August 27, 2010

Matase frantuzeasca/ French silk

La multi ani! mie :)

Happy Birthday to me! :)
(Please scroll down for English version)
De ziua mea am vrut sa ma rasfat, si ce rasfat este mai potrivit decat ciocolata? Reteta este luata din cartea de deserturi a lui Emily Luchetti, si modificata binenteles de mine (nu cred ca pot sa gatesc dupa o reteta fara sa modific ceva). A iesit acest tort, Matase frantuzeasca, un desert decadent, numai pentru iubitorii impatimiti de ciocolata.

Pentru crusta:
1 cana (250 ml) nuci
1 cana (250 ml) alune de padure
1/2 cana zahar brun
un praf de scortisoara
8 linguri de unt topit nesarat (aprox 100 gr)
Pentru umplutura de ciocolata:
500 gr ciocolata semidulce (chipsuri sau tocata)
150 gr unt nesarat la temperatura camerei
3/4 cana zahar (200 ml)
6 oua
1/4 cana frisca lichida neindulcita (75 ml)
esenta de vanilie
4 linguri lichior de alune Frangelico (optional)

Pentru decorat:
1 cana frisca lichida (250 ml)
2 linguri zahar pudra
ciocolata rasa
Echipament special: o tava cu peretii detasabili, cu diametrul de 23 cm, tapetata cu hartie.

Nucile si alunele se pun intr-o tava, intr-un singur strat, in cuptorul incins la 180 grade (350 Fahrenheit), si se tin aprox 15 minute pana cand se rumenesc. Se scot, se pun intr-un prosop de bucatarie si se freaca cu prosopul sa se desprinda coaja (in special de pe alune).
Nucile, alunele, zaharul brun si scortisoara se pun in robotul de bucatarie si se pulseaza pana cand nucile sunt macinate, dar nu foarte marunt. Mirosul care il emana este demential :)

Se pun nucile intr-un castron si se toarna untul topit peste. Se amesteca bine, se toarna in tava si se niveleaza pe fundul tavii. Se baga la frigider pana cand se face umplutura.

Ciocolata se topeste pe bain-marie (intr-un bol pus deasupra unei cratite cu apa care fierbe, fundul bolului nu trebuie sa atinga apa). Cand este topita, se adauga lichiorul Frangelico.
Se bate untul cu zaharul cu mixerul pana cand este cremos. Se adauga ouale, 2 odata,
batandu-se intre adaugari. Mixtura va arata taiata.

Cand ciocolata topita este putin racita, se toarna peste unt, amestecandu-se continuu cu viteza mica. Se adauga frisca si vanilia si se amesteca pana cand este incorporata. Se toarna amestecul peste crusta, si se lasa la frigider aprox 3 ore, pana cand se intareste.

Pentru decor, se bate frisca lichida cu zaharul, se pune peste tort si deasupra se presara ciocolata rasa.
Pentru a servi, cu un cutit subtire, incins in apa fierbinte si apoi sters, se desprinde tortul de jur imprejur. Se scot marginile tavii si se pune tortul pe platou. Se taie cu cutitul incins si sters, dupa fiecare felie.

For my birthday, I wanted to indulge, and which way is better than chocolate? I got the recipe from Emily Luchetty's desserts book, and I changed it my way (I always have to chance something in a recipe :))
The result was this cake, French silk, a decadent dessert, only for chocolate lovers.


For the crust:

1 cup walnuts
1 cup hazelnuts
1/2 cup brown sugar
Pinch of cinnamon
8 tbsp melted unsalted butter

For the filling:

1 1/4 pounds bittersweet chocolate (chips or chopped)
12 tbsp unsalted butter, at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
6 eggs
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp Frangelico hazelnut liqueur (optional)

For topping:

1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp confectioners’ sugar
Shaved chocolate

Special equipment: 9 inch round springform pan, with parchment paper on the bottom.

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
Place the walnuts and hazelnuts in a baking sheet on a single layer and bake in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes, until the nuts are golden brown. Remove and place the nuts on a kitchen towel. Rub the nuts with the towel, to remove the outer skin (especially from the hazelnuts).

