix, but fresh squezed mango nectar is very good)
1 oz champagne (or sparkling wine)

Shake the ice, raspberry liqueur and mango nectar. Pour in glases and top with champagne.
And enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great party!!! were was I???? wait probably cleaning or disciplining kids :)


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