
(Please scroll down for English version)
Imi plac foarte mult vinetele, in special in salata de vinete, si apoi in Ratatouille, bucatelele de vinete coapte. Sunt asa dragute cum stau cuminti feliate si date cu sare multa (ceea ce le impiedica sa se innegreasca si in acelasi timp le ia gustul amar) si isi asteapta soarta intr-o mancare delicioasa.
Ideea de couscous cu vinete mi-a venit in timp ce faceam cumparaturile de mancare. Am trecut pe langa vinete, si cum ador vinetele coapte, ma gandeam in ce sa le integrez. Cand am ajuns la raftul cu ingrediente arabesti, s-a apris beculetul! Couscous cu vinete coapte si ardei copti. Pentru putina balansare a gusturilor, am adaugat anghinare gata marinata la borcan.
Rezultatul a fost foarte gustos, satios si proaspat. Foarte bun cald, dar si rece a doua zi. Sigur pus pe lista mancarurilor de facut din nou.
1 cana couscous
1 cana apa fiarta
1 vanata mare
1 ardei rosu gras mare
1/2 cana anghinare marinata din borcan
3-4 linguri patrunjel tocat
1 lamaie, coaja rasa si zeama
1 lingurita chimen pudra
sare si piper dupa gust
3-4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Se incinge cuptorul la 230 grade Celsius (450 Fahrenheit).
Vanata se taie felii groase de aprox 1 - 1 1/2 cm si se presara cu multa sare. Se lasa cam 20 minute. Intre timp se coace ardeiul, intorcandu-se pe toate partile pana se rumeneste. Se scoate si se lasa sa se raceasca putin, se curata de coaja si seminte si se taie bucati. Se da cu putina sare si se da deoparte.
Feliile de vinete se spala sub jet de apa, se taie bucati mai mari, se pun intr-o tava si se presara cu piper si putin ulei de masline. Se coc in cuptorul incins 15 minute.

Anghinarea se scurge si se taie bucati mai mici, depinde cat este de mare.

Se pune apa fiarta peste couscous, se acopera cu o folie de plastic si se lasa 5 minute sa se abureasca, apoi se infoaie cu o furculita. Se amesteca cu ardeiul, vinetele, anghinarea si patrunjelul.
Separat se amesteca zeama si coaja de lamaie, chimenul, sare, piper si ulei de masline si se toarna peste couscous. Se amesteca bine si se serveste.
Pofta buna!

I love eggplants, especially in Eggplant spread, and in Ratatouille, roasted pieces of eggplant. And they are so cute sprinkled with a lot of salt (which prevent browning and extract the bitter juices) and waiting their destiny in a delicious meal (I should’ve named this post: How not to be afraid of eggplant!)
The idea of couscous with eggplant I got it while I was groceries shopping. I passed the eggplants and I was thinking in what I could integrate it. When I got to the ethnic isle, the light bulb lit: Couscous with roasted eggplant and peppers. To balance the sweetness I added some marinated artichokes.
The result was very tasty, filling and refreshing. It was good warm and cold the next day. It is for sure put on the make again list.
1 cup couscous
1 cup boiling water
1 large eggplant
1 large red bell pepper
½ cup jarred marinated artichokes
3-4 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 lemon, zest and juice
1 tsp ground cumin
Salt and pepper after taste
3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Preheat the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
Slice the eggplant ½ inch thick and sprinkle a lot of salt. Set aside for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile roast the pepper in the preheated oven, turning on all sides until golden brown. Let cool a little and clean the seeds and skin. Cut in pieces and sprinkle with little salt.
Rinse the eggplant slices, cut in pieces. Place on a roasting sheet, sprinkle with pepper and little olive oil. Roast for 15 minutes in the preheated oven.
Cut the artichokes in smaller pieces.
Pour 1 cup boiling water over the couscous and cover with plastic wrap. Let steam for 5 minutes and fluff with a fork. Mix in the peppers, eggplant, artichokes and parsley.
In a separate bowl mix the lemon zest, juice, cumin, salt, pepper and olive oil. Pour over couscous and toss. Serve warm or cold.

(Please scroll down for English version)
Legumele coapte raspandesc in casa o aroma si caldura placuta si te imbie sa te apuci sa impodobesti casa de Craciun. Le pui in cuptor, si tocmai bine, pana se termina de copt ai terminat si tu de decorat. Mai lipseste o ciocolata calda sa incheie cina, sau niste castane coapte...
Mi-a placut aceasta reteta luata de la Giada de Laurentiis, pe care eu am modificat-o putin dupa gusturile mele. I-am adaugat ceapa, care imi place foarte mult coapta, si putin otet balsamic, pentru ca imi place putin mai acrisor. Varzutele de Bruxelles sunt rumenite si delicioase, cartofii dulci si pastarnacul dulcegi, o nebunie de gusturi. O mancare foarte colorata, cred ca impaca toate gusturile, pentru copii, pentru cei care tin post, sau ca garnitura la friptura de duminica in familie.
1 ceapa rosie medie taiata bucati mari
2 morcovi medii taiati in bucati de vreo 4 cm
aproximativ 15 varzute de Bruxelles, curatate de foile de afara si taiate jumatati
4 cartofi rosii cu coaja, taiati felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 pastarnac taiat felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 cartof dulce curatat de coaja si taiat felii rotunde de 2-3 cm
1 lingurita de sare
piper proaspat macinat
100 ml ulei de masline
1 lingurita de ierburi uscate amestecate (oregano, cimbru, rozmarin, cimbrisor, busuioc, salvie)
otet balsamic pentru stropit deasupra (optional)
Se incinge cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).
Intr-o tava mai mare se pun toate legumele, se dau cu sare, piper, ierburi si ulei si se amesteca totul bine. Ar trebui sa aveti un singur strat cu legume.
Se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 35-40 minute pana cand legumele sunt rumenite.
Se scot si se servesc cu putin otet balsamic stropit deasupra.
Pofta buna!

