(Please scroll down for English version)
Pana acum vreo 2 ani imi placea foarte mult sa ies la restaurant, pana cand am vazut ca mancarea nu imi prieste, si nu ma simt foarte bine. Majoritatea restaurantelor au aceleasi mancaruri in meniu, foarte multe prajite si pline de calorii si grasimi.
Saptamana trecuta am descoperit insa un restaurant deosebit, care serveste mancare organica, carne adusa de la ferma, de la animale care nu sunt crescute cu hormoni si antinbiotice, fara cartofi prajiti si cola in meniu. Am fost foarte impresionata! Am baut acolo un smoothie cu avocado, pere si nectar de agave, care mi-a placut foarte mult.
Smoothie-urile sunt bauturi care au la baza fructe si lapte sau iaurt, de consistenta cremoasa. Pline de vitamine si energie, si se pot face sute de combinatii.
Inspirata de smoothie-ul baut la restaurant si de noul meu blender, am facut ceea ce urmeaza:
1 avocado, fara sambure si coaja, taiat bucatele
1 para, fara coaja si cotor, taiata bucatele
1/2 cana kefir (sau iaurt simplu)
4-5 cuburi de gheata
Se pun in blender cateva minute pana cand se fac piure. Daca este consistenta prea groasa, se mai poate adauga putin lapte si se mai mixeaza putin.
Se decoreaza cu felii de pere, sau in cazul meu cu putina menta.
Until about 2 years ago, I loved to go out to restaurants, and I've seen that the food is not what I really like, and I don't feel very good from it. Most restaurants have similar menus, with fried dishes, full with calories and fats.
But, last week I discovered this restaurant, which is not like the rest. It serves organic food, meat brought from the farm, from animals that are not raised with hormones and antibiotics, and no fries and no cola in the menu! I was impressed. I had a smoothie with avocado, pear and agave nectar.
Smoothies are drinks based on fruits and milk or yogurt, with a creamy texture. Full with vitamins and energy, one can make hundreds of combinations.
Inspired by the smoothie that I had at the restaurant and my new blender, I made this:
1 avocado, chopped, skin and seed removed
1 pear, peeled and seeded, chopped
1/2 cup kefir (plain yogurt)
4-5 ice cubes
Put everything in blender and mix until smooth. If it's too thick, add a little milk, and blend some more. Serve garnished with pear slices or mint.
atat de simplu si cred ca atat de gustos... mai ales ca iubesc
Este foarte bun, si de ajuns de dulce de la para, nu ii mai trebuie zahar. Multumesc ca ai trecut pe aici :)
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