(Please scroll down for English version)
In peregrinarile mele pe blogurile culinare, am gasit pe site-ul "17 and baking" un mic concurs: "Vinerea foarte dulce" (in traducere libera). Oricine poate sa participe si sa posteze o reteta cu ingredientul lunii. Aceasta luna, ingredientul secret a fost untul "maroniu". A fost prima data cand am auzit: untul se fierbe pana cand incepe sa se inchida la culoare si capata un miros de nuci coapte (nu se coace prea mult atat cat sa se arda).
Nu a fost prima intentie sa incerc, dar tot gandindu-ma, binenteles ca mi-au venit idei. Si cum aveam afine proaspete, am trecut la treaba si am "inovat" aceasta reteta. Destul de rapida, iar mirosul care venea din cuptor... demential :)
Ingrediente (pentru 12 bucati):
2 oua
1 cana zahar (230 ml)
1 cana kefir (iaurt de baut, sau se poate folosi lapte)
6 linguri de unt maroniu
1 1/2 cani afine proaspete (congelate sunt la fel de bune)
2 cani faina (460 ml)
2 lingurite praf de copt
1 praf de sare
esenta vanilie
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
Echipament special : tava cu forme de muffins unse cu unt sau tapetate cu forme de hartie.
Se incinge cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).
Se amesteca faina cu praful de copt si sarea.
Ouale si zaharul se bat cu mixerul pana cand devin cremoase si se topeste zaharul. Cu mixerul mergand, se adauga kefirul, untul (racit putin inainte), vanilia si coaja de lamaie. Se adauga faina si se mesteca cu spatula doar pana cand este incorporat (nu mestecati prea mult). Se adauga afinele si se mai amesteca de 2-3 ori. Se toarna compozitia in forme
si se coace in cuptorul incins 20 minute. Se testeaza cu scobitoarea. Se servesc calde sau reci.
Pofta buna!
In my wandering on culinary blogs, I found on "17 and baking" a little contest: Sugar High Fridays. Anybody can participate and post a recipe with the ingredient of the month. This month, the secret ingredient was browned butter. It was the first time that I heard about this: the butter is cooked until it gets brown and smells like roasted nuts (be careful not to burn it).
It wasn't my first intention to participate, but thinking about it, I got ideas in my head :) I had some fresh blueberries in the fridge, so I got to work and I innovated this recipe. It's pretty fast, but the smell that's coming out of the oven... priceless!
Ingredients (for 12 muffins):
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup kefir (drinking yogurt, it can be substituted with milk)
6 tbsp browned butter
1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries (frozen are good too)
2 cups flour (I used unbleached)
2 tsp baking powder
Little salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Zest from one lemon
Special equpment: muffin tin greased with butter or lined with paper liners.
Preheat the oven at 400 degrees.
Mix the flour, baking powder and salt.
In a mixer, beat the eggs and sugar until sugar is dissolved. With mixer still working, add the kefir, the browned butter (cooled a little before), vanilla and lemon zest. Stop the mixer, and add the flour mix, and stir only until incorporated (don't over mix). Add the blueberries and stir 2-3 times. Pour the batter in muffin tin and bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Check with a toothpick, it should come out clean. Remove and serve warm or cold.
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