(Please scroll down for English version)
S-a dus vara si sezonul rosiilor cu ea odata. Dar inainte sa plece de tot eu am facut sos de rosii din ultima "recolta". Le-am savurat toata vara proaspete, si am reusit sa pastrez acea savoare intr-un sos.
Un mic secret: nu pastrez NICIODATA rosiile in frigider pentru ca devin malaioase si isi pierd din gust. Rosiile sanatoase se tin foarte bine pana la o saptamana in camera. Cum aducandu-le de la ferma am lovit cateva, am curatat partea lovita si am folosit partea buna.
Am facut cateva borcane cu sos si le-am pastrat in frigider. Este foarte bun pentru intins pe pizza sau incalzit si amestecat cu paste pentru o cina rapida.
Nu am incercat inca sa fac sosul cu rosii din conserva (din cele conservate intregi), dar cred ca ar iesi bun. Va tin la curent :)
Aprox 2 kg rosii
1 ceapa mica tocata
4 catei de usturoi tocati
4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Sare si piper dupa gust
1 foaie de dafin
1/2 lingurita seminte de fenicul
1/2 lingurita seminte de coriandru (pisate in mana sau in mojar)
5-6 frunze de busuioc proaspat
2-3 lingurite de zahar
2-3 linguri de unt
Rosiile se curata de cotor si vatamaturi, se taie bucati mari si se dau prin blender.
Intr-o cratita se incinge uleiul, se caleste ceapa cateva minute, apoi se adauga usturoiul. Dupa 1 minut - doua se adauga rosiile, foaia de dafin si putina sare si piper. Se lasa sa fiarba la foc mediu spre mic cam o ora pana la o ora jumatate, pana cand sosul se reduce la jumatate, mestecandu-se din cand in cand.
Cand sosul a scazut bine si s-a ingrosat, se adauga semintele de fenicul si coriandru, si frunzele de busuioc rupte bucatele. Se scoate foaia de dafin si se mai da odata prin blender (eu l-am folosit pe cel care se baga direct in oala). Va rezulta un sos fin.
Acum urmeaza partea dupa gustul fiecaruia. Cu oala inca pe foc mic, se gusta si se adauga sare si piper, si putin zahar, sa ii taie din aciditate. Tot pentru aciditate se adauga cate o bucatica de unt odata, se mai gusta, si se mai adauga zahar sau unt, pana cand se potriveste dupa gustul fiecaruia.
Daca va intrebati ce s-a intamplat cu semintele intregi, mi-a ramas una printre dinti, dar nu m-a deranjat foarte tare, se inmoaie si dau sosului un gust aparte.
Sa il folositi cu multa pofta!
The summer is long gone, and the tomatoes season is gone with it. But before it went away, I made this tomato sauce from the last “harvest”. I enjoyed the fresh tomatoes all summer long, and I managed to keep the goodness in a sauce.
A little secret: I NEVER keep my tomatoes in the fridge; they change and loose the flavor. Good and healthy tomatoes keep up to a week at room temperature. When we brought the tomatoes from the farm, some bruised, and I cleaned the bruised part and used the good part.
I made few jars of sauce and I keep them in the fridge. Is very good for homemade pizza or just heated and mix it with some pasta for a quick dinner.
I didn’t try to make the sauce with canned tomatoes, but I think it will turn out
pretty good. I’ll keep you posted :)
About 2 pounds fresh tomatoes
1 small onion chopped
4 garlic cloves chopped
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper after taste
1 bay leaf
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp coriander seeds (crushed in hands)
5-6 fresh basil leaves
2-3 tsp sugar
2-3 tbsp butter
Core and clean the tomatoes. Cut in large pieces and puree in blender in batches.
In a Dutch oven or large sauce pan heat the oil and add the onions. Sautee for 2-3 minutes and add the garlic. Sautee for another minute and add the tomatoes, bay leaf and little salt and pepper. Stirring once in a while, simmer on medium to low heat about an hour to an hour and a half, until the sauce reduce to a half.
When the sauce reduced and thickened, add the fennel and coriander, basil leaves and remove the bay leaf. Blend one more time (I used insertion blender) until the sauce is smooth.
Now is the part that everyone needs to adjust it by taste. With the sauce still on low heat, taste and adjust salt and pepper, and add 1 tsp sugar to cut the acidity. Also for acidity add 1 tbsp butter at a time, and taste again. Add more sugar and/or more butter.
If you wonder what happened with the seeds, I had one between my teeth when I had spaghetti, it was soft and I tasted a little fennel. Yummy :)
Choose a pizza recipe and enjoy!
Sosul e minunat,iar pozele sunt
mai mult decat graitoare.
Bravo !
Multumesc Lia, sosul este deosebit si intotdeauna ma bucur cand fac ceva bun si il fac dupa idee personala. Cu pozele, fac MUULTE poze ca sa aleg 2-3 bune :)
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