In a food processor, pulse the nuts, brown sugar and cinnamon until the nuts are coarsely chopped. The smell is heavenly.
Place the mixture in a bowl and pour the melted butter over. Mix to combine and pour evenly the mixture in the bottom of the pan. Place in the refrigerator while you make the filling.
For the filling, melt the chocolate on a double boiler. When the chocolate is melted, add the Frangelico liqueur, and mix to combine. Set aside.

In a standing mixer, beat the butter and sugar until creamed. Add the eggs, 2 at a time, mixing in between. The mixture will look curdled.
When the chocolate is cooled, add it over the butter, mixing continuously at low speed. Scrape the sides of the bowl and mix until combined. Add the heavy cream and the vanilla and mix until incorporated. Pour the chocolate mix over the crust and keep in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, until firm.
To make the topping, beat the heavy cream with the sugar until soft peaks forms. Spread over the cake and decorate with shaved chocolate.
To serve, run a hot, dry knife around the inside edge of the pan to loosen the cake. Remove the pan sides and set the cake on a serving platter. Slice the cake with a hot dry knife.
And indulge!

August 26, 2010

Sos de rosii/ Tomato sauce

(Please scroll down for English version)

Dupa o reteta a Giadei de Laurentiis, acest sos se poate prepara in avans si poate fi folosit pentru o cina rapida cu spaghete, sau pentru aceste
rulouri de vinete.


aprox 2 kg rosii (8 rosii medii, lungi si rotunde), taiate bucati
1 ceapa mica tocata
4-5 linguri ulei de masline
2 catei de usturoi tocati marunt
1 tulpina de telina, tocata
1 morcov, tocat
sare si piper proaspat macinat, dupa gust
2 foi de dafin
2 linguri de unt (optional)

Se incinge uleiul de masline, si se adauga ceapa. Se caleste pana cand se inmoaie. Se adauga usturoiul, si se mai caleste 2-3 minute. Se adauga morcovul si telinasi si se presara sare si piper. Se calesc pana cand se inmoaie, cam 5 minute.

Se adauga rosiile si foile de dafin. Se lasa pe foc mic, neacoperite, o ora sau mai mult, pana cand rosiile sunt bine fierte, amestecandu-se din cand in cand.

Se gusta si se mai adauga sare si piper daca este nevoie. Daca sosul este prea acru, se adauga cate o bucatica de unt, si se gusta dupa fiecare adaugare. Untul o sa taie din aciditatea sosului. Se scot foile de dafin, si se da prin blender pana cand este piure (daca este prea mult, se pune pe rand in blender).
Se poate pastra in frigider in borcane ermetice, sau in pungi in congelator.

Using Giada’s de Laurentiis recipe, this is a tomato sauce that can be made in advance. It can be used for a fast dinner with pasta, or for
Eggplant rollatini.


About 8 medium tomatoes (plum and regular), cut in pieces
1 small onion
4-5 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
Salt and fresh ground pepper, after taste
2 bay leaves
2 tbsp butter (optional)

Heat the oil in a pot; add the onion and sauté until soft. Add the garlic and sauté for 2-3 more minutes. Add the carrot and celery and season with salt and pepper. Sauté until all the vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes and bay leaves. Boil on low heat, uncovered, for an hour or more, until the sauce thickens. Stir once in a while.

Taste the sauce and season with some more salt and pepper if necessary. If the sauce is too sour, add a tbsp of butter at a time, tasting after each addition. The butter will cut some of the sauce acidity. Remove the bay leaves and puree in blender in batches until smooth.

It can be kept in jars in the fridge, or in bags in the freezer.

