Sandvisurile calde, alaturi de o supa calda sunt pranzul perfect pentru americani. Eu nu fac sandvisuri foarte des, dar acestea au fost asa de bune, incat merita incercate.
Ideea pentru sandvisuri mi-a venit la un picnic, unde una din prietene, vegetariana fiind, a mancat numai vinete pe gratar. M-am gandit sa integrez vinetele coapte in sandvisuri. Primul sandvis este idee personala, un sandvis vegetarian. Cel de-al doilea este o derivatie de la un sandvis clasic american: BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato) adica in traducere: costita afumata, salata verde si rosii.
Cand fata care imi facea pregatirea in prima zi la restaurant tot zicea "BLT", habar nu aveam ce inseamna, dar am aflat destul de repede. Si cand l-am si incercat, mi-a placut foarte mult. Combinatia de costita afumata sarata si legume proaspete este delicioasa.
Prepararea vinetelor:
O vanata medie, se spala si se taie felii rotunde cu grosimea de aprox 1 cm. Se pun pe un tocator si se presara cu multa sare. Se lasa 15 minute, timp in care sarea va extrage sucul amar si vinete. Vinetele se spala sub jet de apa si se tamponeaza cu un servet. Se presara putin ulei de masline.
Se pun pe gratarul incins (se pot face si pe plita) pentru cateva minute pe fiecare parte, pana cand se rumenesc. Se iau si se dau deoparte.
Pentru primul sandvis am folosit ceapa coapta: o ceapa medie curatata de piele si taiata rondele putin mai subtiri decat vinetele. Ceapa am dat-o si pe ea cu putin ulei si am copt-o impreuna cu vinetele (un cleste de bucatarie este foarte bun pentru apucat ceapa cand se intoarce). Eu nu am avut ardei grasi in acea zi, dar daca aveti, coaceti si un ardei. Cateva felii de ardei copt se imperecheaza foarte bine cu vinetele.
Sandvis vegetarian (pentru 1 sandvis):
2 felii de paine (de orice fel doriti, eu am folosit foccacia taiata jumatate)
1 lingura de maioneza din borcan
2 felii de vinete coapte ca mai sus
2 felii de ceapa coapta
2 felii de rosie taiata rondele
Se ung feliile de paine cu maioneza, si se asambleaza sandvisul. Inainte de a se pune felia de paine deasupra se presara putina sare.
BLT cu vinete (pentru 1 sandvis):
2 felii de paine prajita (in prajitorul de paine sau pe plita)
1 lingura de maioneza
2 felii de costita afumata
2 felii de vinete coapte ca mai sus
2 felii de rosie taiata rondele
frunze de salata verde, andive sau chiar rucola sau spanac, orice verdeata aveti la indemana
Costita afumata se pune intr-o tigaie fara ulei, la foc mediu
si se prajeste, intorcandu-se pe ambele parti, pana cand toata grasimea este topita si costita este crocanta. Se scoate pe un servetel sa mai absoarba din grasime.
Fiecare felie de paine se unge cu maioneza, apoi se asambeaza: frunzele de salata verde, vinetele, rosia si costita, apoi cea de-a doua felie de paine. Nu este nevoie de sare, costita fiind deajuns de sarata.
Pofta buna!
Warm sandwiches, along a hot soup are a perfect American lunch. I don’t make sandwiches very often, but these are so good, it’s worth to give it a try.
The idea came to me at a picnic, when one of my friends, because she’s vegetarian, had only grilled eggplants. I thought to integrate the grilled eggplants in some sandwiches.
First is a personal idea for a vegetarian sandwich. The second one is a twist on an American classic: BLT or bacon, lettuce and tomato.
When the girl that trained me in my first day at the restaurant, kept saying “BLT”, I had no idea what that was. I found out pretty soon, and when I had it, I loved it. The combination between salty bacon and fresh vegetables is delicious.
Prepare the eggplant:
Clean one medium eggplant and slice it ½ inch thick. Place the eggplant sandwiches on a board or on a rack and salt them abundantly. Let sit for 15 minutes, the salt will extract the bitterness out of the eggplants. Rinse and pat dry. Drizzle with a little olive oil. Place the eggplant on a hot grill (outside or inside), for few minutes on each side, until golden brown. Remove and set aside.
For the first sandwich I used grilled onion: I cleaned one medium onion, and I sliced it almost as thick as the eggplants. I drizzled some olive oil and I grilled it in the same time with the eggplant. I didn’t have bell peppers that day, but if you like it, grill some pepper slices too, they pair very nice with the eggplant.
Vegetarian sandwich (makes 1):
2 slices of bread of your liking (I used foccacia)
1 tbsp jarred mayo
2 grilled eggplant slices
2 grilled onion slices
2 fresh tomato slices
Spread the mayo on the 2 slices of bread, and ensemble the sandwich. Before you put the top slice of bread, sprinkle little salt.
Eggplant BLT (makes 1):
2 toasted slices of bread
1 tbsp jarred mayo
2 slices of bacon
2 grilled eggplant slices
2 fresh tomato slices
Few lettuce leaves (you can also use endive, arugula or spinach)
Place the bacon in a pan, and fry until crisp. Remove and place on a paper towel to drain the excess fat.
Spread the mayo on the bread, and ensemble the sandwich: lettuce, eggplant slices, tomato and bacon. There is no need for salt, the bacon is salty enough.
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