(Please scroll down for English version)
In unul din show-urile Inei Garten, in care l-a avut ca invitat surpriza pe actorul Mel Brooks, a gatit aceasta supa. Mel Brooks a mancat un castron si nu a vrut felul 2, a mai vrut supa :) Supa arata asa de bine, incat a trebuit sa o incerc. Si am incercat-o de 3 ori de atunci. Cine credea ca prazul oltenesc poate sa fie asa decadent? Si fara ciocolata!
Domnul praz se impaca asa bine cu doamnele ciuperci, cum zice Jamie. Oliver, care este :) Iar untul si crema de la sfarsit ii da supei o consistenta catifelata, sa tot mananci.
Am facut supa cu diferite feluri de ciuperci, si desi o sa iasa buna si cu ciuperci Champignon, este si mai delicioasa cu Shiitake si Cremini(daca gasiti). Daca aveti Hribi (Porcini), e si mai bine! Cremini arata la forma cu Champignon, numai ca sunt maronii, si cand cresc mari se numesc Portobello. Si daca cineva stie mai bine denumirile in romana, lasati-mi de stire va rog.
Consumatoare de timp supa, dar foarte buna la impresionat soacra!
150 gr ciuperci Shiitake
150 gr ciuperci Cremini
150 gr hribi (eu nu am avut hribi si am folosit 300 gr Cremini)
1 lingura de ulei de masline
100 gr unt, plus 1 lingura
1 cana ceapa tocata
1 morcov tocat
cateva fire de cimbru proaspat, plus 2 linguri de cimbru tocat
sare si piper proaspat macinat
2 cani praz tocat (cam 2 fire), partea alba si partea verde
2 linguri faina
1 cana vin alb (200 ml)
1 cana frisca lichida neindulcita (200 ml)
2 linguri patrunjel proaspat tocat
Pentru a curata prazul, se curata de frunzele exterioare si de radacina si se taie pe jumatate de-a lungul. Se spala sub apa la robinet. Asa se poate spala mai usor de pamantul dintre frunze.
Ciupercile se sterg cu un servet umed. Se separa coditele de palarii si se toaca coditele. Palariile se feliaza in felii de aprox 1/2 cm.
Intai se face supa: intr-o oala se incinge uleiul de masline si 1 lingura de unt. Se adauga coditele de la ciuperci, ceapa, morcovul, crengutele de cimbrul, 1 lingurita de sare si piper proaspat macinat.
Se calesc 10-15 minute pana cand se inmoaie. Se adauga 1 litru si jumatate de apa, se da focul mic si se fierbe 30 minute neacoperit. Se strecoara prin sita si se da deoparte. Ar trebui sa aveti cam 1 litru de supa (daca este mai putin, mai adaugati putina apa).
In alta oala se topeste untul (100 gr) si se adauga prazul. Se calesc aprox 15 minute pe foc mic, pana cand se inmoaie si incep sa se coloreze.
Se adauga palariile feliate de la ciuperci si se calesc inca 10 minute pana cand incep sa se rumeneasca.
Se adauga faina si se caleste 1 minut. Se stinge cu vinul si se fierbe alt minut, mestecandu-se bine fundul oalei. Se adauga supa si cimbrul tocat, sare si piper si se fierbe 15 minute. Se adauga frisca lichida, patrunjelul si se gusta de sare si piper, tinandu-se calda fara sa fiarba.
Pofta buna!
In one of Ina Garten’s shows, when she had as a surprise guest the actor Mel Brooks, she prepared this soup. Mel Brooks had one bowl and he didn’t want the next course, he wanted more soup! The soup looked so good, that I had to try it. And I made it three times since. Who thought that the leeks can be so decadent? And without chocolate!
Mister leek goes along very well with mister mushrooms, like very well said Jamie. Oliver. The butter and the cream at the end gives the soup such silkiness, you want to keep eating.
I made the soup with different mushrooms, and is better with Shiitake (I couldn’t find Porcini mushrooms).
The soup is time consuming, but very good to impress the in-laws!
5 oz Shiitake mushrooms
5 oz Cremini mushrooms
5 oz Porcini mushrooms (I used 10 oz Cremini)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 stick of butter, plus 1 tbsp
1 cup chopped yellow onion
1 carrot chopped
1 spring fresh thyme, plus 1 tsp minced thyme leaves
Salt and fresh ground pepper
2 cups chopped leeks, white and green parts (2 leeks)
¼ cup all purpose flour
1 cup white wine
1 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
To clean the leeks, clean the outer leaves and the roots and cut in half alongside. Rinse in running water. It’s easier to clean the dirt between leaves.
Clean the mushrooms with a damp towel. Separate the stems, and coarse chop them. Slice the mushroom caps in ¼ inch thick.
To make the stock, heat the olive oil and the butter in a pot. Add chopped mushrooms stems, onion, and carrot, spring of thyme, 1 tsp salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add 6 cups of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Strain, reserve liquid. You should have 4 ½ cups stock. If not, add some water.
In another pot, heat the remaining butter and add the leeks. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes until soft and begin to brown. Add the sliced mushrooms caps and cook for 10 minutes, or until they are browned and tender. Add the flour and cook for 1 minute. Add the white wine and stir for another minute, scraping the bottom of the pot. Add the stock, minced thyme leaves, salt and pepper, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the cream, parsley, and check for salt and pepper and heat through but do not boil.
Enjoy it hot!
Uuuu... ce pofta mi s-a facut! Arata delicios!
E o supa care-mi face cu ochiul.
Eu fiind "supista",sigur am sa o
Le Blog Piquant, este intradevar asa de delicioasa pe cum arata.
Lia, trebuie neaparat incercata :)
Multumesc pentru mesaje!
I love Ina Garten! Everything she makes is so good and this soup looks and sounds superb! Can't wait to try it, I am bookmarking it, will make it this week.
Thank you for visiting Lindentea. I hope you like it (I'm pretty sure you will :))
Super reteta asta, va multumesc si are un gust extraordinar.Am vazut ca aveti si alte retete la fel de apetisante. Le voi incerca pe toate. Silvia
Silvia, multumesc pentru vizita si comentariu, si ma bucur ca te inspira retetele mele!
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