(Please scroll down for English version)
Iata ca incet-incet am ajuns la postul cu numarul 50. Ma felicit singura si ma bat prieteneste pe umar! :) Ca sa sarbatoresc, am reluat prima reteta cu care am inceput acest blog. Binenteles, cu niste poze reusite la aceiasi ardei deliciosi. De data asta copti pe gratar.
3 ardei grasi (rosii si galbeni)
sare si piper dupa gust
1 catel de usturoi
2 linguri de ulei de masline
3 linguri otet balsamic
Eu nu am masurat ingredientele, intotdeauna ii gust si mai adaug sare sau otet, daca este necesar.
Ardeii se coc pe gratar, intorcandu-se pe toate partile, pana cand se rumenesc.
Se lasa sa se raceasca, apoi se curata de coaja, cotor si seminte, si se rup fasii. Atentie: nu se spala! Odata cu apa se vor duce si toate sucurile ardeilor. Eu folosesc si zeama care se lasa de la ardei. Se rade pe ochiurile mici usturoiul, se pune sare, piper, uleiul si otetul. Se amesteca si pofta buna! Daca se mai lasa cateva ore sau pe a doua zi, se vor imbina si mai bine aromele. Se serveste ca garnitura la carne, sau chiar simpla. Eu i-am folosit si intr-o reteta de crostini, in postul urmator.
Little by little, I got to the post number 50! I'm patting myself friendly on the shoulder.
To celebrate, I revisited my first post from this blog, this time with better pictures, and the same delicious recipe. This time I grilled the peppers.
3 bell peppers (red and yellow)
salt and pepper after taste
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
I don't measure the ingredients, I taste it, and I add more salt or vinegar if necessary.
Cook the peppers on the preheated grill, turning all sides, until they turn dark, without burning. Remove and let the peppers cool down. When cool enough, clean the skin, core and seeds. Do not wash! Water will take away all the good juices. I use the juice that is left on the bottom of the bowl. Grate the garlic, and add the rest of the ingredients. Toss and enjoy! The flavors will combine better in few hours or overnight. You can served them as they are, or as a side dish for steak or chicken. I used the peppers in a crostini recipe, in next post.
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