Pentru ca imi place fasolea verde, mi-am facut provizii de la o ferma din apropiere (pe langa alte multe legume). Am spalat pastaile, le-am curatat numai de codita, le-am lasat sa se zvante putin si le-am pus in pungi cu fermoar si apoi in congelator. Cand o sa vreau sa gatesc, le pun din congelator direct in apa fiarta, si sunt gata de salata.
Reteta de azi am gasit-o cand cautam altceva pe site-ul Food Network, si mi-a placut foarte mult ideea de fasole verde si branza. Eu i-am adaugat cateva smochine, care au fost in sezon. Foarte dulci si moi, s-au potrivit bine cu branza sarata.
aprox 500 gr fasole verde proaspata (se poate folosi congelata)
1/2 ceapa verde taiata rondele (eu am avut o ceapa foarte mare)
1 cana nuci (250 ml)
1 cana branza Feta (250 ml)
4-5 smochine proaspete, taiate in sferturi
Pentru dressing:
1/2 lingurita sare
piper proaspat macinat
otet (4 linguri)
ulei de masline extra virgin (aprox 8 linguri)
Cantitatile sunt aproximative, pentru ca nu le masor. Uleiul ar trebui sa fie dublul otetului.
Se amesteca sarea, piperul si otetul intr-un castronel si se bat cu telul, se adauga uleiul in fir subtire, batandu-se in continuu, pana cand tot uleiul este incorporat.
Pentru a testa dressingul, se intinge cu o bucatica de fasole in dressing, si se gusta.
Se opareste fasolea: se pune o oala cu apa la fiert. Cand incepe sa fiarba, se pune fasolea si se lasa 5 minute, pana cand este patrunsa putin, dar nu prea moale. Se scoate si se pune in apa cu gheata, sa se opreasca fierberea, si apoi se scurge.
Pentru a coace nucile, se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit). Se pun nucile intr-o tava intr-un singur strat si se tin la cuptor 10-15 minute, pana cand se rumenesc.
Se asambleaza salata: intr-un bol se pune fasolea, ceapa, nucile si smochinele. Se presara deasupra dressingul, si se amesteca. Se serveste cu branza faramata deasupra.
Sper ca o sa va placa la fel de mult ca si mie!
Because I like green beans, I made a little stock for the winter from a neighborhood farm (along with other nice vegetables). I washed the beans, I cut only the stem, let them dry a little and place the beans in plastic zipper bags and after that in the freezer. When I’m going to be in a mood for some green beans, I’ll just place them in boiling water, and they’re ready for salad.
I found today’s recipe when I was looking for something else on The Food Network website, and I liked the idea of pairing the green beans with Feta cheese. I also added some figs, it’s their season. Being sweet and soft, they were great with the saltiness of the cheese.
About one pound of fresh green beans (frozen can be also used)
½ red onion sliced (I had a large onion)
1 cup walnuts
1 cup Feta cheese
4-5 fresh figs cut in quarters
For the dressing:
½ tsp salt
Fresh ground pepper
White wine vinegar (or cider vinegar) about 4 tbsp
Extra virgin olive oil (about 8 tbsp)
The quantities are approximate, I didn’t measure. The oil should be the double of the vinegar.
Whisk the salt, pepper and vinegar. Add the oil, little at a time, whisking continuously.
To test it, dip a piece of green bean in the dressing and taste it.
To blanch the green beans, place a pot with water on medium heat. When the water is boiling, add the green beans and boil for 5 minutes. Remove the beans and place them in an ice water bath, to stop boiling. Drain and set aside.
To roast the walnuts, preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Place the walnuts on a sheet pan and place them in the oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
To make the salad, place the green beans, onion, walnuts and figs. Drizzle the dressing and toss. Serve with crumble Feta cheese.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
ce coincidenta ,tocmai am cumparat fasole verde sa fac salata cu smochine si feta!a ta arata fantastic de apetisanta!
Multumesc Alison, a fost foarte buna :) Sigur o sa o mai fac si altadata.
Arata foaarte buna salata ta ! Felicitari pt blog !
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