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Legumele coapte raspandesc in casa o aroma si caldura placuta si te imbie sa te apuci sa impodobesti casa de Craciun. Le pui in cuptor, si tocmai bine, pana se termina de copt ai terminat si tu de decorat. Mai lipseste o ciocolata calda sa incheie cina, sau niste castane coapte...
Mi-a placut aceasta reteta luata de la Giada de Laurentiis, pe care eu am modificat-o putin dupa gusturile mele. I-am adaugat ceapa, care imi place foarte mult coapta, si putin otet balsamic, pentru ca imi place putin mai acrisor. Varzutele de Bruxelles sunt rumenite si delicioase, cartofii dulci si pastarnacul dulcegi, o nebunie de gusturi. O mancare foarte colorata, cred ca impaca toate gusturile, pentru copii, pentru cei care tin post, sau ca garnitura la friptura de duminica in familie.
1 ceapa rosie medie taiata bucati mari
2 morcovi medii taiati in bucati de vreo 4 cm
aproximativ 15 varzute de Bruxelles, curatate de foile de afara si taiate jumatati
4 cartofi rosii cu coaja, taiati felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 pastarnac taiat felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 cartof dulce curatat de coaja si taiat felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 lingurita de sare
piper proaspat macinat
100 ml ulei de masline
1 lingurita de ierburi uscate amestecate (oregano, cimbru, rozmarin, cimbrisor, busuioc, salvie)
otet balsamic pentru stropit deasupra (optional)
Se incinge cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).
Intr-o tava mai mare se pun toate legumele, se dau cu sare, piper, ierburi si ulei si se amesteca totul bine. Ar trebui sa aveti un singur strat cu legume.
Se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 35-40 minute pana cand legumele sunt rumenite.
Se scot si se servesc cu putin otet balsamic stropit deasupra.
Pofta buna!
The roasted vegetables spread a nice aroma in the house and they lure you in to put up the Christmas tree. Place them in the oven, and when you finish decorating, the dinner is ready too. A nice hot chocolate or some roasted chestnuts can finish up a nice evening…
I loved this recipe from Giada de Laurentiis, which I adapted after my likings. I added some onion, because I like roasted onions and little balsamic vinegar for a little acidity. The Brussels sprouts are golden brown delicious, sweet potatoes and parsnip adds a little sweetness; it’s a taste feast in one pan. Very colorful, can be appealing to everybody, from kids, vegetarians and vegans, or as a side dish for the Thanksgiving turkey or a Sunday roast.
1 medium red onion cut in large pieces
2 medium carrots cut in 1 ½ inch pieces
About 1 pound Brussels sprouts (15 pieces) trimmed and cut in halves
4 red potatoes skin on sliced 1 inch thick
1 parsnip slice 1 inch thick
1 sweet potato cleaned and sliced 1 inch thick
1 tsp salt
Fresh ground pepper
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp mixed dried herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil, sage)
Balsamic vinegar for drizzle on top (optional)
Preheat the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a roasting pan place the vegetables, add the salt, pepper, dried herbs and oil, and toss to even coating. You should have one layer of vegetables.
Place in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes until golden brown.
Remove and serve with little balsamic vinegar drizzle on top.
arata foarte apetisant, si zic asta nu numai pentru ca imi plac mie legumele :)).
O foarte aromata mancarica de post.
Mihaela, agreez ca legumele la cuptor da o aroma asa de placuta....si sant si gustoase:)...Imi place ca ai pus fel de fel de "vegetables"... cu brussels sprout nu am pus pana acuma. Asa de colorate arata. Asi manca si eu:)
Multumesc fetelor, ma bucur ca va plac :)
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