September 05, 2010

Supa crema de rosii coapte/ Roasted tomato soup

(Please scroll down for English version)

Toamna incepe sa isi faca incet incet simtita aparitia... a venit iara timpul uneia din supele mele preferate.

Dupa o reteta a lui Tyler Florence si modificata putin de mine, aceasta supa este perfecta pentru zilele care incep sa se raceasca, gradina cu rosii si legume este pe sfarsite, iar in casa miroase a paine proaspata si rosii coapte.


1 - 1 1/2 kg rosii proaspete amestecate (lungi, rotunde, mari, tip cireasa sau strugure)
1 ardei gras rosu (sau gogosar)
6 catei de usturoi curatati
2 cepe mici
1/2 cana ulei de masline (125 ml)
sare si piper dupa gust
4 linguri de unt
1 litru de supa de pui sau de legume
2 foi de dafin
frunze de busuioc si cimbru proaspete (se pot inlocui cu uscate)
1 cana de frisca lichida neindulcita (200 - 250 ml)

Echipament special: blender.

Se incinge cuptorul la mare 230 grade Celsius (450 Fahrenheit).

Rosiile, ardeiul si ceapa se taie bucati mari.
Se pun rosiile, ardeiul, ceapa si usturoiul pe o tava mare, intr-un singur strat, se condimenteaza cu sare si piper dupa gust si se presara uleiul de masline.
Se baga tava la cuptor aprox 30 minute pana cand legumele sunt rumenite.

Optional, pentru decor se pot opri cateva rosii cireasa coapte.

Se incinge untul intr-o oala, se adauga tot continutul tavii, supa si foile de dafin. Se fierbe 20-30 minute pana cand lichidul incepe sa scada putin.

Se scot foile de dafin, se adauga busuiocul si cimbrul, si se opreste focul. Se face supa piure cu blenderul, fie cu cel care se baga in oala, fie in cel cu cana, caz in care se lucreaza in cateva etape (atentie, va fi fierbinte).

In cazul in care ati folosit un blender cu cana, se pune supa inapoi in oala si se mai fierbe putin pe foc mic. Se potriveste de sare si piper. Se opreste focul, si se adauga incet frisca, cata doriti.

Apoi se savureaza decorata cu rosii, alaturi de o felie de paine calda si coaja crocanta.

The fall is coming, little by little… it's the time for one of my favorite soups.

After a Tyler’s Florence recipe and changed a little by me, this soup is perfect for the chilly days, when we’re picking the last vegetables from the garden, and inside the house smells like fresh baked bread and roasted tomatoes.


2 ½ pounds mixed fresh tomatoes (plum, heirloom, cherry and vine tomatoes)
1 red bell pepper
6 cloves of garlic, peeled
2 small onions
½ cup olive oil
Salt and pepper after taste
4 tbsp butter
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 bays leafs
Fresh basil and thyme leaves (you can substitute with dry)
1 cup heavy cream

Preheat the oven at 450 degrees.

Cut the tomatoes, pepper and onions in large pieces. Place the tomatoes, pepper, onions and garlic cloves on a large baking sheet, in one layer. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.

Roast the vegetables in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until caramelized.
Remove, and optional set aside few cherry tomatoes for garnish.

Heat the butter in a pot; add all the roasted vegetables, the stock and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes until the soup start reducing.

Remove the bay leaves and add the basil and thyme. Puree the soup using either an immersion blender or a regular blender. In this case, work in batches (be careful, it’s hot stuff).

If you used a regular blender, return the soup to the pot, and keep it on low heat. Check for salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and add the heavy cream, as much or as little you like.

Enjoy it decorated with roasted cherry tomatoes, along with some fresh crusty bread!

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