January 16, 2011

Pizza cu ciuperci/ Mushroom pizza

 (Please scroll down for English version)

Nu as putea spune ca sunt experta in aluaturi de nici un fel, dar cand experimentezi si inveti din greseli, nu ai cum sa nu evoluezi. Am experimentat de cateva ori cu pizza in toamna si iarna asta, si mi-a iesit in general buna, dar nu perfecta, si de cele mai multe ori am copt-o prea mult intr-un cuptor prea incins, dupa reteta originala. In reteta originala foloseau si un cuptor adaptat pentru pizza, si am incercat sa gasesc o piatra sa o pun in cuptor, fara prea mult succes. Asa ca azi am incercat din nou, in tava mea subtire, la o temperatura mai mica, si a iesit super. Daca ar fi avut si niste carne prin ea, sotul i-ar fi dat nota 10. Asa a fost numai de 8 :)

Pizza de azi am facut-o cu ciuperci, masline si voinicica (rucola), si are ingredientele Dulcii Romanii
din Ianuarie, gazduita de Alinutza la Pasiunile ei culinare. Acum am aflat ca rucola are si un nume romanesc(voinicica) si Alinutza ne spune cate ceva despre ea si beneficiile ei.

Aluatul de pizza este facut dupa o reteta a lui Roger Mooking, si s-a comportat foarte bine la congelare si decongelare. Putin vin in aluat ii da un gust foarte bun, iar deasupra puteti pune orice ingredient doriti (ceapa, salam, carnati, ardei), sau o puteti face o pizza Margherita cu culorile Italiei: sos de rosii, mozzarella si frunze de busuioc.

Nota: 1 cana are 235 ml in volum

Aluat de pizza:

3 cani si 1/4 de faina alba
2 lingurite drojdie uscata instant
1 lingura sare
1 lingura zahar
1 cana apa calduta
1/4 cana vin alb la temperatura camerei
3 linguri de ulei de masline

Se amesteca toate ingredientele si se framanta aluatul (eu l-am framantat in mixer). Jumatate l-am invelit in folie de plastic si l-am bagat in congelator.
Pentru decongelat, se lasa 6-7 ore sau peste noapte la temperatura camerei, apoi se procedeaza cum urmeaza.

Jumatate se pune intr-un bol uns cu putin ulei de masline, se acopera cu o folie de plastic pentru a preveni formarea unei cruste, se acopera cu un servet de bucatarie si se lasa la dospit aprox 2 ore intr-un loc caldut si ferit de curenti de aer pana cand isi dubleaza volumul.

Se incinge cuptorul la 200 de grade Celsius (400 grade Fahrenheit) cam o jumatate de ora inainte de a se introduce pizza.

Cand aluatul este umflat, se loveste bine cu pumnul odata sa iasa aerul, apoi se formeaza o bila, si se incepe sa se intinda din mijloc spre exterior, pana cand ajungeti la o crusta subtire de aprox 1/2 cm. Daca nu va iasa perfect rotund, nu-i nimic, gustul conteaza.

Pentru pizza veti mai avea nevoie de:

1 lingura de malai pentru presarat in tava
o mana de faina la intins aluatul
4-5 linguri de sos de rosii (facut in casa sau cumparat)
ciuperci feliate
masline fara samburi feliate
1/2 lingurita oregano uscat
1 cana mozzarella data pe razatoare
1 cana rucola
putin ulei de masline

Dupa ce ati intins aluatul, puneti-l cu grija in tava peste putin malai presarat. Deasupra se intinde sosul de rosii, se aranjeaza ciupercile si maslinele, se presara oregano si apoi mozzarella. Se baga in cuptorul bine incins pentru 10-15 minute, cand branza este topita si aluatul copt.

Se scoate, se presara cu rucola si se stropeste cu putin ulei de masline.

Pofta buna!

I couldn’t say I’m an expert in dough, but when one’s working on it and learning from mistakes, one has to evolve. I experimented with pizza few times last fall and winter, and it turned out good, but not excellent, and many times I overcooked it in a too hot oven, after the original recipe. They were also using and adapted for pizza oven, and I tried to find a stone, without much success. So today I tried again, in my thin baking sheet, with a lower temperature, and it turned out perfect. If it had some meat, my husband would give it a perfect 10, but with veggies only it took only an 8 :)

I made the pizza today with mushrooms, olives and arugula, and it follows the Sweet Romania challenge ingredients, challenge hosted by Alinutza and her culinary passions.

The pizza dough is made after Roger Mooking recipe and it hold really well in the freezer. A little white wine gives it a really nice flavor, and as for toppings you can put whatever you like (sausage, pepperoni, onions, peppers) or you can make a classic pizza Margherita with Italy’s colors: tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil leaves.

Pizza dough:

3 ¼ cups all purpose flour
2 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup warm water
¼ cup white wine at room temperature
3 tbsp olive oil

Mix all the ingredients and knead dough (I used my mixer). I wrapped half of the dough in plastic wrap and I placed it in the freezer.

For defrosting, leave the dough for 6-7 hours or overnight at room temperature, and after that follow the next instructions:

Place half of the dough in a large bowl greased with 1 tbsp olive oil, cover with plastic wrap to prevent crust forming, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for 2 hours until it doubles in volume.

Preheat the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about a half hour before you place the pizza in.

When the dough has rise, punch it hard to release the air. Form a ball and start rolling the dough from the center out until ¼ inch thick. If it doesn’t turn out perfectly round, don’t bother, the taste matters.

For the pizza you will also need:

1 tbsp corn flour for the baking sheet
Some flour for rolling the dough
4-5 tbsp tomato sauce (homemade or store bought)
Sliced mushrooms
Sliced and pitted olives
½ tsp dried oregano
1 cup shredded mozzarella
1 cup arugula
Little olive oil

Place the rolled dough on the baking sheet over some corn flour. Spread the tomato sauce over the dough, and arrange the mushrooms and olives. Sprinkle with oregano and mozzarella. Place in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted.

Remove, decorate with arugula and sprinkle some olive oil.



Anonymous said...

vai ce bine arata! Bravo :)

Mihaela said...

Multumesc draga, te-am recunoscut :)


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