(Please scroll down for English version)
Azi incep cele 40 de zile ale postului Craciunului. Pentru crestinii ortodocsi romani incepe o perioada de curatire sufleteasca si spirituala pentru sarbatoarea Nasterii Domnului. Asta in cazul in care vor sa tina post. Pentru mine postul nu este numai o abtinere de la mancare, ci si o curatare a sufletului. Degeaba nu mananci carne daca gandesti rau, esti invidios si injuri.
Nu pot sa spun ca tin postul foarte strict, dar incerc, in special miercurea si vinerea. Incerc sa mananc mai putina carne, sa fiu mai buna si in special sa nu gandesc rau (asta este poate partea cea mai grea, de multe ori uitam si mintea fuge mult mai repede decat fuge mana la o bucata de carne).
Postul presupune renuntarea la carne, oua si lactate, adica tot ce provine de la animale. Ce ramane sa mancam? Legume, nuci, paste. Nici nu ne imaginam cat de bune sunt, si in cat de multe feluri pot fi consumate. Azi va propun o salata cu linte, de la EatingWell.com, si desi reteta are branza, se poate omite foarte usor. Salata este delicioasa si satioasa in acelasi timp.
1 - 1 1/2 linte uscata
1 cana ardei rosu gras tocat bucatele
1 cana castravete tocat bucatele
1/2 cana ceapa tocata (ceapa verde, rosie sau alba)
1/2 cana branza feta sfaramata (optional)
2-3 linguri patrunjel sau marar tocat
1 foaie de dafin
sare si piper
Lintea se pune la fiert intr-o oala cu apa care o acopera cu vreo 2-3 cm, cu foaia de dafin si putina sare si piper. Se fierbe aprox 1 ora, mestecandu-se din cand in cand pana cand lintea este patrunsa, dar isi mentine forma (daca apa scade foarte mult, mai adaugati putina apa). Se strecoara si se lasa sa se raceasca putin.
Se amesteca cu ardeiul, castravetele, ceapa si verdeata. Se toarna deasupra dressingul si se mesteca. Se serveste cu branza deasupra.
Pentru dressing:
3 linguri zeama de lamaie
2 lingurite mustar (preferabil Dijon)
sare si piper
4-5 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Se amesteca zeama de lamaie, mustarul, sarea si piperul, apoi se adauga uleiul, mestecand in continuu pana cand este tot incorporat.
Pofta buna!
Today, for the Romanian Christian Orthodox starts the 40 days of fasting before Christmas. The fast is mostly a vegan diet, a body and soul cleansing.
I try to fast, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays, and today I present you a vegetarian salad from EatingWell.com, which can become vegan just from skipping the cheese.
1 -1 ½ cups dry lentils
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup chopped cucumber
½ cup chopped onion (green, red or yellow, whichever you prefer)
½ cup crumbles feta cheese
2-3 tbsp chopped parsley or dill
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper
Place the lentils in a pot with water that covers them by 1 inch, add the bay leaf and little salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and simmer on medium heat for about 1 hour, until the lentils are soft, but hold their shape (if the water gets too low, add some more water). Drain and let cool a little.
Mix the cooled lentils with cucumber, peppers, onions and parsley or dill. Pour over the dressing and toss. Serve with crumble feta on top.
For the dressing:
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper after taste
4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Mix the lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper, and whisking continuously incorporate the oil.
This salad looks so good! I LOVE lentil salads and adding a bay leaf to lentils make it so much more flavourful. I recently started adding one bayleaf, a few sprigs of thyme and one yellow onion cut into quarters. I'll definitely try your recipe. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Megi, next time I'll add an onion too, it's a great idea. Thanks for stopping by!
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