(Please scroll down for English version)
Toamna asta a fost frumoasa cat a fost, pana cand s-a facut urata, cu zile reci, innorate si vant urat. Mai e putin si incepe sa ploua... E timpul sa ne bagam sub paturi cu o cana de ciocolata calda sau de vin fiert cu scortisoara.
Supa asta Minestrone este tocmai buna pentru zile din astea. Cu origini in Italia, nu are o reteta bine stabilita (am aflat de pe wikipedia). Este o supa de legume in sezon, cu fasole si ceva paste. Poate sa aiba carne sau nu, si poate fi facuta cu supa de pui sau cu apa.
Am luat de la piata vara asta un pachetel cu fasole, paste si legume uscate, si atasat reteta pentru supa. Si binenteles ca eu nu am putut sa nu imi las "amprentele" personale in reteta. Am folosit morcov, telina si ardei uscat, dar postez varianta cu legume proaspete, folositi de care aveti.
6 felii de costita afumata
1 cana - 1 1/2 fasole uscata rosie
1 ceapa mare tocata
1 morcov tocat
1 tulpina de telina tocata
1 ardei tocat
1/2 cana vin alb
aprox 2 litri apa sau supa de pui sau de vita
1 cutie de 400 gr rosii tocate
1/2 cana paste mici, de orice forma
2 cani de varza tocata (sau varza de Bruxelles, taiata in sferturi)
1 foaie de dafin
sare si piper dupa gust
patrunjel proaspat si parmesan pentru servit
Fasolea se inmoaie in apa cu o zi inainte. Se scurge si si se pune la fiert in apa proaspata vreo doua ore pana cand fasolea este bine patrunsa.
Se taie costita in bucati mai mari si se pune intr-o oala fara ulei. Se prajeste pana cand grasimea s-a topit si costita devine crocanta. Se adauga ceapa, se caleste 2-3 minute, apoi se pun morcovul, ardeiul si telina. Se calesc cateva minute, cat sa se patrunda legumele. Se sting cu jumatate de cana de vin, apoi se pune fasolea scursa si apa sau supa de pui. Se condimenteaza cu putina sare si piper, si se adauga foaia de dafin. Cand incepe sa fiarba se pun rosiile si se fierb 10-15 minute. Se adauga varza si se lasa pana cand varza este fiarta.
Se adauga pastele si se lasa sa fiarba inca 8-10 minute, si se potriveste ultima data cu sare si piper. Se opreste focul, se pune in castroane si se presara deasupra patrunjel proaspat si parmesan.
Pofta buna!
It was a nice fall until the weather turned around, and the days became cold, cloudy and very windy. Very soon it’s going to start raining… It’s that time of year when we’re cuddling under a blanket with some hot chocolate or some boiled wine with cinnamon.
This soup, Minestrone, it’s perfect for this kind of days. Originated in Italy, it doesn’t have a set recipe (I found out on Wikipedia). It’s a one pot soup made with vegetables that are in season, some beans and some pasta. It can have meat or not, and it can be made with chicken stock or with water.
I got from the farmer’s market this summer a little bag with beans, pasta and dried vegetables, and attached was the recipe. Of course, I couldn’t help myself not to put my personal touch to the soup. I used dried carrots, celery and pepper, but I’m posting the fresh vegetable version. You can use whatever you have.
6 slices of bacon
1 – 1 ½ cups dried cranberry beans
1 large onion chopped
1 carrot chopped
1 celery stick chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
½ cup white wine
About 10 cups water or chicken or beef stock
1 can diced tomatoes (14 oz)
½ cup small pasta, any shape
2 cups shredded cabbage (or Brussels sprouts, quartered)
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper after taste
Fresh chopped parsley and parmesan cheese for serving
Place the beans in water to cover them by 1 inch and let soak overnight at room temperature. Drain, and place the beans in a pot with fresh water (about 8 cups). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 2 hours.
Cut the bacon in ½ inch pieces and sauté over medium heat until all fat dissolves and bacon is nearly crisp. Add the onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Then add the carrots, celery and bell pepper and sauté until the vegetables are soft. Add the wine and deglaze the pot. Add the drained beans, water or chicken stock. Season with salt and pepper and add the bay leaf to the party. When it starts boiling, add the tomatoes and boil for 10-15 minutes. Add the cabbage and simmer until all the vegetables are cooked.
Add the pasta and simmer for another 8-10 minutes and check for salt and pepper for the last time. Turn off the heat, pour soup in bowls and serve with parsley and parmesan cheese on top.
Minunat. O reteta care iti aduce aminte de meleagurile tale natale, nu? Pup!
Este foarte buna supa, nu mai e nevoie de felul doi. In engleza s-ar zice "earthy meal", m-am tot gandit cum se traduce in romaneste, dar nu am gasit nimic potrivit :)
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