(Please scroll down for English version)
Savarina este un desert romanesc, des intalnit in cofetarii cand am crescut in Romania. Imi amintesc primele intalniri ale adolescentei, cand mergeam la cofetarie si mancam savarine.
Nu stiu istoria savarinei, dar banuiesc ca un roman inventiv, in grelele timpuri ale comunismului, cand painea si ouale erau rationalizate, si trebuia sa astepti ore la coada la lapte, a incercat (si reusit) sa copieze un desert francez in forma de savarin.
Foarte usor, pufos si siropos, savarina are gust similar cu al tortului Tres leces, dar facut cu mai putine ingrediente. Se face in forme speciale individuale (de acolo ii vine si numele), pe care le-am cautat ceva vreme pana cand le-am gasit. Daca nu aveti forme de savarine, puteti sa le faceti in forma de muffins.
La savarina se poate adauga orice sirop sau fruct, mie imi place simplu, numai cu frisca.
5 oua
5 linguri de zahar
5 linguri de pesmet fin
1 lingura faina
esenta vanilie
Pentru sirop:
1 pahar mare de apa (400 ml)
1/4 cana zahar
esenta de rom
Pentru frisca:
1 cana (250 ml) frisca lichida batute cu 3-4 linguri de zahar pudra, dupa gust
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se separa ouale, galbenusurile se freaca cu zaharul pana cand isi schimba culoarea in galben deschis si se dubleaza in volum. Se adauga pesmetul si faina, si se incorporeaza.
Albusurile se bat spuma tare (Sunt bine batute atunci cand se scoate mixerul din ele, il intorci in sus, si spuma sta tare).
Se amesteca usor albusurile cu amestecul de galbenusuri, de jos in sus, se pune in formele unse cu unt si tapetate cu pesmet.
Se coc aproximativ 25 minute, pana cand se rumenesc si cand scobitoarea bagata in mijloc iasa afara curata. Se lasa sa se raceasca
Pentru sirop se fiebe apa, se adauga zaharul pana cand se topeste. Se opreste focul si se adauga esenta de rom. Se lasa sa se racoreasca.
Cand savarinele sunt racite, se pun intr-o tava si se toarna siropul peste fiecare. Se lasa la frigider cateva ore pana cand siropul este absorbit in totalitate.
Se taie varful savarinelor, lasandu-se o parte atasata. Se pune frisca intr-un pos sau intr-o punga si i se taie un colt. Se umplu partea taiata a savarinelor cu frisca si sunt gata de servit.
Pofta buna!
Savarina is a Romanian dessert, very often seen in the sweet shops growing up in Romania. I remember as a teenager going on my first dates and having Savarina in some sweet shop. I don’t know the history of Savarina, but I’m guessing that some inventive Romanian, in the hard times during communism, when the bread and eggs were rationalized, and one had to wait hours in line for milk, tried (and succeed) to copy cat some French dessert in Savarin shape.
Very light, fluffy and moist, Savarina is similar in taste with a Tres leces cake, but made with fewer ingredients. It is made in a special single serving mold (that’s where the name is coming from), which I looked for a while until I found it. If you can’t find the round and flowery Savarin mold, you can make it in a muffins tray.
To the Savarina it can be added any syrup or fruit, but I like it with whipped cream only.
The batter (6 servings):
5 eggs
5 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp breadcrumbs
1 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla
For the syrup:
2 cups water
¼ cup sugar
Rum flavoring (or 2 tbsp rum)
1 cup heavy cream whipped with 3 tbsp powdered sugar
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
Separate the eggs. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until turn lighter in color and double in volume. Add the vanilla, flour and breadcrumbs and beat until incorporated.
Whip the egg whites until soft peaks forms. Take some of the egg whites and fold in the egg yolks mixture, very lightly. Fold in the remaining egg whites.
Butter the mold and pour the batter equally in the molds. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, until golden brown, and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Remove and let cool.
Make the syrup: heat the water until starts boiling. Turn off the heat and add the sugar and the rum mix to dissolve. Let cool.
Remove the savarins from the mold and move to a shallow pan. Pour all the syrup on top of each savarina. Move the pan in the fridge and let soak all the syrup for several hours.
Cut the top of each savarina leaving a small part still attached. Pour the whipped cream in a pastry bag or a sandwich bag and cut a small corner. Fill the cut of each savarina with whipped cream.
1 comment:
Blogul tau e super si retete una si una, tot ce am gatit de aici din comoara ta mi-a iesit fara greseala,iti multumesc pt tot tine-o tot asa.Felicitari!
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