(Please scroll down for English version)
Semifreddo este un desert italian inghetat, si o traducere a numelui ar fi "semi-inghetat": partial crema, partial inghetata. Inspirata fiind de caldura de afara si de reteta Giadei de Laurentiis, am trecut la treaba:
aprox 20 biscuiti macinati (1 cana) - eu am folosit biscuiti cu ghimbir, dar se pot folosi de oricare aveti
1/4 cana alune de padure coapte si macinate
3 linguri de unt
6 galbenusuri
1/3 cana zahar + 1/4 cana zahar
1 praf de sare
1 cana frisca lichida, neindulcita
4 linguri mari de Nutella
2 linguri lichior Baileys (optional, sau se poate substitui cu lichior de ciocolata)
Avem nevoie de o tava de chec stropita cu putina apa si o folie de plastic mare, sa tapeteze tava pe dinauntru, si sa ramana si margini afara.
Se amesteca biscuitii macinati cu alunele si untul topit, pana cand se incorporeaza bine. Se pun pe fundul tavii si se apasa cu fundul unui pahar sa se uniformizeze.
Pe bain-marie se amesteca galbenusurile cu 1/3 cana zahar si praful de sare, aprox 10 minute, pana cand crema se ingroasa. Se scoate din abur si se pune in gheata si se lasa sa se raceasca complet. Se incorporeaza lichiorul.
Separat se bate frisca cu 1/4 cana zahar pana cand se intareste. Se amesteca usor frisca cu crema de galbenusuri, amestecandu-se cu o spatula de sus in jos.
Se pun cele 4 linguri de Nutella, si se fac spirale cu un cutit de unt, asa incat este amestecat, dar cu parti de Nutella inca intregi. Se toarna peste crusta, se mai poate decora cu mai multe spirale, se acopera cu marginile de folie de plastic si se baga la congelator pentru cel putin 8 ore.
Acum ma duc sa ma delectez cu o felie si sa ma gandesc ce sa fac cu cele 6 albusuri ramase :)
Semifreddo is an italian frozen dessert, and a translation will be: "half cold": part custard, part ice-cream. Inspired by the summer heat and Giada's recipe, I got to work:
about 20 crushed crackers -1 cup (I used ginger cookies, but can be substituted with any sweet crackers)
1/4 cup toasted and crushed hazelnuts
3 tbsp melted butter
6 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar + 1/4 cup sugar
1 pinch salt
2 tbsp Baileys
1 cup heavy cream
4 tbsp Nutella
We're going to need a loaf pan (9x5 inch), sprayed with water or non-stick spray and a large piece of plastic wrap. Line the pan with the plastic wrap, allowing the excess to hang over the margins.
Mix the crushed cookies with the almonds and butter, pour the mix on the bottom of the pan and push with a glass bottom to firm.
On a double boiler, mix the egg yolks with 1/3 cup sugar and salt, about 10 minutes, until thickens. Remove and place on ice bath to cool completely. Add the Baileys and mix to combine.
In a separate bowl whip the heavy cream with 1/4 cup sugar, until thick. Mix gently with the custard, little at a time, until incorporated. Drop spoonfuls of Nutella and mix with a butter knife, until incorporated, but still chunky. Pour over the crust, cover with the edges of plastic wrap and freeze for at least 8 hours.
Now I'm going to enjoy a piece and think what to do with the 6 egg whites that I have left :)
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