(Please scroll down for English version)
Da, stiu, este un film de desene animate, cu un sobolan. Dar Ratatouille nu este numele sobolanului, este felul de mancare cu care l-a dat gata pe criticul de restaurant. Ok, recunosc, nu auzisem de ratatouille inainte de filmulet, dar am aflat ceva nou cu aceasta ocazie. Si am vazut un film pe cinste, iar cine nu l-a vazut, fuguta la inchiriat (nu inainte sa citesti reteta).
Ratatouille este o mancare taraneasca franceza, vegetariana, in care ingredientele sunt gatite separat, si apoi amestecate (cam asta ar fi marea diferenta intre o tocanita si ratatouille), iar aromele explodeaza in gura, asa cum au fost foarte bine explicate in film.
Reteta am luat-o din show-ul Laurei Calder, care a devenit una din preferatele mele in ultima vreme.
2 vinete mici
2 ardei grasi mari (2 ardei grasi si 2 gogosari)
2 dovlecei mici
1 ceapa medie taiata solzisori
2 catei de usturoi tocati
ardei iute pisat (optional)
1 foaie de dafin
1 crenguta de rozmarin
4 rosii potrivite taiate sferturi, semintele scoase si apoi tocate mare
sare si piper proaspat macinat
1/2 cana ulei de masline
frunze proaspete de busuioc tocate (optional)
Vinetele se taie felii rotunde de aprox 2 cm in grosime. Se aranjeaza pe un tocator si fiecare felie se sareaza cu multa sare. Se lasa 30 minute sa iasa zeama amara din ele, timp in care pregatim celelalte ingrediente.
Ardeii se coc pe gratar sau in cuptorul incins la 260 grade Celsius (500 Fahrenheit), pentru aproximativ 20 minute, intorcandu-se pe toate partile. Se scot, se lasa sa se raceasca putin si se curata de coaja si seminte. Se taie in felii mai mari si se pun intr-un bol mare.
Se reduce cuptorul la 230 grade Celsius (450 Fahrenheit).
Dovleceii se taie felii rotunde de aprox 1 cm. Se pun intr-o tava intinsa, se dau cu sare, piper si cateva linguri de ulei de masline. Se amesteca, se baga la cuptor pentru 10 minute, intorcandu-se odata. Se scot si se pun peste ardei.
Vinetele se spala se sare sub jet de apa, se taie sferturi si se pun in aceeasi tava in care am copt dovleceii, se dau cu piper si ulei si se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 15 minute. Cand sunt gata, se adauga peste ardei si dovlecei.
Se incing 2 linguri de ulei intr-o tigaie si se pune ceapa. Se caleste pana cand se rumeneste.
Se adauga usturoiul, ardeiul iute pisat (daca folositi), crenguta de rozmarin si foaia de dafin. Se caleste cam 1 minut. Se adauga rosiile si se amesteca, pana cand rosiile sunt patrunse, cam 15 minute, pana cand o sa arate ca un sos.
Se toarna sosul de rosii peste legumele din bol, se verifica de sare si piper si se serveste cu busuioc presarat deasupra.
Pofta buna!
Yes, I know, it’s a cartoon movie named Ratatouille, with a rat. But Ratatouille it is not the rat’s name; it’s the food that he impressed the food critic.
Ok, I admit I never heard about Ratatouille before I’ve seen the movie, but I found out something new. I I’ve seen a really nice movie, and if you haven’t seen it, run and rent it (not before you see this recipe).
Ratatouille is a French vegetarian peasant meal, in which all the ingredients are cooked separate, and then mixed, and the flavors explode in your mouth, like in the movie.
The recipe belongs to Laura Calder, which became one of my favorite lately.
2 small eggplants
2 red bell peppers
2 small zucchinis
1 medium onion, sliced
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
Pinch of red crushed pepper (optional)
1 bay leaf
1 spring fresh rosemary
4 medium tomatoes, seeded and roughly chopped
½ cup olive oil
Fresh chopped basil leaves (optional)
Cut the eggplant in round slices about 1 inch thick. Line the slices on a rack and salt generously each slice. Let sit for 30 minutes for the excess water to drain off. Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the ingredients.
Preheat the oven at 500 degrees. Place the peppers on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, turning on all sides. Remove, let cool a little (can be covered with plastic wrap) and clean the skin and the seeds. Slice the peppers in strips and place in a large bowl.
Turn down the oven at 450 degrees.
Slice the zucchini in round slices, ½ inch thick. Place in a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with some olive oil. Bake for 10 minutes, remove and add to the peppers.
Rinse the eggplant slices and cut them in quarters. Toss with oil, place on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and add to the bowl.
Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a sauté pan and fry the onions until golden brown.
Add the garlic, red pepper flakes (if using), rosemary and bay leaf and sauté for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and cook until they are soft, about 15 minutes and the whole mixture thickens.
Pour the sauce over the vegetables in the bowl, and check for salt and pepper. Serve with basil scattered over.
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