The roasted vegetables spread a nice aroma in the house and they lure you in to put up the Christmas tree. Place them in the oven, and when you finish decorating, the dinner is ready too. A nice hot chocolate or some roasted chestnuts can finish up a nice evening…
I loved this recipe from Giada de Laurentiis, which I adapted after my likings. I added some onion, because I like roasted onions and little balsamic vinegar for a little acidity. The Brussels sprouts are golden brown delicious, sweet potatoes and parsnip adds a little sweetness; it’s a taste feast in one pan. Very colorful, can be appealing to everybody, from kids, vegetarians and vegans, or as a side dish for the Thanksgiving turkey or a Sunday roast.
1 medium red onion cut in large pieces
2 medium carrots cut in 1 ½ inch pieces
About 1 pound Brussels sprouts (15 pieces) trimmed and cut in halves
4 red potatoes skin on sliced 1 inch thick
1 parsnip slice 1 inch thick
1 sweet potato cleaned and sliced 1 inch thick
1 tsp salt
Fresh ground pepper
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp mixed dried herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil, sage)
Balsamic vinegar for drizzle on top (optional)
Preheat the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a roasting pan place the vegetables, add the salt, pepper, dried herbs and oil, and toss to even coating. You should have one layer of vegetables.
Place in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes until golden brown.
Remove and serve with little balsamic vinegar drizzle on top.
(Please scroll down for English version)
Traditional pentru curcanul de Ziua Recunostintei este sosul de merisoare. Nu am facut niciodata, dar am mancat gata preparat, este foarte bun, putin acrisor.
Insa eu ador acest sos de visine, a carui reteta o am de la mama soacra (Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca in pace!)
Imi place gustul dulce acrisor, este foarte usor de facut si poate fi mancat cu curcan, pui la cuptor, foarte bun peste cartofi piure, chiar si cu porc la cuptor.
Aici nu sunt foarte populare visinele, si nu am mai mancat visine proaspete de mult. Dar se gaseste usor compot de visine adus din Europa. Pentru sos se foloseste numai zeama, si eventual cateva fructe (aveti grija sa nu aiba samburi si sa-si rupa cineva dintii). Intotdeauna imi raman fructe fara zeama pentru care trebuie sa gasesc o folosinta. Anul trecut le-am amestecat cu tuica de la tata si zahar si a iesit o visinata pe cinste.
Cred ca acum o sa le stropesc cu putin rom si o sa fac o prajitura.
2 linguri unt
2 linguri faina
zeama de la un borcan de 900 gr compot de visine
sare si piper dupa gust
1/2 lingurita coaja de portocala rasa
Intr-o tigaie se incinge untul pe foc mediu si apoi se adauga faina. Se mesteca cu o lingura de lemn pana cand este totul amestecat bine si se prajeste faina, cam 1 minut. Se adauga zeama de compot putin cate putin, mestecandu-se mereu, pana cand ajungeti la consistenta dorita. Se da intr-un clocot mic, si se potriveste cu sare si piper. Se stinge focul si se adauga coaja rasa de portocala.
Un deliciu!

Traditional for the Thanksgiving turkey is the cranberry sauce. I never prepared it, but I had some, and it’s really good and little tart.
But I love this sour cherry sauce, which recipe I have from my mother-in-law (God rest her soul!)
I like the sweet and sour taste, it’s easy to make and it can be served with turkey, roast chicken, very good over mashed potatoes, even with roast pork.
In America, the sour cherries are not very popular, and I haven’t had fresh sour cherries in a long time. But the sour cherry in syrup and sour cherry preserve can be easy found in European specialty stores. For this sauce I used the syrup and few fruits (be careful that sour cherry to be pitted so nobody break their teeth). Every year I have left fruits that I can find a use. They can be mixed with vodka and sugar for some flavor liqueur. This year I think I’m going to soak them in little rum and use it in a cake.
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp all purpose flour
The syrup from 1 (32 oz) jar of sour cherry in syrup
Salt and pepper after taste
½ tsp orange zest
Heat the butter in a sauce pan over medium heat, and add the butter. Mix with a wooden spoon until forms rue, and cook for a minute. Start adding the syrup, little by little, until you have the desired thickness. Bring to a boil and add salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and add the orange zest.

(Please scroll down for English version)
Cand am plecat din Romania cred ca am realizat (mai mult sau mai putin) ceea ce las in urma si de ce o sa imi fie dor: de familie, de prieteni, sarbatorile romanesti, gradina mamei si puii crescuti in curte. Nici un pui organic nu se compara cu puii crescuti de mama...
Ceea ce nu am realizat, si nici nu cred ca m-am gandit prea mult atunci cand am venit aici a fost cum o sa ma adaptez la sarbatorile si traditiile americane. A fost grea adaptarea, dar am ales sa respect tara si oamenii printre care traiesc, si traditiile lor. Incepand cu Super Bowl (de care sincer nu prea imi pasa, prefer sa ma uit la show-ul Iron Chef si sotul se duce cu baietii), continuand cu Ziua Mamei, cand o sun pe mama sa ii spun "La multi ani!" (la fel cum fac si de 8 Martie) si ziua tatalui, cand ii spun lui tata "La multi ani!". Am purtat si tricou cu echipa de hockey Hawks atunci cand au fost in finala, si am strigat si m-am bucurat cand au castigat (in mare parte ca puteam in sfarsit sa merg acasa :) dar si pentru ca toata lumea in jurul meu era fericita). La nunta noastra am pastrat traditii romanesti si americane in acelasi timp. Dar cea mai mare sarbatoare pe care am adoptat-o, desi pentru mine poate nu inseamna asa de mult ca pentru americani, este Ziua Recunostintei.
Prima zi a Recunostintei (sau prima masa) s-a tinut acum vreo 400 de ani si la ea au luat parte indienii bastinasi si pilgrimsii veniti cu corabiile, sau primii imigranti. A fost o sarbatoare a recoltei, la care nici nu s-a mancat curcan, ci caprioara, porumb si legume. Mai tarziu a fost stabilita a 3-a joi din noiembrie si declarata zi nationala, cand familiile se aduna si mananca impreuna curcan, umplutura, piure de cartofi, cartofi dulci, sos de merisoare si placinta de dovleac sau mere, si multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru ceea ce au.
Pentru mine Ziua Recunostintei inseamna acea masa a celor care sunt aici de mai mult timp si a imigrantilor, zi in care stam cu toti la masa si suntem recunoscatori pentru ceea ce avem.
Si sunt recunoscatoare, pentru ca am o noua mica familie, suntem sanatosi, avem acoperis deasupra capului si mancare de pus pe masa, si chiar daca sunt departe, putem tine legatura usor cu familia din Romania. Sunt recunoscatoare pentru prietenii pe care ii am si care sunt alaturi de mine atunci cand am nevoie de ei. Prieteni pe care ii vad mai des, sau care nu i-am vazut de ani, dar stiu ca pot conta pe ei, si altii "virtuali" pe care nu i-am vazut niciodata, dar m-au votat atunci cand am avut nevoie :)
Chiar daca sarbatoriti sau nu aceasta zi a recunostintei, voi pentru ce sunteti recunoscatori?
Va urez sa aveti o zi linistita, imbelsugata si alaturi de familie.

