(Please scroll down for English version)
Se pare ca acest fel de a gati puiul vine de la Kiev. In mod traditional este un piept de pui batut, rulat cu unt si condimente, apoi prajit sau copt.
Varianta de azi are sparanghel, costita afumata sau prosciutto, si este copt, nu fiert. Se poate servi cu salata, cartofi, sau cu orice garnitura poftiti.
2 piepti de pui, taiati felii groase de 1/2 cm
8-10 felii de costita afumata, sau 4-5 felii de prosciutto, taiate jumatati
10 tulpini de sparanghel
1 cana faina
1 ou batut
1 cana pesmet
aprox 5 linguri de unt
sare si piper
Se pune o oala mica cu apa la fiert. Se incinge cuptorul la 180 de grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Sparanghelului i se rupe baza: se prinde cu o mana de baza si una de la jumatate, se indoaie usor si se va rupe singur acolo unde este fraged. La fel se fac toate tulpinile, sau se aliniaza dupa prima rupta si se taie cu cutitul.
Se taie tulpinile de sparanghel ramase in jumatati sau treimi, depinde cat sunt de lungi.
Se pun in apa care fierbe, aprox 3 minute, apoi se scot.
Feliile de pui se pun intre 2 foi de plastic (din cele cu care se acopera mancarea). Se bat cu ce aveti la indemana, ciocan de bucatarie, facalet :) pana cand sunt foarte subtiri.
Se aseaza faina, oul batut si pesmetul in 3 castronele, in ordine. Untul se taie in bucatele mici lunguiete.
Se ia o felie de pui batuta, se presara cu putina sare si piper (usor cu sarea, costita sau prosciutto sunt deja sarate), se aseaza deasupra 2 felii de costita una langa alta, sau o felie de prosciutto, apoi 2 bucatele de sparanghel de-a latul, o bucatica de unt, la un capat si se ruleaza. Se trece ruloul prin faina, apoi prin ou, apoi prin pesmet, si se aseaza cu terminatia in jos, intr-o tava unsa cu unt.
La fel se procedeaza cu restul de pui.
Se pune cate o bucatica de unt pe fiecare rulou si se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 20-25 minute, pana cand se rumeneste.

It seems like this chicken dish has the roots in Kiev. It’s traditionally a pounded chicken breast, rolled with butter and condiments, then fried or baked.
Today variation has asparagus, bacon or prosciutto, and it’s baked, not fried. It can be served along a salad, potatoes or any side dish you desire.
2 boneless chicken breasts cut 1/3 inch thick slices
8-10 bacon slices, or 4-5 prosciutto slices, cut in halves
10 asparagus sticks
1 cup flour
1 egg, beaten
1 cup breadcrumbs
About 5 tbsp butter cut in small pieces
Salt and pepper
Place a small pot with water to boil, for steaming the asparagus. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
Remove the ends of the asparagus: place one hand at the base and the other at the half of the asparagus and bend. It’s going to snap in the right place, where is tender. Do the same with the rest of the asparagus, or align the bunch and cut after the first one.
Cut the pieces in halves or thirds, depends on how long they are.
Place in the boiling water for 3 minutes, remove and set aside.
Place one piece of chicken in between 2 pieces of plastic wrap. Beat them with a mallet until they’re very thin.
Place the flour, egg and breadcrumbs in 3 separate bowls, and place the bowls in a row.
Take one piece of chicken, season with salt and pepper (not too much salt, the bacon or prosciutto is already salted). Lay 2 strips of bacon side by side, or lay one slice of prosciutto. Place 2 asparagus tips crosswise and a small piece of butter and roll the chicken around the asparagus and the butter.
Dip the roll in flour, the in egg and then in breadcrumbs. Place in a butter baking dish, with the seam on the bottom. Do the same with the rest of the chicken slices.
Place one piece of butter on top of each roll. Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, until is golden brown.
Se pare ca acest fel de a gati puiul vine de la Kiev. In mod traditional este un piept de pui batut, rulat cu unt si condimente, apoi prajit sau copt.
Varianta de azi are sparanghel, costita afumata sau prosciutto, si este copt, nu fiert. Se poate servi cu salata, cartofi, sau cu orice garnitura poftiti.
2 piepti de pui, taiati felii groase de 1/2 cm
8-10 felii de costita afumata, sau 4-5 felii de prosciutto, taiate jumatati
10 tulpini de sparanghel
1 cana faina
1 ou batut
1 cana pesmet
aprox 5 linguri de unt
sare si piper
Se pune o oala mica cu apa la fiert. Se incinge cuptorul la 180 de grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Sparanghelului i se rupe baza: se prinde cu o mana de baza si una de la jumatate, se indoaie usor si se va rupe singur acolo unde este fraged. La fel se fac toate tulpinile, sau se aliniaza dupa prima rupta si se taie cu cutitul.
Se taie tulpinile de sparanghel ramase in jumatati sau treimi, depinde cat sunt de lungi.
Se pun in apa care fierbe, aprox 3 minute, apoi se scot.
Feliile de pui se pun intre 2 foi de plastic (din cele cu care se acopera mancarea). Se bat cu ce aveti la indemana, ciocan de bucatarie, facalet :) pana cand sunt foarte subtiri.
Se aseaza faina, oul batut si pesmetul in 3 castronele, in ordine. Untul se taie in bucatele mici lunguiete.
Se ia o felie de pui batuta, se presara cu putina sare si piper (usor cu sarea, costita sau prosciutto sunt deja sarate), se aseaza deasupra 2 felii de costita una langa alta, sau o felie de prosciutto, apoi 2 bucatele de sparanghel de-a latul, o bucatica de unt, la un capat si se ruleaza. Se trece ruloul prin faina, apoi prin ou, apoi prin pesmet, si se aseaza cu terminatia in jos, intr-o tava unsa cu unt.
La fel se procedeaza cu restul de pui.
Se pune cate o bucatica de unt pe fiecare rulou si se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 20-25 minute, pana cand se rumeneste.
It seems like this chicken dish has the roots in Kiev. It’s traditionally a pounded chicken breast, rolled with butter and condiments, then fried or baked.
Today variation has asparagus, bacon or prosciutto, and it’s baked, not fried. It can be served along a salad, potatoes or any side dish you desire.
2 boneless chicken breasts cut 1/3 inch thick slices
8-10 bacon slices, or 4-5 prosciutto slices, cut in halves
10 asparagus sticks
1 cup flour
1 egg, beaten
1 cup breadcrumbs
About 5 tbsp butter cut in small pieces
Salt and pepper
Place a small pot with water to boil, for steaming the asparagus. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
Remove the ends of the asparagus: place one hand at the base and the other at the half of the asparagus and bend. It’s going to snap in the right place, where is tender. Do the same with the rest of the asparagus, or align the bunch and cut after the first one.
Cut the pieces in halves or thirds, depends on how long they are.
Place in the boiling water for 3 minutes, remove and set aside.
Place one piece of chicken in between 2 pieces of plastic wrap. Beat them with a mallet until they’re very thin.
Place the flour, egg and breadcrumbs in 3 separate bowls, and place the bowls in a row.
Take one piece of chicken, season with salt and pepper (not too much salt, the bacon or prosciutto is already salted). Lay 2 strips of bacon side by side, or lay one slice of prosciutto. Place 2 asparagus tips crosswise and a small piece of butter and roll the chicken around the asparagus and the butter.
Dip the roll in flour, the in egg and then in breadcrumbs. Place in a butter baking dish, with the seam on the bottom. Do the same with the rest of the chicken slices.
Place one piece of butter on top of each roll. Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, until is golden brown.
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