(Please scroll down for English version)
Cat vremea ne mai permite un gratar, sa facem niste muschi de vita. Nu gatesc foarte des muschi de vita, dar reteta de azi merge la o petrecere, aniversare sau la o sarbatoare.
Imi place taietura "Rib-eye" (imi pare rau ca nu stiu echivalentul in romana), are mai multa grasime si va tine carnea mai frageda. Bucata mea a fost groasa de aprox 2,5 cm, si la 4 minute pe fiecare parte a fost mediu gatita, inca roz in mijloc. Daca folositi o bucata mai subtire, sau va place mai bine facuta, o tineti mai putin sau mai mult. Ideea cu saramura de dupa coacere este luata de la Nigella Lawson.
1 bucata de muschi de vita
sare si piper dupa gust
cateva linguri de ulei de masline pentru uns
Pentru saramura:
cimbru proaspat
2 catei de usturoi zdrobiti bine (pot fi lasati necuratati)
1/3 cana ulei de masline (80 ml)
zeama si coaja rasa de la o jumatate de lamaie
sare si piper
Se incinge si se curata gratarul. Se sterge cu un servetel inmuiat in ulei.
Carnea se scoate de la frigider cu aprox 15-20 minute inainte sa fie pusa pe gratar, nu trebuie "socata". Se da cu sare si piper si se unge cu ulei.
Se amesteca toate ingredientele pentru saramura intr-un vas intins.
Se pune carnea pe gratar, la foc mediu spre mare si se tine 4-5 minute pe fiecare parte, cu capacul de la gratar pus (pentru o bucata groasa de aprox 1 cm, se tine 3 minute pe fiecare parte).
Se ia carnea de pe gratar si se pune in saramura. Se mai lasa cate 4 minute pe fiecare parte sa isi ia aromele si sa se redistribuie sucurile din carne.
Se poate servi cu salata, cartofi sau legume. Pofta buna!
As long as the weather still allows grilling, let’s grill some steak. I don’t cook steak very often, but today’s recipe is good for a holiday, party or anniversary.
I like the Rib-Eye steak, it has some more fat than other cuts and it keeps the meat tenderer. My steak was 1 inch thick and at 4 minutes on each side cooking time it was cooked medium. If you have a thinner cut, keep it less time on the grill, or for more well done steak, increase the time at 5-6 minutes on each side. The soaking in juice idea I got it from Nigella Lawson’s show.
1 Rib-Eye steak
Salt and pepper after taste
Few tbsp olive oil for greasing the meat
For soaking:
5-6 springs fresh thyme
2 cloves of garlic, smashed (the skin can be left on)
1/3 cup olive oil
Zest and juice from ½ lemons
Salt and pepper
Preheat and clean the grill. Wipe the grates with a paper towel soaked in oil.
Take the meat out of fridge 15-20 minutes before placing on the hot grill (it shouldn’t be shocked). Season the steak with salt and pepper and drizzle with some olive oil.
Mix all the soaking ingredients in a large bowl.
Place the meat on the grill, on medium to high heat, 4-5 minutes on each side, with the grill lid on (for an ½ inch thick steak, grill for 2-3 minutes on each side).
Remove the steak from the grill and place it in the soaking mix. Leave it for another 4 minutes on each side, to soak the flavors and redistribute the juices.
Serve it with potatoes, vegetables or a salad.
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