
September 09, 2010

Fasole verde si usturoi in doua feluri/ Green beans and garlic two ways

(Please scroll down for English version)

Imi place fasolea verde, si incerc sa gasesc cat mai multe feluri de a o gati. De obicei folosesc proaspata (e buna si congelata), niciodata conservata. Imi place sa fie putin crocanta cand o mananci. Una din retetele de azi este o reteta olteneasca din cartea lui Radu Anton Roman: "Bucate, vinuri si obiceiuri romanesti". Cea de-a doua varianta este inspirata de o reteta cu spanac dintr-o revista "Food Network Magazine".

Pentru amandoua retetele am folosit aprox 1 kg pastai de fasole verde, curatate de codite si oparite: se pune apa la fiert, cand incepe sa fiarba se pun pastaile pentru 5 minute, cat sa se patrunda si sa isi pastreze culoarea. Se scot si se pun in apa rece cu cuburi de gheata. Se scurg si se dau deoparte.

Varianta 1:


500 gr fasole verde oparita
4-5 catei de usturoi
sare si piper dupa gust
3-4 linguri ulei de masline
1 lingura de otet (optional)
1/2 cana iaurt
marar tocat (eu nu am avut cand le-am facut, dar sunt convinsa ca le da un gust foarte bun)

Cateii de usturoi se curata si se dau prin razatoarea mica. Se presara putina sare si se freaca cu o lingura de lemn, turnandu-se uleiul putin cate putin, pana cand se face o pasta. Se adauga otetul (daca va place mai acrisor), iaurtul si se condimenteaza cu sare si piper dupa gust.
Se amesteca cu pastaile si se presara deasupra marar.

Sa aveti pofta!

Varianta 2:

500 gr fasole verde oparita
3-4 linguri ulei de masline
8 catei de usturoi (mai maruntei daca se poate)
sare si piper dupa gust
2 linguri de seminte de susan prajite (modul de prajire il puteti vedea

Se incinge uleiul intr-o tigaie si se pun cateii de usturoi intregi. Se lasa sa se rumeneasca putin, intorcandu-se, cam 2 minute. Se adauga fasolea verde, si se lasa 3-4 minute, timp in care se condimenteaza cu sare si piper.
Se opreste focul, si se serveste cu seminte de susan presarate deasupra.

Pofta buna!

I like green beans and I try to find different ways to cook it. I use fresh green beans (frozen work well too), never from the can. I like it to be little crunchy when I eat it. One of the today recipes are from the south part of Romania (where I’m from) and it's inspired from Radu Anton Roman’s cookbook “Romanian foods, wines and traditions”. The second recipe is inspired by a spinach recipe from The Food Network Magazine.

For both recipes I used about 2 pounds of green beans, cleaned and blanched: put a pot with water to boil, and when it starts boiling drop the green beans in the boiling water for about 5 minutes. Transfer the green beans in cold water with some ice cubes. Drain and set aside.

1st Way (for the garlic lovers):


1 pound blanched green beans
4-5 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper after taste
3-4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp white vinegar (optional)
½ cup yogurt
Chopped fresh dill (I didn’t have that day, but I’m sure the dill will bring a nice touch to the party)

Clean the garlic and grate them on the small grater. Place them in a little bowl. Sprinkle little salt and with a wooden spoon mix them, adding a little oil at a time, until the mixture turns into a paste.

Add the vinegar (if you prefer more sour), the yogurt and check for salt and pepper.

Pour over the green beans and sprinkle dill on top.


2nd Way:

1 pound blanched green beans
3-4 tbsp olive oil
8 small garlic cloves (small cloves if it's possible)
Salt and pepper after taste
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds (how to toast the sesame seeds you can see

Heat the olive oil in a pan, and add the garlic cloves. Toast the garlic for about 2 minutes, turning them from time to time. Add the green beans and mix. Cook for another 4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Turn off the heat. Place everything on a serving platter and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.


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