(Please scroll down for English version)
Ultima mea achizitie in bucatarie este masina de inghetata. Este de fapt un atasament pentru mixer, un bol mare cu pereti dubli. Trebuie sa stea la congelator cel putin 15 ore inainte, ca lichidul din peretii dubli sa inghete. Cand masina invarte compozitia lichida, aceasta se ingheata treptat.
Ca sa o innaugurez, am incercat aceasta reteta de inghetata, luata de pe site-ul 121.ro.
Ok, o sa fiu sincera si o sa recunosc, nu am avut mare incredere in reteta la inceput. Prima tentativa a ajuns in chiuveta, pentru ca nu am mestecat in continuu si s-a taiat. Dar, nu m-am lasat batuta, am incercat din nou. Si rezultatele au fost peste asteptari. A iesit foarte gustoasa, cremoasa si fina. Eu am adaugat mango, dar la reteta de baza se poate adauga aproape orice fruct, ciocolata, caramel.
2 oua
1/2 cana zahar (120 gr)
praf de sare
1 1/2 cani lapte integral (370 ml)
1 cana frisca lichida (250 ml)
esenta de vanilie
1 mango, curatat de coaja si sambure, si facut piure
prajiturele amaretti pentru servit (optional)
Echipament special: masina de inghetata.
Se bat ouale cu zaharul, pana cand devin cremoase si zaharul este topit. Se adauga sarea.
Intre timp, se pune laptele intr-o cratita mica pe foc. Cand laptele incepe sa fiarba, se opreste focul, si se toarna incet laptele in amestecul cu oua, batand in continuu.
Cand tot laptele este incorporat, se pune toata compozitia inapoi in cratita, pe foc mic, amestecandu-se continuu (nu este timp de spalat vase, am aflat din proprie experienta:)).
Se amesteca constant cu lingura de lemn (cam 7-8 minute), pana cand compozitia se ingroasa si se "prinde" de dosul lingurii (se poate testa daca se "prinde": trage o linie cu degetul pe dosul lingurii, trebuie sa fie vizibila). Se opreste focul si se lasa sa se raceasca putin.
Se adauga frisca lichida si vanilia, si se lasa la frigider pana cand s-a racit complet.
In masina de inghetata se toarna compozitia si piureul de mango, si se ingheata dupa instructiunile masinii. Mie mi-au trebuit 20 minute, timp in care compozitia aproape s-a dublat in volum.
Se serveste cu prajiturele amaretti sfaramate deasupra. Sau cu nuci. Sau simpla!
Restul se poate pune in cutii de plastic si poate fi pastrat in congelator.
My last "toy" in my kitchen is the ice cream machine. It's an attachment for the stand mixer, a large bowl with double walls. In between the walls, it's a liquid, and it has to stay at least 15 hours in advance in the freezer before I want to make ice cream.
To try it on, I made this ice cream, with a recipe from the 121.ro website.
Ok, I have to be honest; I didn't trust the recipe in the beginning. The first batch ended up in the sink. I didn't mix continuously, and I made scramble eggs. But, I didn't give up, and I tried again. And the results were way over the expectations. It turned out very tasty, creamy and silky. I added a mango, but at the basic recipe it can be added almost any fruit, chocolate or caramel.
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla
1 mango, skinned and pitted, pureed
Amaretti cookies for garnish (optional)
Special equipment: ice cream machine.
Beat the eggs and the sugar until sugar is melted and the composition is creamy. Add a pinch of salt.
Meantime, in a small pot, bring the milk to a boil. When it starts boiling, turn off the heat and pour the milk over the eggs, mixing continuously.
When all the milk is incorporated, return everything in the pot, on low heat, mixing with a wooden spoon (there is no time for dishes, I found out by myself :))
Mix constantly until the composition thickens (about 7-8 minutes). You can test it by drawing a line with one finger on the back of the spoon, it should be visible. Turn off the heat and let cool.
Add the heavy cream and vanilla. Let cool completely in the fridge.
In the ice cream machine, add the mixture and the mango puree, and mix following the machine instructions. Mine took 20 minutes, while the composition almost double in volume.
Serve with crumble amaretti cookies on top. Or some nuts! Or plain!
Keep the leftovers in a plastic container in the freezer.
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