(Please scroll down for English version)
Am mancat prima data rulouri cu vinete la un restaurant, ca aperitiv. Au fost delicioase, si mi-a placut ideea. Am cautat o reteta asemanatoare si am gasit la Giada de Laurentiis. Este putin laborioasa, dar cert e ca sunt foarte bune. Se pot servi ca aperitiv sau ca fel principal.
1 vanata mare sau 2 medii
sare si piper
450 grame branza ricotta
1 ou
1/3 cupa mozzarela pe razatoare
1-2 linguri parmesan ras, plus 3-4 linguri pentru servit
10 frunze busuioc
ulei de masline
2 cupe de sos de rosii (se poate folosi sos de rosii cumparat, sau se poate face acasa, dupa aceasta reteta)
Se incinge gratarul (eu am unul mic, care se pune pe aragaz) si cuptorul la 190 grade Celsius (375 Fahrenheit).
Vinetele se curata de coaja (sau se poate lasa intacta) si de cotor, si se taie pe lungime in felii cu grosimea de 1/2 cm. Se intind pe o tava si se presara cu sare, se lasa 10-15 minute. Se spala sub jet de apa ca sa se ia sarea, si se tamponeaza cu un servet sa se usuce. Gratarul se unge cu ulei sau cu spray de gatit, si se pun feliile de vinete, aproximativ 4 minute pe fiecare parte, pana cand se rumenesc si se inmoaie. Se iau de pe gratar si se lasa sa se raceasca putin.

Se bate oul, se amesteca cu ricotta, apoi se adauga mozzarella, parmesanul si frunzele de busuioc taiate chifonade (in fasii lungi).
Se ia amestecul de branza cu lingura, se pune o lingura pe o felie de vanata, se ruleaza, si se aseaza cu capatul dedesupt intr-o tava (sau cratita) unsa cu ulei.

La fel se fac toate feliile.

Se pune sosul de rosii deasupra, se intinde peste toata tava. Se condimenteaza cu sare si piper. Se presara restul de parmesan si se baga la cuptor pentru 30-40 minute, pana cand vinetele sunt bine coapte. Dupa coacere, se presara ulei de masline deasupra.

I had Eggplant roll-ups for the first time at a restaurant, for an appetizer. They were delicious and I liked the idea. I looked for a similar recipe and I found out Giada’s de Laurentiis recipe. It takes a while to prepare it, but they are very good. You can serve them as an appetizer or as a main dish, accompanied by some crusty bread.
1 large eggplant or 2 medium eggplants
Salt and pepper
1 pint ricotta cheese (about 2 cups)
1 egg
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella
2 tbsp shredded parmesan cheese, plus more for serving
10 basil leaves, cut in long ribbons (chiffonaded)
Olive oil
2 cups tomato sauce (it can be used store bought, or you can make your own with this recipe)
Preheat a grill (outside grill or a stove top) and preheat the oven at 375 degrees.
Cut the end of the eggplant. Slice the eggplant lengthwise, into 1/3 inch thick slices. Sprinkle salt over the slices, to remove the bitterness. Set aside for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the salt and pat dry.
Spray the hot grill with non stick spray, or for an open fire grill, wipe with a cloth and little oil. Place the eggplant slices on the grill, 3-4 minutes on each side, until lightly browned. Remove and let cool.
In a bowl, beat the egg, add the ricotta cheese, and mix. Add the mozzarella, parmesan and the basil leaves and mix to combine.
Place one tablespoon of mixture on one end of the eggplant and roll tightly. Place the eggplant rollatini into a greased (with olive oil) baking dish. Continue with the remaining slices. Season with salt and pepper. Evenly distribute the tomato sauce on top of the eggplant rollatini, and sprinkle with a handful of parmesan cheese.
Place in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, until the eggplant is tender. When cooked, drizzle the top with some olive oil.
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Came across your blog on Google and LOVE it, new follower!
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