Si ca sa trecem la mancare, va pot spune ce este in plan, sa speram ca totul o sa iasa bine si revin cu poze: salata cu spanac, rucola, feta, merisoare si nuci, pui la cuptor (in loc de curcan, pentru ca era prea mare pentru 4-5 persoane), piure de cartofi, sos de visine (in loc de sos de merisoare), umplutura cu praz si ciuperci (prima data cand fac, tineti-mi pumnii :)), iar pentru desert Adriana face un tort cu mere.

When I left Romania to move in America, I knew (more or less) what I’m going to miss: my family, my friends, Romanian holydays, my mom’s garden and chickens. The organic chickens don’t even get close in taste with mom’s chickens…
What I didn’t know, and I don’t think I even gave a lot a thought, was how I’m going to adapt at American holydays and traditions. The transition was tough, but I chose to respect the people and the country that I live in, and their traditions. Starting with the Super Bowl (I don’t really watch, I prefer to watch Iron Chef, and let my husband go with the guys), and continuing with Mothers Day when I call my mom (the same I do on March 8th when Romania celebrates Woman’s Day), and Father’s Day when I call my dad. I wore a Blackhawks t-shirt when the team was in the playoffs of Stanley’s Cup, and I cheered up when they won (mostly because I got to get home, but the happiness on the people’s faces made me happy too). At our wedding I kept Romanian and American traditions. But, maybe the biggest holyday that I adopted is Thanksgiving (even if it doesn’t mean as much for me as it means for an American).
The first Thanksgiving Day (or first meal) it was about 400 years ago, and at it participated the native Indians and the pilgrims (the first immigrants). It was more a harvest celebration, and they didn’t have turkey, but venison, corn and vegetables. Much later it was declared national holyday for the third Thursday of November, and families get together and eat a feast with roast turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberries sauce and apple or pumpkin pie, and they are thankful to God for what they have.
For me, Thanksgiving means that meal that brings together the ones that were already here and the newcomers.
And I’m thankful for my little new family, because we’re healthy, we have shelter and food, and even if my family in Romania is far, we can keep in touch easily. I’m thankful for my friends, and I can count on them. Friends that I see more often, friends that I haven’t seen in years, but I know they are there for me, and “virtual friends” that I never seen, but they voted for me when I asked them too.
Either if you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, what are you thankful for?

And let me tell you about our Thanksgiving menu (let’s hope everything turns out ok): arugula and spinach salad with dried cranberries, pecans and feta, roasted chicken (a turkey is too much for 4-5 people), mashed potatoes, sour cherry sauce (instead of cranberries), leeks and mushrooms stuffing (first time I make it), and for dessert Adriana will make an apple cake.
Happy Turkey Day!

(Please scroll down for English version)
Incet incet trece si vremea dovlecilor... Din fericire dovlecii se pastreaza foarte bine peste iarna, chiar si la temperatura camerei. Am pastrat vreo 3, si am facut o supa crema mai picanta, din al doilea am facut aceste cupcakes si al treilea asteapta... probabil va fi copt pur si simplu.
Pentru cupcakes am folosit un dovleac turcesc, de aprox 1 kg, jumatate l-am folosit pentru muffins iar cealalta jumatate am copt-o si am folosit-o pentru crema. Iar semintele le-am copt, curatat de coaja si am decorat cupcakes-urile cu ele. Asta da folosire eficienta a resurselor!
Pentru reteta de muffins m-am inspirat din emisiunea lui Jamie Oliver, iar pentru crema mi-a placut ideea Laurei Sava, pe care binenteles, am adaptat-o putin.
Au fost delicioase, mi-au placut si muffins-urile si in special crema, care cred ca poate fi adaptata si pentru alte arome.
Nota: Daca nu aveti masuri de cups, folositi o cana obisnuita de ceai (235 ml), fara sa fie plina cu varf.
Ingrediente (pentru 20 bucati):
Pentru muffins:
aprox 400 grame dovleac curatat de coaja si seminte
2 cani zahar
4 oua
un praf de sare
2 cani si jumatate faina
2 lingurite praf de copt
o mana plina de nuci tocate
1 lingurita scortisoara
150 ml ulei de masline
unt pentru uns formele sau hartii pentru muffins
Pentru crema:
aprox 400 gr dovleac (puteti lasa aceasta jumatate necuratata de coaja)
200 ml frisca lichida neindulcita
5 linguri zahar pudra
200 gr branza crema Philadelphia
esenta de vanilie
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit). Se unge tava de muffins cu unt sau se tapeteaza cu hartii.
Pentru muffins, se da dovleacul pe razatoare, sau se marunteste in robot. Se amesteca cu zaharul si ouale, apoi praful de sare, faina, praful de copt, nucile, scortisoara si uleiul si se bat pana cand sunt amestecate, fara a se bate prea tare. Se pun in forme si se coc in cuptorul incins pentru 20-25 minute, pana cand o scobitoare bagata in mijlocul uneia din muffins iese afara curata.
Eu am copt in 2 ture, pentru ca a fost mai mult amestec, dar am folosit hartii si a fost foarte simplu, nu a fost nevoie sa spal tava intre ture.
Se scot si se lasa sa se raceasca.
Intre timp, in acelasi cuptor incins se pune dovleacul pentru crema, taiat in bucati mai mari, cu coaja in sus. Se coace aprox 45 minute, pana cand este moale si rumen. Se scoate, si cand s-a racit de ajuns pentru a putea fi atins, se curata de coaja si partile mai uscate. Se face piure in blender, ar trebui sa va ramana cam 1 cana de piure.
Se amesteca cu 3 linguri de zahar pudra, vanilia si branza crema si se bate cu mixerul pana cand este totul o crema fina.
Separat se bate frisca lichida cu 2 linguri de zahar pudra, pana cand este tare. Se incorporeaza in crema cu dovleac cu o lingura, mestecandu-se usor de sus in jos.
Se intinde crema pe muffins cu un cutit de unt, cu un pos sau cu o punga taiata la un colt.
Se poate decora cu seminte de dovleac coapte si curatate de coaja (daca aveti rabdare sa le curatati de coaja).
Pofta buna!

