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Provocarea lunii Noiembrie la Dulce Romanie o tine cu multa placere Furnicuta Boscodina, care s-a gandit sa ne provoace si mai bine, folosind 2 ingrediente: nucile si usturoiul. Grea combinatie...
Am avut cateva idei, dar am ales aceasta salata, cu rucola, sparanghel (favoritele mele), dressing de usturoi si nuci deasupra (imi place orice are nuci sau alune deasupra :)). Simpla, buna si pentru post daca sarim peste branza.
Nu-i asa ca e interesant sa participi la o provocare? Sunt foarte curioasa ce idei de combinatie a usturoiului cu nucile au altii.
Salata cu rucola si sparanghel
2 maini de frunze de rucola
15 tulpini sparanghel
1/2 cana nuci tocate mare
1/3 cana parmesan ras
2 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Sare si piper
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se ia o tulpina de sparanghel si cu o mana la baza si una aproape de varf se indoaie, si se va rupe singura acolo unde incepe sa fie frageda. Se procedeaza la fel cu restul, sau se aliniaza toate dupa prima si se taie. Se dau cu sare, piper si ulei, se amesteca si se pun in tava intr-un singur strat. Se baga la cuptor 20-25 minute, depinde cat de groase sunt tulpinile.
Nucile se pun si ele intr-o alta tava si se baga la cuptor 10-15 minute pana cand se rumenesc.
Pentru a asambla salata se amesteca rucola, sparanghelul si nucile, se toarna dressingul deasupra si se presara parmesan ras.
2 catei de usturoi rasi pe razatoarea mica
1/2 lingurita sare
Piper proaspat macinat
1 lingurita mustar (preferabil Dijon)
2 linguri otet balsamic
4-5 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Se pune usturoiul, sarea, piperul, mustarul si otetul intr-un castronel si se amesteca cu o lingua de lemn pana cand devine omogen si cremos. Mestecandu-se mereu, se adauga uleiul in fir subtire pana cand este tot incorporat. Simplu, nu?
Pofta buna!
The November challenge at Sweet Romania is hosted proudly by Furnicuta Boscodina, which challenged us with 2 ingredients: walnuts and garlic. Tough combination…
I had some ideas, but I chose this salad, with arugula, asparagus (my favorites), garlic dressing and walnuts topping (I love anything with nuts topping :)). It’s simple, good, vegetarian, even vegan if we skip the cheese.
Isn’t it interesting to get into a challenge? I’m so excited to see what kind of ideas others had to combine garlic and walnuts.
Arugula and asparagus salad
2 handful baby arugula leaves
15 asparagus spears
½ cup roughly chopped walnuts
1/3 cup shaved parmesan
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hold one asparagus spear with one hand at the bottom and one at the top part. Bend and it’s going to snap where it’s start being woody. Do the same with the rest, or align with the first one and cut.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper and olive oil. Toss and place in a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, depends how thick the asparagus is. Remove.
Place the walnuts on a different baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
To make the salad, toss the arugula, asparagus and walnuts; pour dressing on top and sprinkle with shaved parmesan.
For dressing:
2 garlic cloves grated
½ tsp salt
Fresh cracked pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Mix the garlic, salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar with a wooden spoon until becomes creamy. Beat continuously and add the oil little at a time until all incorporated. Easy, isn’t it?
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