(Please scroll down for English version)
Mai sunt 3 luni pana la Craciun, si desi este sarbatoarea mea preferata, nu vreau sa ma grabesc, dar canalul TV Cooking Channel a lansat o provocare pentru prajiturelele de Craciun, si am vrut sa particip.
Am facut aceste fursecuri pe care mama le face iarna, si pentru ca mama nu masoara ingredientele a trebuit sa incerc 3 variante pana am gasit combinatia perfecta intre grasime si faina.
Romanii taie la fiecare Craciun un porc. Parintii mei cresc intotdeauna un porc pe care il taie cu cateva zile inainte de Craciun, in ziua de Ignat pe 20 decembrie. Imi aduc aminte cum guita porcul cand il scoteau din cotet, dar suferinta ii era scurta. Copiilor le place sa se urce pe el si sa il calareasca putin. Apoi porcului ii este curatata pielea, arsa prima data (cu paie, sau mai modern cu arzatorul cu gaz), ca tot parul sa fie ars si in acelasi timp pielea sa fie coapta, apoi spalata cu apa calda. Asa de bun este soriciul, poate cea mai buna parte din acea zi.
Urmeaza transarea, cand se pun separat sunca, coastele, muschiul, si matele pentru carnati. Mama punea separat grasimea curata (osanza) pentru a fi folosita in special la prajituri: fursecurile de mai jos si un aluat foietaj facut cu osanza. Dupa ce treaba era terminata, urma pomana porcului, o mica friptura cu salata de varza acra (si ma apuca o pofta in timp ce va povestesc asta :)) Stiu ca e in post, dar pomana porcului era o mica exceptie, fiind singura masa cu carne mancata inaintea zilei de Craciun.
Cam asa aratau zilele de dinaintea Craciunului la noi acasa, pregatind porcul, facand curat in casa, apoi impodobitul bradului si in dimineata zilei de Craciun foarte devreme ascultand minunatele colinde si privind clipocitul celor 7 stelute din brad.
Fursecurile se pot face in orice forma, mie imi plac sub forma de floricica, cu nuca sau rahat in mijloc (asta era partea mea favorita, sa ajung in mijloc la nuca coapta). Sunt bune proaspete, dar si mai bune in zilele urmatoare.
Later edit: Reteta mea a fost castigatoare si a fost publicata pe site-ul cookingchanneltv.com, alaturi de retetele unor bucatari celebri.
Ingrediente (pentru aprox 25 bucati):
400 gr faina (3 cani de 250 ml)
200 gr zahar (1 cana)
200 gr untura (1 cana)
1 ou
coaja rasa de la 1/2 lamaie
1/2 lingurita nucsoara macinata
100 ml apa (1/2 cana)
1 lingurita praf de copt (1 pachet)
un praf de sare
cateva nuci si rahat pentru decorat
zahar pudra pentru decorat
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Intr-un castron mai mare se pune faina, zaharul, untura, coaja de lamaie, oul, nucsoara, apa, vanilia, praful de copt si sarea si se amesteca (cu mana, sau se poate folosi mixerul) pana cand devine o coca mai groasa. Eu am folosit un pos mare si am format floricele, dar puteti face orice forma doriti, bastonase, semilune. In mijlocul fiecarei floricele am pus o bucatica de nuca sau de rahat si am apasat putin.
Se pun fursecurile in tava neunsa (se poate tapeta tava cu hartie de pergament), lasandu-se 2 cm intre ele. Se baga la cuptor pentru 25-30 minute. Se scot, se lasa sa se raceasca si se pudreaza cu zahar.
Pofta buna!
There’s still 3 months left until Christmas, and even it’s my favorite holyday I’m not in a hurry. But, Cooking Channel launched a challenge for Christmas cookies and I wanted to participate.
I made these cookies that my mom makes during winter, and because my mom doesn’t measure the ingredients, I had to make it 3 times until I found the perfect ratio between flour and fat.
The Romanian tradition requests to sacrifice a pig before every Christmas. My parents raise and cut a pig few days before Christmas, on Ignat day on December 20th. I remember how the pig was crying when they were taking him out of the barn, but he suffered only for a very short time. The kids loved to ride the pig before he got cleaned. The pig’s skin will be cleaned, first burned until all the hair is gone and the skin is cooked, and washed with warm water after that. That fresh skin is so good, the best part of the day.
Next, the bacon and the meat will be separated, the ribs, and the intestines, which after a good cleaning will be used as sausage casings. My mom will select the clean fat that’s going to be used for cookies and for lard puff pastry. After everything was done, we had a little meal with fresh fried meat and homemade sauerkraut salad (and I’m getting some cravings when I’m writing this :)). The days before Christmas we usually fast (no meat, eggs or dairy) but this meal was a little exception.
That’s how the days before Christmas looked like in my house growing up, preparing the pork’s meat, making homemade sausages, cleaning the house and putting up the Christmas tree. And very early in the Christmas day we listened to beautiful carols and watching the glistening of the 7 lights from the Christmas tree.
The lard cookies can be made in any shape; I like the flowery shape, with a walnut or a piece of Turkish delight in the middle (my favorite part was to get the roasted walnut). And they’re good fresh, and even better in the next days.
Ingredients (for about 25 pieces):
3 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup lard
1 egg
The zest from ½ lemons
½ tsp ground nutmeg
½ cup water
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Walnuts, Turkish delight or slivered almonds for decoration
½ cup powder sugar for dusting
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
In a large bowl mix the flour, sugar, lard, lemon zest, egg, nutmeg, water, vanilla, salt and baking powder and mix (with your hands or you can use a mixer) until a thick dough forms. I used a pastry bag to make flowers, but you can make any shape you like. Place a piece of walnut or Turkish delight in the middle of each flower and press a little.
Line the cookies on a baking sheet (ungreased, or lined with parchment paper), leaving 1 inch space in between. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. Remove, let cooled down and dust with powdered sugar.