(Please scroll down for English version)
Vara e in plina desfasurare, si cum nu am inca o masina de inghetata (care este pusa pe lista cu dorinte :)), am facut din nou Semifreddo. Daca cel cu Nutella a fost dulce si consistent, si poate fi servit in orice anotimp, de data asta, cel cu citrice are un gust dulce-acrisor, si racoros, perfect pentru zilele toride.
Reteta este luata tot de la Giada, imi place mult stilul ei de gatit.
Pentru crusta:
10 biscuiti obisnuiti (sau de care aveti, eu am folosit graham)
4 linguri de unt
Pentru semifreddo:
7 galbenusuri
1/2 cana zahar + 1/4 cana zahar
1/4 cana zeama de lamaie si lamaie verde amestecate (50 ml)
2 linguri lichior de lamaie sau de portocale (reteta originala cerea Limoncello, eu am folosit Cointreau, este total optional)
1 varf de sare
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
coaja rasa de la o lamaie verde
1 cana frisca lichida neindulcita
Ne trebuie o tava de chec stropita cu apa si tapetata cu folie de plastic, cu marginile in exces afara (mai multe detalii aici).
Biscuitii se piseaza si se amesteca cu untul topit, pana cand se incorporeaza. Se iau 2 linguri din amestec si se pun deoparte. Restul de amestec se pune in tava si se taseaza cu fundul unui pahar sa se niveleze. Se da deoparte.
Cele 7 galbenusuri se bat cu 1/2 cana de zahar, zeama de lamaie si un varf de sare, apoi se pun pe bain-marie (intr-un castron care sta deasupra unei oale in care fierbe apa, fara ca nivelul apei sa ajunga la fundul castronului). Se mesteca in continuu cu telul, cam 5-10 minute, pana cand se ingroasa si se formeaza o pasta. Se ia de pe abur si se lasa sa se raceasca complet (eventual se pune pe baie de gheata). Se incorporeaza lichiorul si coaja de lamaie.
Separat se bate frisca cu restul de 1/4 cana zahar, pana se intareste. Cand crema de galbenusuri s-a racit, se amesteca cu frisca, usor, de sus in jos, pana cand este incorporata. Se toarna in tava peste crusta, si se decoreaza cu cele 2 linguri de biscuiti opriti. Se acopera cu excesul de folie si se baga la congelator pentru cel putin 8 ore inainte sa se taie.
The summer is in full power, and considering I don't have an ice-cream maker (yet! is on my wish list :)), I made Semifreddo again. If the one with Nutella was sweet and rich, and it can be served any time of year, the Citrus Semifreddo is sweet and sour, very refreshing for this time of year.
The recipe is Giada's, I love her style of cooking.
For the crust:
10 graham cookies
4 tbsp butter
For the semifreddo:
7 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar + 1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup lemon and lime juice, mixed
2 tbsp lemon or orange liqueur (the original recipe asked for Limoncello, I used Cointreau, and is totally optional)
the zest from one lemon and one lime
pinch of salt
1 cup heavy whipping cream
We're going to need a loaf pan (9x5 inch), sprayed with water or non-stick spray and a large piece of plastic wrap. Line the pan with the plastic wrap, allowing the excess to hang over the margins (more details here).
For the crust, crush the cookies, and mix it with the melted butter, until is well incorporated. Reserve 2 tbsp. Pour the mix in the loaf pan and push gently with the bottom of a glass to firm.
Set aside.
Mix the egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, lemon and lime juice and the salt in a glass or metal bowl. Place the bowl on a double boiler, or a pot with boiling water. The water level should not reach the bottom of the bowl. Mix for 5-10 minutes, until the cream thickens. Remove and let cool completely (place on ice bath). Incorporate the lemon and lime zest and the liqueur.
In a different bowl, whip the cream with the remaining 1/4 cup sugar until stiff. Combine the whip cream with the cool custard, little by little, and pour over crust. Decorate with the 2 tbsp of biscuits reserved. Cover with the excess foil and place in the freezer for at least 8 hours before serve.
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