(Please scroll down for english version)
Caldura mare, cum ar zice Caragiale. Numai chef de gatit nu ai. Asa ca am gasit solutia salvatoare: gratarul.
Imi place foarte mult mancarea pe gratar. Pestele, carnea, crevetii, au toate o aroma si gust deosebit atunci cand sunt gatite la foc deschis. Am fost inspirata de Tyler Florence sa fac crevetii in crusta, sa nu se usuce. Iar pentru salata, m-a inspirat o discutie la plaja intre fete, care m-a facut sa caut si sa gasesc reteta lui Ellie Krieger. Ce a iesit? Ceva delicios! Rapid si usor! Creveti fragezi si o salata racoroasa.
Doar ce am citit intr-un articol pe internet ca mancarurile picante sunt perfecte pentru vara, pentru ca te fac sa transpiri, iar prin transpiratie se pierde din caldura din corp si te racoresti. Asa ca un ardei iute (jalapeno) in salata a fost perfect.
Sa trecem la treaba:
10 creveti mari, crestati pe jumatate, curatati, cu crusta intacta
3 linguri de unt la temperatura camerei
2 linguri ulei de masline
8-10 frunze busuioc
o mana mica de frunze de coriandru
sare si piper dupa gust
Untul se amesteca cu uleiul si ierburile tocate (eu am folosit blenderul), se adauga uleiul, sarea si piperul si se omogenizeaza. Cu acest amestec se umplu crevetii.
Se pun pe gratarul incins, cam 5 minute pe fiecare parte, pana cand se rumenesc si crusta se face roz.
Pentru salata:
1 mango, curatat de coaja, si tocat mai marunt
1/2 cana castravete, curat de coaja si tocat
1/2 ardei iute (jalapeno) curatat de seminte si vine, tocat marunt
1/3 cana ceapa rosie, tocata marunt
1 mana buna de frunze de coriandru, tocate
zeama de la jumatate de lamaie verde
2 linguri de ulei de masline
sare si piper dupa gust
1 lingura otet de orez (optional)
Se amesteca toate ingredientele, si gata salata.
Pofta buna!
It's very hot outside and I don't feel like cooking. But I found a better solution: grilling.
I love grilled food. The fish, steak, shrimp taste different and better when they're cooked on an open fire.
I was inspired by Tyler Florence to cook the shrimp in crust, so it doesn't get dry on the grill. For the salsa, I was inspired by a conversation at the beach with the girls, which made me look and find Ellie Krieger's recipe. It turned out delicious and it was fast.
I just read this article over internet, that spicy food is perfect for summer, because it cools you down, so a little jalapeno was the perfect touch.
10 jumbo shrimp, cleaned, with crust on, cut lenghtwise in half
3 tbsp butter room temperature
2 tbsp olive oil
8-10 basil leaves
3 tbsp cilantro leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper, after taste
Mix in the food processor the butter, basil, and cilantro, add the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Stuff the shrimp with this mixture and grill the shrimp about 5 minutes on each side, until they turn pink. Remove from grill and serve with salsa.
For salsa:
1 mango, peeled and diced
1/2 cup cucumber, peeled and sliced
1/2 jalapeno, seeds and core removed, finely diced
1/3 cup red onion, diced
The juice from 1/2 lime (1 tbsp)
1/3 cup cilantro leaves, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, after taste
1 tbsp rice vinegar (optional)
Mix all the ingredients.
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