Little by little the pumpkin and squash season is going away too… Luckily the pumpkins keep very well for a long time, even at room temperature. I kept about 3 (butternut squash), and I made a spicy pumpkin soup, from another I made these cupcakes, and the third is waiting… probably it’s going to be roasted, plain and simple.
For the cupcakes I used one butternut squash, it had about 2 pounds, half for muffins and the other half I roasted it and used it for the cream. And the seeds I roasted it too, and I decorated the cupcakes with it. Talk about resourcefulness!
For the muffins I used Jamie Oliver’s recipe, and for cream I liked Laura Sava's idea, which I adapted it a little.
They turned out delicious; I liked the muffins, and the cream in particular, which I think can be adapted with other flavors.
Ingredients (for 20 muffins):
About 1 pound butternut squash, peeled and seeded
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
Pinch of salt
2 ½ cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 handful chopped walnuts
1 tsp cinnamon
¾ cup olive oil
For the cream:
About 1 pound butternut squash (you can leave the skin on)
1 cup heavy cream
5 tbsp powder sugar (separated)
1 pack (8 oz) Philadelphia cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter one muffin tray or line with paper cups.
To make the muffins, shred the butternut squash or pulse it in the food processor. Mix with sugar and eggs, and then add salt, flour, baking powder, walnuts, cinnamon and oil and mix until incorporated. Do not over mix. Fill the paper cups and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
I had to bake 2 batches, but it was very easy using the paper cups and didn’t have to wash the tray in between.
Remove and let cool.
Meanwhile, in the same preheated oven, bake the rest of the butternut squash, cut in large pieces, and place skin up. Bake for about 45 minutes until soft. Remove and it’s cool enough to handle, clean the skin and dry parts. Puree in blender. You should have left about 1 cup puree.
Mix it with 3 tbsp powder sugar, vanilla and cream cheese, and beat until it’s a smooth cream.
In a separate bowl whip the whipping cream with 2 tbsp powder sugar until soft peaks form. Incorporate the whipping cream in the pumpkin puree mix using a spatula.
Spread on top of cooled muffins using a butter knife or pastry bag.
Decorate with roasted and peeled seeds (if you have enough patience to skin them).

Dragii mei vizitatori si urmaritori, am participat la un concurs pe site-ul thenest.com, "Cupluri care gatesc". Desi mai mult eu gatesc, sotul e cu cumparatul ingredientelor si mancatul (dar participa, nu?) reteta mea cu Bulete de branza este una din finaliste. Daca va plac buletele mele, votati-ma va rog aici. Multumesc anticipat :)
Votarea s-a incheiat pe 22 noiembrie. Multumesc tuturor pentru sustinere!
My dear followers and visitors, my Cheeseballs recipe is one of the finalist at the thenest.com contest “Couples who cook” (my husband is buying the ingredients and he’s eating the results :)). So, if you like my cheeseballs please vote for me here. Thank you in advance!
The voting ended on November 22nd. Thank you everyone for your support!

(Please scroll down for English version)
Azi incep cele 40 de zile ale postului Craciunului. Pentru crestinii ortodocsi romani incepe o perioada de curatire sufleteasca si spirituala pentru sarbatoarea Nasterii Domnului. Asta in cazul in care vor sa tina post. Pentru mine postul nu este numai o abtinere de la mancare, ci si o curatare a sufletului. Degeaba nu mananci carne daca gandesti rau, esti invidios si injuri.
Nu pot sa spun ca tin postul foarte strict, dar incerc, in special miercurea si vinerea. Incerc sa mananc mai putina carne, sa fiu mai buna si in special sa nu gandesc rau (asta este poate partea cea mai grea, de multe ori uitam si mintea fuge mult mai repede decat fuge mana la o bucata de carne).
Postul presupune renuntarea la carne, oua si lactate, adica tot ce provine de la animale. Ce ramane sa mancam? Legume, nuci, paste. Nici nu ne imaginam cat de bune sunt, si in cat de multe feluri pot fi consumate. Azi va propun o salata cu linte, de la EatingWell.com, si desi reteta are branza, se poate omite foarte usor. Salata este delicioasa si satioasa in acelasi timp.
1 - 1 1/2 linte uscata
1 cana ardei rosu gras tocat bucatele
1 cana castravete tocat bucatele
1/2 cana ceapa tocata (ceapa verde, rosie sau alba)
1/2 cana branza feta sfaramata (optional)
2-3 linguri patrunjel sau marar tocat
1 foaie de dafin
sare si piper
Lintea se pune la fiert intr-o oala cu apa care o acopera cu vreo 2-3 cm, cu foaia de dafin si putina sare si piper. Se fierbe aprox 1 ora, mestecandu-se din cand in cand pana cand lintea este patrunsa, dar isi mentine forma (daca apa scade foarte mult, mai adaugati putina apa). Se strecoara si se lasa sa se raceasca putin.
Se amesteca cu ardeiul, castravetele, ceapa si verdeata. Se toarna deasupra dressingul si se mesteca. Se serveste cu branza deasupra.
Pentru dressing:
3 linguri zeama de lamaie
2 lingurite mustar (preferabil Dijon)
sare si piper
4-5 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Se amesteca zeama de lamaie, mustarul, sarea si piperul, apoi se adauga uleiul, mestecand in continuu pana cand este tot incorporat.
Pofta buna!

