(Please scroll down for English recipe)
Am mancat prima data tort de morcov acum cativa ani, cand am venit in America. In Romania nici nu cred ca auzisem de asa ceva. Mi-a placut foarte mult cel de atunci, avea nuci si stafide, si crema de branza. Cred ca atunci am si inceput sa iau cateva kilograme :))
Am cautat si eu o reteta pe internet, am facut, si a iesit bun. Theresa, o fosta colega de servici, chiar a zis ca a fost cel mai bun tort de morcov pe care l-a avut vreodata.
Saptamanile trecute, am incercat din nou, cu dedicatie pentru Nora, care la 1 an si 8 luni nu ar trebui sa manance prajituri cu ciocolata sau cafea, asa ca putin morcov in "tortit" ar fi nimerit. De aceasta data am facut in forme de muffins cu varf de crema de branza.
Ar trebui sa precizez ca un cupcake este un muffin cu crema si decoratii deasupra. Este pur american.
Ingrediente (pentru 12 bucati):
2 oua
1 cana de zahar (230 ml)
1/2 cana ulei , aprox 100 ml (eu am folosit de floarea soarelui, dar este bun si cel vegetal)
1 cana si jumatate morcov dat pe razatoare (4 morcovi medii)
2 linguri suc de portocala
1/2 cana nuci macinate
1 cana si un sfert faina (125 gr)
1 lingurita praf de copt
1/2 lingurita sare
1/2 lingurita scortisoara
1/2 lingurita nucsoara macinata
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se bat ouale cu zaharul pana cand se topeste, si se adauga uleiul treptat pana cand este incorporat. Se adauga morcovul, zeama de portocala si nucile si se amesteca bine. Se adauga faina, praful de copt, sarea, scortisoara si nucsoara si se amesteca numai pana cand este incorporat.
Forma de muffins se unge cu unt, sau se pun cupe de hartie, si se umple cu compozitie, putin mai mult de 3 sferturi. Se baga la cuptor 25 minute, si se testeaza cu scobitoarea.
Se lasa sa se raceasca si se decoreaza cu crema. Se poate folosi posul sau se poate intinde cu cutitul de unt. Se decoreaza cu morcov dat pe razatoare sau cu nuca de cocos prajita*.
Pentru crema:
225 gr branza topita Philadelphia la temperatura camerei
100 gr unt la temperatura camerei
4 linguri cu varf zahar pudra
1/2 lingurita esenta vanilie
Se bate untul si branza topita foarte bine cu mixerul, se adauga zaharul si vanilia si se bate pana cand este incorporat bine.
* Pentru a praji nuca de cocos, se pun intr-o tigaie fara ulei 2-3 linguri de nuca de cocos in strat subtire, si se pun pe foc mic, scuturand mereu tigaia, pana cand se coloreaza putin, cel mult 5 minute.
I had Carrot cake for the first time few years ago, when I came to America. I don't think I ever heard about carrot cake in Romania. I liked it a lot; it had nuts and raisins, and cream cheese frosting. I think that was the time when I started gaining few pounds :)) just joking.
I looked online for a good carrot cake recipe, I made it and it turned out good. My ex coworker Theresa even said it was the best carrot cake she ever had.
Last week, I made it again, with little Nora in mind. Chocolate and coffee cakes are not a good idea for 1 year and 8 months old, but a little carrot "tortit" will be good. This time I made it in muffins shapes and cream cheese frosting on top.
Ingredients (for 12 pieces):
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used sunflower oil)
1 1/2 cups grated carrots (4 medium)
2 tbsp orange juice
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F.
Beat together the eggs and the sugar until creamy. Add the oil little at a time, until incorporated. Add the grated carrots, orange juice and walnuts and mix well. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg and stir until just combined.
Grease a muffin tin with butter, or line with paper cups.
Fill the cups with the mixture, a little more than 3/4 of the paper cup. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Test with a toothpick (inserted in the center of one muffin should come out clean).
Let cool and decorate with frosting, either using pastry bag or just spread with a spatula. On top sprinkle grated carrot or toasted coconut flakes*.
For frosting:
1 package Philadelphia cream cheese (14 oz) at room temperature
1 sticks of butter at room temperature
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Beat the cream cheese and butter until creamy, then add the sugar and vanilla extract and continue beating until well combined.
* For toasting the coconut flakes, place 2-3 tbsp coconut flakes in an ungreased pan on low heat until golden brown (about 5 minutes). Shake the pan often to turn.
Mihaela, Foarte frumos presentat! Ce mult imi place si mie carrot cupcakes.:).. cred ca de prima oara de cand am gustat carrot cake....mia si placut... parca nu puteam sa ma opresc:).
Multumesc Ellie, ma bucur mult ca iti place blogul meu. Am intrat in febra muffins-urilor si cupcakes-urilor. Urmeaza sa postez o reteta cu afine si mai am si alte idei :)
Interesanta reteta,de pastrat,ca si multe din retetele de pe acest blog.Te-am gasit din intamplare dar ma bucur ,si te voi urmarii in continuare!
Ionela, te astept oricand :) Ma bucur ca ti-a placut blogul meu.
Cat de bine arata...:*
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