Traditional pentru curcanul de Ziua Recunostintei este sosul de merisoare. Nu am facut niciodata, dar am mancat gata preparat, este foarte bun, putin acrisor.
Insa eu ador acest sos de visine, a carui reteta o am de la mama soacra (Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca in pace!)
Imi place gustul dulce acrisor, este foarte usor de facut si poate fi mancat cu curcan, pui la cuptor, foarte bun peste cartofi piure, chiar si cu porc la cuptor.
Aici nu sunt foarte populare visinele, si nu am mai mancat visine proaspete de mult. Dar se gaseste usor compot de visine adus din Europa. Pentru sos se foloseste numai zeama, si eventual cateva fructe (aveti grija sa nu aiba samburi si sa-si rupa cineva dintii). Intotdeauna imi raman fructe fara zeama pentru care trebuie sa gasesc o folosinta. Anul trecut le-am amestecat cu tuica de la tata si zahar si a iesit o visinata pe cinste.
Cred ca acum o sa le stropesc cu putin rom si o sa fac o prajitura.
2 linguri unt
2 linguri faina
zeama de la un borcan de 900 gr compot de visine
sare si piper dupa gust
1/2 lingurita coaja de portocala rasa
Intr-o tigaie se incinge untul pe foc mediu si apoi se adauga faina. Se mesteca cu o lingura de lemn pana cand este totul amestecat bine si se prajeste faina, cam 1 minut. Se adauga zeama de compot putin cate putin, mestecandu-se mereu, pana cand ajungeti la consistenta dorita. Se da intr-un clocot mic, si se potriveste cu sare si piper. Se stinge focul si se adauga coaja rasa de portocala.
Un deliciu!
Traditional for the Thanksgiving turkey is the cranberry sauce. I never prepared it, but I had some, and it’s really good and little tart.
But I love this sour cherry sauce, which recipe I have from my mother-in-law (God rest her soul!)
I like the sweet and sour taste, it’s easy to make and it can be served with turkey, roast chicken, very good over mashed potatoes, even with roast pork.
In America, the sour cherries are not very popular, and I haven’t had fresh sour cherries in a long time. But the sour cherry in syrup and sour cherry preserve can be easy found in European specialty stores. For this sauce I used the syrup and few fruits (be careful that sour cherry to be pitted so nobody break their teeth). Every year I have left fruits that I can find a use. They can be mixed with vodka and sugar for some flavor liqueur. This year I think I’m going to soak them in little rum and use it in a cake.
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp all purpose flour
The syrup from 1 (32 oz) jar of sour cherry in syrup
Salt and pepper after taste
½ tsp orange zest
Heat the butter in a sauce pan over medium heat, and add the butter. Mix with a wooden spoon until forms rue, and cook for a minute. Start adding the syrup, little by little, until you have the desired thickness. Bring to a boil and add salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and add the orange zest.
Foarte interesant - suna super bine :D
Este delicios! Multumesc pentru vizita :)
sos de visine , pare extrem de interesant si am sa incerc sa il prepar cu prima ocazie...sau poate imi pui tu un borcanel la posta ?
imi place de mor acest sosulet de visine !!!!!
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