Today, for the Romanian Christian Orthodox starts the 40 days of fasting before Christmas. The fast is mostly a vegan diet, a body and soul cleansing.
I try to fast, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays, and today I present you a vegetarian salad from EatingWell.com, which can become vegan just from skipping the cheese.
1 -1 ½ cups dry lentils
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup chopped cucumber
½ cup chopped onion (green, red or yellow, whichever you prefer)
½ cup crumbles feta cheese
2-3 tbsp chopped parsley or dill
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper
Place the lentils in a pot with water that covers them by 1 inch, add the bay leaf and little salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and simmer on medium heat for about 1 hour, until the lentils are soft, but hold their shape (if the water gets too low, add some more water). Drain and let cool a little.
Mix the cooled lentils with cucumber, peppers, onions and parsley or dill. Pour over the dressing and toss. Serve with crumble feta on top.
For the dressing:
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper after taste
4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Mix the lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper, and whisking continuously incorporate the oil.

(Please scroll down for English version)
In unul din show-urile Inei Garten, in care l-a avut ca invitat surpriza pe actorul Mel Brooks, a gatit aceasta supa. Mel Brooks a mancat un castron si nu a vrut felul 2, a mai vrut supa :) Supa arata asa de bine, incat a trebuit sa o incerc. Si am incercat-o de 3 ori de atunci. Cine credea ca prazul oltenesc poate sa fie asa decadent? Si fara ciocolata!
Domnul praz se impaca asa bine cu doamnele ciuperci, cum zice Jamie. Oliver, care este :) Iar untul si crema de la sfarsit ii da supei o consistenta catifelata, sa tot mananci.
Am facut supa cu diferite feluri de ciuperci, si desi o sa iasa buna si cu ciuperci Champignon, este si mai delicioasa cu Shiitake si Cremini(daca gasiti). Daca aveti Hribi (Porcini), e si mai bine! Cremini arata la forma cu Champignon, numai ca sunt maronii, si cand cresc mari se numesc Portobello. Si daca cineva stie mai bine denumirile in romana, lasati-mi de stire va rog.

Consumatoare de timp supa, dar foarte buna la impresionat soacra!
150 gr ciuperci Shiitake
150 gr ciuperci Cremini
150 gr hribi (eu nu am avut hribi si am folosit 300 gr Cremini)
1 lingura de ulei de masline
100 gr unt, plus 1 lingura
1 cana ceapa tocata
1 morcov tocat
cateva fire de cimbru proaspat, plus 2 linguri de cimbru tocat
sare si piper proaspat macinat
2 cani praz tocat (cam 2 fire), partea alba si partea verde
2 linguri faina
1 cana vin alb (200 ml)
1 cana frisca lichida neindulcita (200 ml)
2 linguri patrunjel proaspat tocat
Pentru a curata prazul, se curata de frunzele exterioare si de radacina si se taie pe jumatate de-a lungul. Se spala sub apa la robinet. Asa se poate spala mai usor de pamantul dintre frunze.

Ciupercile se sterg cu un servet umed. Se separa coditele de palarii si se toaca coditele. Palariile se feliaza in felii de aprox 1/2 cm.
Intai se face supa: intr-o oala se incinge uleiul de masline si 1 lingura de unt. Se adauga coditele de la ciuperci, ceapa, morcovul, crengutele de cimbrul, 1 lingurita de sare si piper proaspat macinat.

Se calesc 10-15 minute pana cand se inmoaie. Se adauga 1 litru si jumatate de apa, se da focul mic si se fierbe 30 minute neacoperit. Se strecoara prin sita si se da deoparte. Ar trebui sa aveti cam 1 litru de supa (daca este mai putin, mai adaugati putina apa).
In alta oala se topeste untul (100 gr) si se adauga prazul. Se calesc aprox 15 minute pe foc mic, pana cand se inmoaie si incep sa se coloreze.

Se adauga palariile feliate de la ciuperci si se calesc inca 10 minute pana cand incep sa se rumeneasca.

Se adauga faina si se caleste 1 minut. Se stinge cu vinul si se fierbe alt minut, mestecandu-se bine fundul oalei. Se adauga supa si cimbrul tocat, sare si piper si se fierbe 15 minute. Se adauga frisca lichida, patrunjelul si se gusta de sare si piper, tinandu-se calda fara sa fiarba.
Pofta buna!

In one of Ina Garten’s shows, when she had as a surprise guest the actor Mel Brooks, she prepared this soup. Mel Brooks had one bowl and he didn’t want the next course, he wanted more soup! The soup looked so good, that I had to try it. And I made it three times since. Who thought that the leeks can be so decadent? And without chocolate!
Mister leek goes along very well with mister mushrooms, like very well said Jamie. Oliver. The butter and the cream at the end gives the soup such silkiness, you want to keep eating.
I made the soup with different mushrooms, and is better with Shiitake (I couldn’t find Porcini mushrooms).
The soup is time consuming, but very good to impress the in-laws!
5 oz Shiitake mushrooms
5 oz Cremini mushrooms
5 oz Porcini mushrooms (I used 10 oz Cremini)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 stick of butter, plus 1 tbsp
1 cup chopped yellow onion
1 carrot chopped
1 spring fresh thyme, plus 1 tsp minced thyme leaves
Salt and fresh ground pepper
2 cups chopped leeks, white and green parts (2 leeks)
¼ cup all purpose flour
1 cup white wine
1 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
To clean the leeks, clean the outer leaves and the roots and cut in half alongside. Rinse in running water. It’s easier to clean the dirt between leaves.
Clean the mushrooms with a damp towel. Separate the stems, and coarse chop them. Slice the mushroom caps in ¼ inch thick.
To make the stock, heat the olive oil and the butter in a pot. Add chopped mushrooms stems, onion, and carrot, spring of thyme, 1 tsp salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add 6 cups of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Strain, reserve liquid. You should have 4 ½ cups stock. If not, add some water.
In another pot, heat the remaining butter and add the leeks. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes until soft and begin to brown. Add the sliced mushrooms caps and cook for 10 minutes, or until they are browned and tender. Add the flour and cook for 1 minute. Add the white wine and stir for another minute, scraping the bottom of the pot. Add the stock, minced thyme leaves, salt and pepper, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the cream, parsley, and check for salt and pepper and heat through but do not boil.
Enjoy it hot!

