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Ador rosiile, in special in salata. Ce imi place cel mai mult este zeama care se aduna la fundul castronului, sa inmoi painea in ea :) Salata de rosii era, si inca este, cea mai populara la noi acasa cand am crescut, pe timp de vara, cand erau rosii in gradina. Ce avem la cina? Salata de rosii, si intotdeauna branza, cartofi prajiti sau salata de vinete. Rapid si bun.
Cine spune ca nu ii plac rosiile sigur nu a mancat rosii bune din gradina sau de la tarani. Cele de la supermarket nu sunt asa gustoase, cele mai bune mi se par cele cu tulpina inca atasata, si se pastreaza cel mai bine acasa, rosiile inca hranindu-se din tulpina pentru cateva zile. Cum nu am unde sa imi fac propria gradina, am descoperit piata de fermieri, si am fost foarte incantata. Foarte mica, in comparatie cu pietele din Romania, dar cu fructe si legume foarte gustoase. Am luat rosii heirloom, din cele de toate culorile, si aveau si mici si mari. Din cele mici am facut salata de azi.
Un mic secret: nu pastrez niciodata rosiile in frigider, isi pierd din aroma si devin malaioase. Se pastreaza perfect la temperatura camerei 2-3 zile.
Pentru salata:
sare, piper si ulei de masline
Se toaca toate ingredientele in bucati mai mici, cat sa aiba loc odata in gura, se dau cu sare si piper dupa gust, 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline, si se mesteca. Daca vreti, puteti adauga ierburi: cimbru, busuioc, optional. Obligatorie este painea proaspata!
I love tomates, specially in the salad. I love the most the juice that accumulates at the bottom of the bowl, where you can dip the bread. Tomato salad was, and still is, a staple in my house growing up, during the summer, when we had fresh tomatoes in the garden. What do we have for dinner? Tomato salad, with feta cheese, fries, or eggplant spread. Simple and delicious.
Who said that doesn't like tomates, probably never had homegrown tomatoes. The ones from the supermarket are not as tasty, and I find the best the tomatoes on the vine. They keep better at home too, feeding from the vine for few days. I don't have a backyard so I can make my own garden, but I found the farmer's market, and I'm so excited! Is very small comparative with the farmer's markets in Romania, but I found delicious fruits and vegetables. I got baby heirloom tomatoes, which are the main ingredient in the today salad.
A little secret: never keep the tomatoes in the fridge, they loose the flavor.
tomatoes (1-2 large tomatoes, or a pint of baby tomatoes)
1 small green pepper or 1/2 of a large one (I used gipsy pepper, mild)
cucumber, as much as you like
1 small onion cut julienne
salt, fresh crushed pepper and 2-3 tbsp olive oil
Cut the vegetables in bitesize pieces or slices, add the salt, pepper and olive oil and toss. Optional, you can add herbs: thyme, oregano, basil, dill. Mandatory is the fresh bread!