(Please scroll down for English version)
Caldura continua si trebuie sa ne racorim! De data aceasta cu o bautura virgina, adica fara alcool, dar foarte delicioasa. Daca vreti putin alcool dupa servici, putin rom este binevenit.
5-6 frunze de menta
3 linguri sirop (reteta urmeaza)
3 linguri piure de mango
1 lamaie verde
1/2 lingurita zahar
apa minerala sau sifon
Pentru sirop:
1/2 cana apa
1/2 cana de zahar
cateva bucatele ghimbir
Se pune apa si zaharul la fiert, pana cand zaharul este topit si lichidul arata ca un sirop. Se opreste focul, se adauga ghimbirul si se lasa sa se raceasca, si aroma de ghimbir sa se infuzeze in sirop. Siropul se poate pastra la frigider 2 saptamani.
Pentru piureul de mango, se foloseste un mango copt bine, curatat de coaja si sambure, apoi dat prin blender. Optional se poate trece printr-o sita.
Intr-un pahar se pun frunzele de menta, 1/2 lingurita de zahar (ajuta la zdrobirea frunzelor de menta) si zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde si se piseaza foarte bine cu un pistil sau cu furculita. Se adauga restul de zeama de lamaie, piureul de mango, siropul si se amesteca. Se completeaza cu apa minerala. Se decoreaza cu frunze de menta sau cu o felie de lamaie verde. Apoi se savureaza :)
The heat is on and we have to cool off! This time we do that with a virgin drink, without alcohol, but very delicious. If you want a little kick after work, go ahead, add a shot of rum.
5-6 mint leaves
1/2 tsp sugar
3 tbsp simple syrup (recipe follows)
3 tbsp mango puree
1 lime
Seltzer water
For simple syrup:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
Few pieces of ginger
Boil the sugar and the water until sugar dissolves, turn off the heat and add the ginger. Let cool at room temperature and the flavor from ginger to infuse the syrup. The syrup can be kept in the fridge for 2 weeks.
For the mango puree, use a well ripe mango, peeled and pitted. In a blender or food processor, puree the fruit pulp until smooth.
In a glass, place the mint leaves, 1/2 tsp sugar (will help smashing the mint) and the juice from 1/2 lime. Using a pistil or a fork, smash the leaves. Add the rest of the lime juice, simple syrup, mango puree and mix. Fill with seltzer water. And enjoy!
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