(Please scroll down for English version)
Alunele Macadamia sunt originare din Australia, sunt rotunde si delicioase. Sunt destul de scumpe, dar, la fel ca semintele de pin, merita incercate macar odata. Asa am incercat eu prima punga, pe care am mancat-o singura (am folosit numai jumatate de cana la aceasta salata) pentru ca luam 2 si nu puteam sa ma mai opresc, trebuia sa mai iau inca 8. Daca le gasiti la magazin, nu ezitati.
Cautand pe internet retete cu alune macadamia, am gasit aceasta salata cu couscous. Este o alegere perfecta pentru pranz, mai ales daca vreti sa luati pachetel la servici. Si este si o foarte satioasa mancare de post. Am folosit couscous marocan (diferit de cel israelian), care necesita timp de fierbere mic. Cea mai buna metoda de fiert este cea din instructiunile de pe pachet (este posibil sa fie diferit de cel pe care l-am folosit eu).
Daca nu gasiti alune macadamia, migdalele sunt foarte bun substituent.
1 cana (250 ml) couscous
1 cana (250 ml) de apa fiarta
1/2 cana merisoare uscate (sau stafide)
1/2 cana alune macadamia taiate bucati mari (au fost deja coapte cand le-am cumparat)
2 linguri ulei de masline
2 linguri zeama de lamaie
2 linguri de patrunjel tocat
2 linguri de menta tocata
sare si piper dupa gust
cateva bucatele de mar tocate (optional)
Se pune couscous-ul intr-un vas si se toarna apa fiarta peste el. Se acopera cu o folie de plastic si se lasa sa se abureasca 5 minute. Se desface si se infoaie cu o furculita.
Se amesteca cu alunele si merisoarele. Intr-un vas separat se amesteca uleiul, zeama de lamaie, sare si piper pana cand sunt incorporate. Se toarna peste couscous, se adauga si verdeturile si se amesteca toate usor.
Daca se foloseste mar, se stropeste cu putina zeama de lamaie pentru a preveni oxidarea.
Pofta buna!
The Macadamia nuts are originated from Australia, they’re round and delicious. They can be pretty expensive, but, like the pine nuts, should be tried at least once.
That’s how I tried my first bag of Macadamia nuts, which I ate it pretty much by myself (except for a half a cup that I used for this salad) because I was taking 2 and it was hard to stop, so I had to have another 8. If you find it in the store, don’t hesitate.
Looking online for Macadamia nuts recipes, I found this salad. It’s the perfect choice for lunch, especially if you make your own lunch bag. And it’s a vegan recipe also. I used Moroccan couscous (which is different than Israeli couscous), and needs a very short cooking time. The best is to use the package directions (you may have a different couscous than mine).
If you can’t find Macadamia nuts, almonds are a good substitution.
1 cup couscous
1 cup boiling water
½ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
½ cup roasted and chopped macadamia nuts (mine were already roasted)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper after taste
2 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tbsp chopped mint
½ chopped apple (optional)
Place the couscous in a bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Cover with plastic wrap and let steam for 5 minutes. Remove the foil and fluff with a fork.
Mix in the nuts and cranberries. In a separate bowl mix the salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Stir until well incorporated and pour over couscous. Add the herbs and toss gently to combine.
If using apple, sprinkle little lemon juice over the chopped apple to prevent browning.
Imi plac macademia nuts tare mult, vad ca ai luat de la Trader Joe's, chiar nu le-am vazut aici. O sa ma mai uit.
Excelente retete, ma inspiri :)
Lola, de la Trader's Joe am luat alunele, nu merg prea des pe acolo, dar imi plac anumite produse, ca afinele congelate organice (salbatice) si rosiile conservate cu chili.
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