(Please scroll down for English version)
Nu sunt o mare bautoare de alcoolice, dar imi place sa ma rasfat din cand in cand cu o bautura "cu umbreluta" (asa numesc eu bauturile de vacanta). Martini-urile sunt bauturi foarte tari, cu multa vodca. Eu am adaugat putina vodca la un suc de piesici natural.
Piersicile pe care le-am folosit erau ultimele din stocul pe care il fac martea la piata. Au fost foarte zemoase si dulci, la fel ca cele pe care le mancam cand eram copii: curatam pielita subtire si apoi mancam piersica cu zeama curgand printre degete, si cateodata si pe tricouri :) Din ele mama facea cele mai bune compoturi si nectaruri, cu care ne delectam toata iarna urmatoare.
Pentru martini-ul meu am folosit 2 piersici bine coapte si foarte zemoase, fara samburi, taiate bucati, facute piure in robot, cu putina apa. Apoi le-am trecut prin sita, apasand putin cu o spatula, sa storc tot sucul. Au rezultat aprox 200 ml lichid. Am adaugat putin zahar (1/2 lingurita), zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde si vodca (50 ml). Puteti adauga mai multa, dupa preferinta. Am agitat amestecul intr-un pahar cu gheata (pentru detalii aici), si apoi am strecurat lichidul in paharele de martini, garnisite cu zahar pe margini (pentru detalii aici).
I am not a very big drinker, but I like to enjoy from time to time a little cocktail, just to feel like I am on vacation. The martinis are very strong drinks, but I added just a little vodka to a natural peach nectar.
The peaches that I used were the last from the stock that I made on Tuesday from farmer's market. They were very juicy and sweet, like the ones that me and my brother were eating when we're kids: we used to take off the thin skin and enjoy the peach with all the juice running thru our fingers, and sometimes on our shirts :)
Those peaches were used by my mother to make the best compotes and nectars, to have all next winter.
For my martinis, I used 2 very ripe and juicy peaches, pitted and cut in pieces. I puree them in the food processor with a dash of water, and after that I strain them thru a sieve, pushing gently with a spatula, to get all the juices out. I had about 1 cup of liquid. I added just a little sugar (1/2 tsp) and the juice from one lime, and 1 shot of vodka. Feel free to use more vodka if you like.
For garnishing the glass, wet the rim of the glass with little lime, and rotate the rim upside down on a plate with a 1tbsp sugar.
Shake everything in a martini shaker with ice, pour and enjoy!
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