(Please scroll down for english version)
Daca o sa ma intrebati de unde am fost sigura ca e cocos si nu gaina, asa cum m-a intrebat prietena mea, Adriana, va raspund ca nu sunt sigura, creasta au pastrat-o ei, cei care au taiat animalul :) Dar dupa cat de tare a sarit din oala cand l-am prajit, sunt aproape sigura ca a fost cocos! Si cum puteam sa ii zic gaina, cand numele original in franceza e cocos?
"Coq au vin" este o reteta clasica franceza si o aveam salvata mai demult, si acum a fost prima data cand am incercat-o. A iesit asa de gustos si savuros, sigur o sa o gatesc mai des. Reteta este a lui Emeril Lagasse, pe care eu am modificat-o, binenteles :)
4 felii de costita afumata, bucatele
6 -8 bucati de pui (eu am folosit picioarele si aripile), sters de apa
1 ceapa tocata
10-15 cepe mici intregi (cippolini sau perle)
1/2 capatana de usturoi, curatat si tocat
10-15 ciuperci mici, taiate in sferturi, sa fie de aprox dimensiunile cepelor
1 morcov mare tocat
2 tulpini telina tocate
2 linguri pline de faina
3-4 lingurite de pasta de rosii
aprox 1 sticla de vin rosu (700 ml, eu am folosit Pinot Noir, ca asta am avut)
1 cana de apa sau supa de pui
1 frunza de dafin, cimbru, patrunjel
sare si piper proaspat macinat
Intr-o cratita cu fundul gros se incinge costita afumata, si se lasa pana cand se rumeneste.
Se scoate pe o farfurie cu un servetel sa absoarba din grasime si se da deoparte.
La grasimea ramasa in cratita, se mai adauga 2-3 lunguri de ulei. Bucatile de pui se dau cu sare si piper si se rumenesc in cratita incinsa, pe ambele parti. Se scot pe o farfurie.
In cratita se pune ceapa, morcovul si telina, se calesc pana se inmoaie putin fara sa se arda, se adauga foaia de dafin si usturoiul.
Se adauga si ciupercile si se mai lasa la calit inca 5 minute pana cand se rumenesc putin si ciupercile.
Se adauga faina si pasta de rosii, se caleste 1-2 minute , amestecandu-se in continuu si se stinge cu vinul, mestecandu-se cu lingura de lemn eventualele arsuri de pe fundul cratitei. Se adauga apa, cimbrul, puiul si costita, se da focul la foarte mic, se potriveste de sare si piper si se lasa pe foc foarte mic intre 1 ora si 1 ora jumate, pana cand puiul pica de pe os si sosul este ingrosat.
Se potriveste din nou de sare si piper, si se opreste focul. Se presara patrunjel tocat deasupra.
Se serveste cu piure de cartofi, paste sau orez. Sau chiar si numai cu paine.
The original name in french is "Rooster braised in wine". If I was sure is a rooster, as my friend Adriana asked me? I wasn't! But I'll take it for granted.
This is a classic french recipe, which I had it for a while, and now I had to try it. It turned out so good and delicious, for sure I'll make it again. The recipe is Emeril Lagasse's, and modified by me.
4 slices of bacon, chopped
6-8 pieces of chicken (I used the legs and wings), patted dry
1 large onion, chopped
10-15 small onions, whole (cippolini or pearl onions)
1/2 head of garlic, cleaned and chopped
10-15 small mushrooms, cut in quarters (should match the dimensions of the small onions)
1 large carrot, chopped
2 cellery sticks, chopped
2 tbsp flour
3-4 tsp tomato paste
3 cups red wine (I used Pinot Noir)
1 cup water or chicken stock
1 bay leaf, fresh thyme and parsley
salt and fresh crushed black pepper
In a large heavy Dutch oven fry the bacon until crisp. Transfer the crisp bacon bits to paper towel to drain and set aside.
Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Brown the chicken in the bacon fat (I added 3 tbsp of olive oil), turning on both sides. Transfer the chicken to a plate and set aside.
In the Dutch oven add the onions, carrot and cellery, and sautee until soft. Add the bay leaf and the garlic. Add the mushrooms and sautee another 5 minutes. Add the flour and the tomato paste, and cook another 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly, and add the wine, scraping all the bits at the bottom of the pan. Add the water or chicken stock, the thyme, chicken and the bacon. Turn down the fire on very low, add salt and pepper, and cook on very low heat for an hour up to an hour and a half, until the meat is falling of the bone and the sauce reduced and thickened.
Check for salt and pepper, turn of the fire and sprinkle the chopped parsley.
Serve on top of mashed potatoes, pasta or rice. Or only with some fresh crusty bread.
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