(Please scroll down for English version)
Postul cu numarul 100!
In urma cu cateva luni, dupa ce am vizitat multe bloguri, m-am gandit: "si eu pot sa fac asta". Si am inceput sa postez primele retete, cu poze nereusite. Am observat ce nu e bine si stiam ca totusi am ceva de spus, si chiar cu o poza nu prea buna, mancarea este excelenta, si in timp am perseverat. Am ajuns in 7 luni la 100 retete, am inceput sa fac poze mai bune (datorita si unei camere noi), am invatat mai mult despre unghiuri si lumina, si stiu ca mai am inca multe de invatat.
Blogul meu nu este o carte de bucate, este mai mult jurnalul meu de gatit. Imi place sa gatesc si am facut-o din necesitate si din placere: mancarurile romanesti pentru ca nu e mama aproape sa le faca, iar cele mai exotice pentru ca imi place sa incerc tot timpul lucruri noi. Am participat la provocari, mi-am testat limitele si am inventat retete proprii.
Spaghetele de azi sunt reteta proprie, inspirata din chiftelele Inei Garten si dint-o carte de bucate cu retete italiene. Sosul folosit este facut de mine din rosii proaspete, cu o reteta pe care o puteti gasi aici. Daca aveti prea multe chiftele si sos ramase, faceti un sandvis pentru a doua zi cu o bucata de bagheta. Deci, sa trecem la treaba!
Ingrediente (pentru aprox 30 chiftele):
700 gr carne tocata (porc si vita amestecata)
1 1/2 cani de paine rupta bucati (paine veche de o zi-doua)
1 cana lapte
2-3 linguri patrunjel proaspat tocat
1 ou batut
2 catei de usturoi dat pe razatoare
1/2 cana parmesan ras, plus parmesan pentru servit
1/3 lingurita nucsoara macinata
1 lingurita de sare
piper proaspat macinat
1/2 cana ulei pentru prajit
2 cani sos de rosii
cateva frunze de busuioc rupte
1/2 pachet spaghete integrale
Painea se inmoaie in lapte 10 minute. Se stoarce bine in maini si se sfarama bine. Se amesteca painea cu carnea, patrunjelul, oul, usturoiul, parmesanul, nucsoara, sarea si piperul. Se amesteca bine. Cand credeti ca ati mestecati bine, mai mestecati 1 minut. Se formeaza chiftele de marimea unei nuci.

Se incinge uleiul intr-o tigaie si se prajesc pe rand chiftelele, pana cand se rumenesc pe toate partile. Se scot pe un servetel sa se absoarba excesul de ulei.
Se scurge uleiul din tigaie, dar nu se spala tigaia. Se toarna sosul de rosii in tigaie, si se incalzeste, mestecandu-se bine fundul tigaii pentru a se lua toate resturile de la chiftele. Se arunca frunzele de busuioc in tigaie si se pun chiftelele, acoperindu-se cu sos. Se lasa sa fiarba in sos la foc mic cam 15 minute.

Intre timp, intr-o oala mare se pune apa la foc. Cand apa fierbe se pun 2 linguri de sare si spaghetele. Se lasa sa fiarba dupa timpul de pe pachet. Se scurg si se aseaza pe un platou. Se pune deasupra sosul cu chiftelele si se presara parmesan ras.
Pofta buna!

The post number 100!
Several months ago, after I’ve visited many blogs, I thought: “I can do that!”
And I started posting, shy and with not so good pictures. I’ve seen what’s wrong and still I knew I have something to say, and even with a bad picture, the food is excellent, and I persuaded. I have 100 recipes in 7 months, I started taking better pictures (with a better camera), I learned about angles and light, and I know that I still have a lot to learn.
My blog is not a recipe book, is more like my culinary journal. I like to cook and I’m doing it from necessity and from pleasure: Romanian dishes because my mom is not close to cook for me and the exotic recipes because I love to try new things. I challenged myself, I tested my limits and I invented my own recipes.
Today’s spaghetti is made after my own recipe, inspired by Ina Garten’s meatballs and an Italian cooking book. I used homemade marinara sauce, and you can find the recipe here. If you have some leftover meatballs and sauce, make a meatball sandwich for the next day with some French bread. So, let’s get to work!
1 ½ pounds ground beef and pork
1 ½ cups day old bread chopped
1 cup milk
2-3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 beaten egg
2 grated garlic cloves
½ cup grated parmesan cheese, plus more for serving
1/3 tsp grated nutmeg
1 tsp salt
Fresh cracked pepper
½ cup oil for frying
2 cups marinara sauce
Few fresh basil leaves
½ pack whole wheat spaghetti
Soak the bread in milk for 10 minutes. Squeeze very well and break the bread with your fingers.
Mix the bread with the ground meat, parsley, egg, garlic, parmesan, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix very well with your hands. When you think is well mixed, mix for another minute. Form meatballs of a size of walnut.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meatballs in batches, turning on all sides until golden brown. Remove on paper towel to absorb excess oil.
Drain the oil from the pan, but don’t wash the pan. Pour the marinara sauce in the pan and deglaze the bottom of the pan. Add the basil leaves and the meatballs in the pan, covering them with sauce. Let simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring a pot with water to a boil. Add 2 tbsp salt and add the spaghetti. Let boil for as long is said on the package. Drain and place in a large bowl. Pour over the sauce and the meatballs. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese and serve.

