(Please scroll down for English version)
Spuneam in unul din posturile anterioare ca nu am gasit rucola la magazin. De data asta am gasit-o, si o sa mananc mai des de acum inainte, a fost foarte buna.
S-a intamplat aproape in acelasi timp cand am vazut pe blogul Kali Orexi aceasta salata. Aveam de catava vreme in minte o salata cu rucola si feta, iar reteta a picat la fix. Este la fel de buna pe cum arata, daca nu si mai buna. Gustul este putin acrisor de la dressingul cu otet balsamic, putin dulceag de la merisoarele uscate, iar combinatia de branza sarata cu nuci este fenomenala.
Daca nu gasiti arugula, cred ca cea mai buna substitutie ar fi spanacul proaspat. Iar in loc de merisoare puteti folosi foarte bine stafide.
2 maini bune de rucola tanara
1/2 cana nuci coapte si tocate mare*
1/2 cana merisoare uscate
1/2 cana branza feta sfaramata
Pentru dressing:
1 shalot tocat marunt (shalotul este o ceapa lunguiata si de culoare mov deschis, daca nu aveti inlocuiti cu 1 lingura de ceapa tocata foarte marunt, iar daca nu va place ceapa, puteti sa o omiteti)
2 linguri otet balsamic
4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
1/2 lingurita de sare
piper proaspat macinat
Se amesteca shalotul cu sarea, piperul si otetul balsamic, apoi batandu-se in continuu se incorporeaza uleiul de masline.
Pentru salata, se pune intr-un bol rucola, nucile si merisoarele si se toarna dressingul peste (mie mi-a ajuns dressingul pentru 2 salate) si se amesteca. Se serveste cu branza feta deasupra.
Pofta buna, ca sigur o sa aveti!
*Pentru a coace nucile, se pun in cuptorul preincins la 180 de grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit) pentru 10-15 minute.
I was saying in one of the precedent posts that I didn’t find arugula in the store. This time I found it! And boy, o, boy, I’m going to have a lot of arugula salads now on, I loved it.
It happened almost in the same time I’ve seen on Kali Orexi blog this salad. I had in mind for a while an arugula and feta salad, so the recipe was like meant to be. It’s as good as it looks, if not better. The taste is little tangy from the balsamic vinegar, little sweet from the dried cranberries, and the walnuts and salty feta is phenomenal.
If you can’t find arugula, I think that the best substitution will be baby spinach. And instead of dried cranberries, raisins are good too.
2 handfuls baby arugula
½ cup roasted and roughly chopped walnuts*
½ cup dried cranberries
½ cup crumbles feta cheese
For the dressing:
1 small shallot finely chopped
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp salt
Freshly cracked black pepper
Mix the shallot, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix continuously and add the oil, little at a time until all incorporated.
To make the salad, put the arugula, walnuts and cranberries in a large bowl and drizzle the dressing on top (I used the dressing for 2 salads). Toss and serve with crumble feta on top.
*To roast the walnuts, place the walnuts on a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
It looks lovely! Thank you for the mention. And your pictures are beautiful as well!
Man..that salad is so good and refreshing..and guess what? no extra pounds after you eat that kind of food:)
man..this salad is so good and so refreshing..and guess what? no extra pounds!! it is just amazing!!
Ligia, daca ii dai cu ciocolata dupa, se mai pun kilogramele? :))
Niste colegi italieni la munca povesteau (con passione :) ) de o salata cu rucola si nuci aproape ca mi se facuse pofta cand ii auzeam cum descriau gustul salatei :) . UIte asa am aterizat pe blogul tau . Multumesc pentru reteta.
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