(Please scroll down for English version)
Calirea rapida este o metoda de gatit chinezeasca. De obicei se face intr-un wok, o tigaie in forma sferica, care permite o suprafata incinsa mai mare. Gatirea in wok se face la temperatura foarte mare, care trebuie pastrata pe toata durata coacerii. Daca nu aveti wok, puteti folosi o tigaie obisnuita, dar aveti in vedere ca trebuie sa fie deajuns de mare sa incapa in ea toate legumele, si trebuie sa si amestecati.
Aceasta reteta este foarte rapida, mi-a trebuit mai mult timp cu pregatirea ingredientelor, totul trebuie sa fie taiat si tocat, gata de pus in tigaie inainte de a incepe.
Nu as putea spune ca este o reteta autentica chinezeasca dar se apropie foarte mult. Eu am folosit ce legume am avut prin frigider, si se pot substitui cu ce va place: ciuperci, broccoli, fasole verde.
De asemenea, eu am servit cu orez jasmine (iasomie), dar un orez alb obisnuit este bun, sau daca sunteti la dieta, sariti orezul.
Sa va spun ce fac eu cu ghimbirul cand cumpar si nu il folosesc pe tot in decurs de 1-2 saptamani: il curat de coaja si il tai bucati mai mici. Il pun intr-o punga cu fermoar in congelator, si il folosesc in ceaiul de dimineata, rad putin ghimbir congelat, ii da o aroma foarte buna.
Sa trecem la treaba:
1 lingura de usturoi tocat marunt
1 lingura ghimbir proaspat tocat marunt sau dat pe razatoare
3-4 linguri ulei (eu am amestecat ulei de susan si ulei de floarea soarelui, nu e bun uleiul de masline pentru ca se va arde)
1 piept de pui fara os si fara piele, taiat in cubulete de 2 cm
1 cana varza tocata
1 ardei gras rosu taiat in bucati de 2 cm
1/2 cana teci de mazare (congelate sau proaspete)
3-4 fire ceapa verde, taiate bucati de aprox 2 cm
3-4 linguri sos de soia
seminte de susan pentru decor (optional)
1 cana orez fiert (optional)
sare si piper, dupa gust (sosul de soia este deja sarat)
Se presara bucatile de pui cu putina sare si piper.
Se incinge uleiul in wok, la foc mare, pana cand incepe sa fumege putin (nu sa se arda). Se adauga ghimbirul si usturoiul, si se lasa 30 de secunde, mestecandu-se mereu.
Se adauga puiul si se mesteca in continuu, fie cu lingura, fie scuturand tigaia, pana cand puiul este alb pe toate partile.
Se adauga legumele si se mesteca in continuu, pentru 10-15 minute, depinde cat este focul de mare (focul meu nu a avut putere sa tina wok-ul foarte incins pe toata durata gatirii).
Se presara sosul de soia si se opreste focul. Se verifica de sare si piper.
Pentru servit, se aseaza puiul si legumele pe pat de orez, se presara o lingura de sos de soia si seminte de susan daca folositi.
Pofta buna!
Stir-frying is a Chinese cooking method, which is usually made in a wok. A wok is a hemisphere shape pan, which allows a bigger cooking surface. Stir-frying is made at a high temperature, kept at all cooking time. If you don’t have a wok, you can use a regular pan, big enough to keep all the ingredients and to have room for stirring.
This recipe is very fast, it needs more preparation than cooking time. Everything has to be ready to go in the pan before start cooking.
I couldn’t say is an authentic Chinese recipe, but its close enough. I used whatever vegetables I had in the fridge, and you can substitute with whatever you like: broccoli, mushrooms, and green beans.
I also served it with jasmine rice, but you can use any kind of rice you like. Or, if you’re on a diet, skip the rice.
Let me tell you what I do with the fresh ginger, when I don’t use it in a week or two: I clean it, cut in smaller pieces and place it in a zipper bag in the freezer. I grate some frozen ginger in my morning tea; it gives it a special flavor.
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp chopped or grated fresh ginger
3-4 tbsp oil (I mixed sunflower oil with sesame oil, I wouldn’t use olive oil for stir-frying, it has a low smoking point)
1 chicken boneless skinless chicken breast cut in 1 inch cubes
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 red bell pepper cut in 1 inch squares
½ cup peapods, frozen or fresh
3-4 green onions cut in 1 inch pieces
3-4 tbsp soy sauce
Sesame seeds for decoration (optional)
1 cup boiled rice (optional)
Salt and pepper after taste (the soy sauce is salty)
Sprinkle little salt and pepper on the chicken pieces.
Heat the oil in the wok, on high heat, until it starts smoking a little. Add the ginger and the garlic, and stir for 30 seconds. Add the chicken, and stir continuously, either with a spoon or shaking the wok, until is getting white on all sides.
Add the vegetables and keep stirring, for 10-15 minutes, depends on how high is the heat (my stove didn’t have enough strength to keep it very hot all the time).
Drizzle some soy sauce and remove from heat. Check for salt and pepper.
For serving, place the stir fry on top of rice, drizzle one tablespoon of soy sauce on top, and sprinkle sesame seeds, if using.
Multumim fain pentru reteta de stir fry chiken..a fost delicioasa!
Anonim, ma bucur ca v-a placut, si va astept oricand sa incercati retete noi :)
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