In ultima vizita la ferma anul asta am vazut acesti dovleci mici, de un verde inchis cu putin portocaliu si cu coaja ondulata. Erau foarte draguti, a trebuit sa ii incerc. Pot fi copti simpli, sau facuti supa, insa mie mi-a placut aceasta reteta, pe care am adaptat-o putin.
Daca nu aveti acest fel de dovleac, puteti folosi orice fel de dovleac si folositi-va imaginatia sa taiati bucati care pot fi umplute.
1 dovleac ghinda
1 mar, curatat de coaja si cotor si taiat bucatele
1 lingura de zahar
1/4 cana merisoare uscate (sau stafide)
1/4 cana nuci taiate bucati mari
1 lingura de unt taiat bucatele mici
1/2 lingurita scortisoara
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se taie dovleacul pe jumatate, se scot semintele (care sunt foarte bune coapte, mai ales daca nu le parlesti cum am facut eu), si se taie putin din capete, cat sa poata sta drept.
Se pun cu partea taiata mare in jos intr-o tava, si se pune apa fiarta in tava de 1/2 centimetru. Se coc 30 minute.
Intre timp, se amesteca merele, zaharul, untul, merisoarele, nucile si scortisoara.
Dupa 30 minute se scoate dovleacul, se intoarce si se umplu jumatatile cu amestecul de nuci (daca mai este apa ramasa in tava se lasa). Se baga iar la cuptor pentru inca 40 minute, pana cand totul se rumeneste si in casa miroase demential.
Pofta buna!
In our last trip at the farm this year, I found these acorn squash, dark green in color with orange spots. They looked so pretty, so I had to try it. The acorn squash can be roasted with sugar, or made in soup, but I liked this recipe, which I adapted a little.
If you can’t find acorn squash, you can use pumpkin or butternut squash and use your imagination to cut it in shapes that can hold the filling.
1 acorn squash
1 apple, peeled and seeded, cut in small pieces
1 tbsp sugar
¼ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
¼ cup walnuts, roughly chopped
1 tbsp butter cut in small pieces
½ tsp cinnamon
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cut the acorn squash in half and remove the seeds (which are delicious roasted, especially if you don’t burn it, like I did). Cut the ends off, just a little, so the squash can stand by itself.
Place the squash with the larger part down in a roasting pan and pour hot water for ¼ inch. Roast in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the apple, sugar, butter, cranberries, walnuts and cinnamon. After 30 minutes, remove the squash from the oven, and turn upside down. Fill the cups with the filling.
Roast for another 40 minutes until everything is golden brown and the house is smelling sooo good.
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