(Please scroll down for English version)
Tochitura... o mancare romaneasca (sper ca de asta nu mai are nimeni nici un dubiu) care se face diferit in diferite zone ale tarii, si la noi in Oltenia nu se face deloc :) De obicei are carne, ficat si/sau alte ingrediente. A mea nu are carne, ci numai ciuperci.
Probabil ca se vor gasi voci care vor spune ca nu asa se face tochitura, dar romaneasca este, aroma de tochitura are si servita cu mamaliga este. Nu este facuta nici ca in Ardeal, nici ca in Moldova, nici ca in Dobrogea. Este facuta ca la mine acasa. Asa ca, ramane stabilit, este tochitura :)
Urmarind o alta provocare (de data asta este vorba de recompense materiale) din revista Food Network, am pregatit tochitura de fata cu ciuperci. Ramane de vazut daca o sa castig ceva, si daca nu, am facut o mancare buna, si cu ocazia asta o sa fac mancarea romaneasca putin mai cunoscuta.
1/2 ceapa mica taiata solzisori
aprox 1/2 cana ardei gras rosu sau galben taiat felii
aprox 100 gr ciuperci Shiitake
aprox 80 gr ciuperci stridie
1 lingurita pasta de rosii
1/2 cana (100 ml) vin alb
2 catei de usturoi dat pe razatoare
cimbru proaspat
2-3 linguri de ulei
sare si piper proaspat macinat
1 lingura patrunjel tocat
Pentru servit:
mamaliga calda*
1 ou ochi
branza feta data pe razatoare
Ciupercile nu le-am spalat, numai le-am sters putin cu un servet umed. Pe cele stridie le-am rupt fasii, cu codite cu tot, iar pe cele Shiitake le-am taiat felii, fara codite.
Se incinge intr-o tigaie uleiul, se adauga ceapa si ardeiul si se calesc pana se rumenesc. Se adauga ciupercile si calesc si ele pana se rumenesc, mestecandu-se din cand in cand (tigaia nu trebuie sa fie aglomerata). Intre timp se adauga un praf de sare si piper. Cand ciupercile s-au rumenit, se adauga vinul si se stinge tigaia, apoi se pune pasta de rosii si se gateste pana cand vinul este evaporat si se formeaza un sos (daca vi se pare prea gros, adaugati 2-3 linguri de apa). Se adauga usturoiul si cimbrul si se gusta pentru sare si piper.
Pentru servit, se pune mamaliga pe o farfurie, tochitura deasupra si un ou ochi peste tot. Se presara patrunjel si branza.
Pofta buna!
* Mamaliga am facut-o din 3 cani de apa, 1 lingurita de sare si 1 cana malai. Se pune apa la fiert, si cand incepe sa fiarba se pune sarea si malaiul mestecand cu telul in continuu. Se lasa pana se ingroasa. Va fi moale si se serveste cu lingura.

Tochitura is a Romanian dish, and it’s prepared different in different parts of Romania. In my part of the country Oltenia is not very popular. It usually made with pork and chicken livers, but mine has only mushrooms.
Following a contest from Food Network Magazine, I made this tochitura with mushrooms. It is a prize, and maybe I’m not going to win, but I made a nice and tasty dish, and I hope I made Romanian food known a little.
½ small onion cut julienne
½ cup red or yellow peppers cut julienne
4 oz Shiitake mushrooms
3 oz Oyster mushrooms
1 tsp tomato paste
½ cup white wine
2 garlic cloves grated
1 tsp fresh thyme
2-3 tbsp oil
Salt and fresh cracked pepper
1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
It’s served with warm polenta (cornmeal mush)*, 1 over easy egg and shredded feta cheese.
Clean the mushrooms with a damp towel. Tear the oyster mushrooms (including the stems) and slice the Shiitake mushrooms (stems removed).
Heat the oil in a pan (I used my cast iron pan), add the onions and the peppers and sauté until golden brown. Add the mushrooms and sauté until the mushrooms are golden brown too, stirring from time to time (the pan shouldn’t be crowded). Meanwhile add little salt and pepper.
Add the wine and deglaze the pan. Add the tomato paste and cook until the wine evaporates and the mixture forms a sauce (if you think it’s too thick, add 2-3 tbsp water). Add the garlic and thyme and check last time for salt and pepper.
To serve, place warm polenta on a plate, tochitura on top, and an over easy egg on top. Sprinkle parsley and feta cheese over everything.
*To make the polenta I used 3 cups of water, 1 cup cornmeal and 1 tsp salt. Bring the water to a boil, add the salt and the cornmeal little by little, whisking continuously. Cook until thickens.


(Please scroll down for English version)
Provocarea lunii Noiembrie la Dulce Romanie o tine cu multa placere Furnicuta Boscodina, care s-a gandit sa ne provoace si mai bine, folosind 2 ingrediente: nucile si usturoiul. Grea combinatie...
Am avut cateva idei, dar am ales aceasta salata, cu rucola, sparanghel (favoritele mele), dressing de usturoi si nuci deasupra (imi place orice are nuci sau alune deasupra :)). Simpla, buna si pentru post daca sarim peste branza.
Nu-i asa ca e interesant sa participi la o provocare? Sunt foarte curioasa ce idei de combinatie a usturoiului cu nucile au altii.

Salata cu rucola si sparanghel
2 maini de frunze de rucola
15 tulpini sparanghel
1/2 cana nuci tocate mare
1/3 cana parmesan ras
2 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Sare si piper
Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se ia o tulpina de sparanghel si cu o mana la baza si una aproape de varf se indoaie, si se va rupe singura acolo unde incepe sa fie frageda. Se procedeaza la fel cu restul, sau se aliniaza toate dupa prima si se taie. Se dau cu sare, piper si ulei, se amesteca si se pun in tava intr-un singur strat. Se baga la cuptor 20-25 minute, depinde cat de groase sunt tulpinile.
Nucile se pun si ele intr-o alta tava si se baga la cuptor 10-15 minute pana cand se rumenesc.
Pentru a asambla salata se amesteca rucola, sparanghelul si nucile, se toarna dressingul deasupra si se presara parmesan ras.
2 catei de usturoi rasi pe razatoarea mica
1/2 lingurita sare
Piper proaspat macinat
1 lingurita mustar (preferabil Dijon)
2 linguri otet balsamic
4-5 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Se pune usturoiul, sarea, piperul, mustarul si otetul intr-un castronel si se amesteca cu o lingua de lemn pana cand devine omogen si cremos. Mestecandu-se mereu, se adauga uleiul in fir subtire pana cand este tot incorporat. Simplu, nu?
Pofta buna!

The November challenge at Sweet Romania is hosted proudly by Furnicuta Boscodina, which challenged us with 2 ingredients: walnuts and garlic. Tough combination…
I had some ideas, but I chose this salad, with arugula, asparagus (my favorites), garlic dressing and walnuts topping (I love anything with nuts topping :)). It’s simple, good, vegetarian, even vegan if we skip the cheese.
Isn’t it interesting to get into a challenge? I’m so excited to see what kind of ideas others had to combine garlic and walnuts.
Arugula and asparagus salad
2 handful baby arugula leaves
15 asparagus spears
½ cup roughly chopped walnuts
1/3 cup shaved parmesan
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hold one asparagus spear with one hand at the bottom and one at the top part. Bend and it’s going to snap where it’s start being woody. Do the same with the rest, or align with the first one and cut.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper and olive oil. Toss and place in a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, depends how thick the asparagus is. Remove.
Place the walnuts on a different baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
To make the salad, toss the arugula, asparagus and walnuts; pour dressing on top and sprinkle with shaved parmesan.
For dressing:
2 garlic cloves grated
½ tsp salt
Fresh cracked pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Mix the garlic, salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar with a wooden spoon until becomes creamy. Beat continuously and add the oil little at a time until all incorporated. Easy, isn’t it?

(Please scroll down for English version)
S-a dus vara si sezonul rosiilor cu ea odata. Dar inainte sa plece de tot eu am facut sos de rosii din ultima "recolta". Le-am savurat toata vara proaspete, si am reusit sa pastrez acea savoare intr-un sos.
Un mic secret: nu pastrez NICIODATA rosiile in frigider pentru ca devin malaioase si isi pierd din gust. Rosiile sanatoase se tin foarte bine pana la o saptamana in camera. Cum aducandu-le de la ferma am lovit cateva, am curatat partea lovita si am folosit partea buna.
Am facut cateva borcane cu sos si le-am pastrat in frigider. Este foarte bun pentru intins pe pizza sau incalzit si amestecat cu paste pentru o cina rapida.
Nu am incercat inca sa fac sosul cu rosii din conserva (din cele conservate intregi), dar cred ca ar iesi bun. Va tin la curent :)
Aprox 2 kg rosii
1 ceapa mica tocata
4 catei de usturoi tocati
4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
Sare si piper dupa gust
1 foaie de dafin
1/2 lingurita seminte de fenicul
1/2 lingurita seminte de coriandru (pisate in mana sau in mojar)
5-6 frunze de busuioc proaspat
2-3 lingurite de zahar
2-3 linguri de unt
Rosiile se curata de cotor si vatamaturi, se taie bucati mari si se dau prin blender.
Intr-o cratita se incinge uleiul, se caleste ceapa cateva minute, apoi se adauga usturoiul. Dupa 1 minut - doua se adauga rosiile, foaia de dafin si putina sare si piper. Se lasa sa fiarba la foc mediu spre mic cam o ora pana la o ora jumatate, pana cand sosul se reduce la jumatate, mestecandu-se din cand in cand.
Cand sosul a scazut bine si s-a ingrosat, se adauga semintele de fenicul si coriandru, si frunzele de busuioc rupte bucatele. Se scoate foaia de dafin si se mai da odata prin blender (eu l-am folosit pe cel care se baga direct in oala). Va rezulta un sos fin.
Acum urmeaza partea dupa gustul fiecaruia. Cu oala inca pe foc mic, se gusta si se adauga sare si piper, si putin zahar, sa ii taie din aciditate. Tot pentru aciditate se adauga cate o bucatica de unt odata, se mai gusta, si se mai adauga zahar sau unt, pana cand se potriveste dupa gustul fiecaruia.
Daca va intrebati ce s-a intamplat cu semintele intregi, mi-a ramas una printre dinti, dar nu m-a deranjat foarte tare, se inmoaie si dau sosului un gust aparte.
Sa il folositi cu multa pofta!

The summer is long gone, and the tomatoes season is gone with it. But before it went away, I made this tomato sauce from the last “harvest”. I enjoyed the fresh tomatoes all summer long, and I managed to keep the goodness in a sauce.
A little secret: I NEVER keep my tomatoes in the fridge; they change and loose the flavor. Good and healthy tomatoes keep up to a week at room temperature. When we brought the tomatoes from the farm, some bruised, and I cleaned the bruised part and used the good part.
I made few jars of sauce and I keep them in the fridge. Is very good for homemade pizza or just heated and mix it with some pasta for a quick dinner.
I didn’t try to make the sauce with canned tomatoes, but I think it will turn out
pretty good. I’ll keep you posted :)
About 2 pounds fresh tomatoes
1 small onion chopped
4 garlic cloves chopped
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper after taste
1 bay leaf
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp coriander seeds (crushed in hands)
5-6 fresh basil leaves
2-3 tsp sugar
2-3 tbsp butter
Core and clean the tomatoes. Cut in large pieces and puree in blender in batches.
In a Dutch oven or large sauce pan heat the oil and add the onions. Sautee for 2-3 minutes and add the garlic. Sautee for another minute and add the tomatoes, bay leaf and little salt and pepper. Stirring once in a while, simmer on medium to low heat about an hour to an hour and a half, until the sauce reduce to a half.
When the sauce reduced and thickened, add the fennel and coriander, basil leaves and remove the bay leaf. Blend one more time (I used insertion blender) until the sauce is smooth.
Now is the part that everyone needs to adjust it by taste. With the sauce still on low heat, taste and adjust salt and pepper, and add 1 tsp sugar to cut the acidity. Also for acidity add 1 tbsp butter at a time, and taste again. Add more sugar and/or more butter.
If you wonder what happened with the seeds, I had one between my teeth when I had spaghetti, it was soft and I tasted a little fennel. Yummy :)
Choose a pizza recipe and enjoy!