Inghetata cu mango/ Mango ice cream

(Please scroll down for English version)

Ultima mea achizitie in bucatarie este masina de inghetata. Este de fapt un atasament pentru mixer, un bol mare cu pereti dubli. Trebuie sa stea la congelator cel putin 15 ore inainte, ca lichidul din peretii dubli sa inghete. Cand masina invarte compozitia lichida, aceasta se ingheata treptat.
Ca sa o innaugurez, am incercat aceasta reteta de inghetata, luata de pe site-ul

Ok, o sa fiu sincera si o sa recunosc, nu am avut mare incredere in reteta la inceput. Prima tentativa a ajuns in chiuveta, pentru ca nu am mestecat in continuu si s-a taiat. Dar, nu m-am lasat batuta, am incercat din nou. Si rezultatele au fost peste asteptari. A iesit foarte gustoasa, cremoasa si fina. Eu am adaugat mango, dar la reteta de baza se poate adauga aproape orice fruct, ciocolata, caramel.


2 oua
1/2 cana zahar (120 gr)
praf de sare
1 1/2 cani lapte integral (370 ml)
1 cana frisca lichida (250 ml)
esenta de vanilie
1 mango, curatat de coaja si sambure, si facut piure
prajiturele amaretti pentru servit (optional)

Echipament special: masina de inghetata.

Se bat ouale cu zaharul, pana cand devin cremoase si zaharul este topit. Se adauga sarea.

Intre timp, se pune laptele intr-o cratita mica pe foc. Cand laptele incepe sa fiarba, se opreste focul, si se toarna incet laptele in amestecul cu oua, batand in continuu.

Cand tot laptele este incorporat, se pune toata compozitia inapoi in cratita, pe foc mic, amestecandu-se continuu (nu este timp de spalat vase, am aflat din proprie experienta:)).

Se amesteca constant cu lingura de lemn (cam 7-8 minute), pana cand compozitia se ingroasa si se "prinde" de dosul lingurii (se poate testa daca se "prinde": trage o linie cu degetul pe dosul lingurii, trebuie sa fie vizibila). Se opreste focul si se lasa sa se raceasca putin.

Se adauga frisca lichida si vanilia, si se lasa la frigider pana cand s-a racit complet.

In masina de inghetata se toarna compozitia si piureul de mango, si se ingheata dupa instructiunile masinii. Mie mi-au trebuit 20 minute, timp in care compozitia aproape s-a dublat in volum.

Se serveste cu prajiturele amaretti sfaramate deasupra. Sau cu nuci. Sau simpla!
Restul se poate pune in cutii de plastic si poate fi pastrat in congelator.

My last "toy" in my kitchen is the ice cream machine. It's an attachment for the stand mixer, a large bowl with double walls. In between the walls, it's a liquid, and it has to stay at least 15 hours in advance in the freezer before I want to make ice cream.
To try it on, I made this ice cream, with a recipe from the website.

Ok, I have to be honest; I didn't trust the recipe in the beginning. The first batch ended up in the sink. I didn't mix continuously, and I made scramble eggs. But, I didn't give up, and I tried again. And the results were way over the expectations. It turned out very tasty, creamy and silky. I added a mango, but at the basic recipe it can be added almost any fruit, chocolate or caramel.


2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla
1 mango, skinned and pitted, pureed
Amaretti cookies for garnish (optional)

Special equipment: ice cream machine.

Beat the eggs and the sugar until sugar is melted and the composition is creamy. Add a pinch of salt.

Meantime, in a small pot, bring the milk to a boil. When it starts boiling, turn off the heat and pour the milk over the eggs, mixing continuously.

When all the milk is incorporated, return everything in the pot, on low heat, mixing with a wooden spoon (there is no time for dishes, I found out by myself :))

Mix constantly until the composition thickens (about 7-8 minutes). You can test it by drawing a line with one finger on the back of the spoon, it should be visible. Turn off the heat and let cool.

Add the heavy cream and vanilla. Let cool completely in the fridge.

In the ice cream machine, add the mixture and the mango puree, and mix following the machine instructions. Mine took 20 minutes, while the composition almost double in volume.

Serve with crumble amaretti cookies on top. Or some nuts! Or plain!
Keep the leftovers in a plastic container in the freezer.

August 23, 2010

Muffins cu afine/ Blueberry muffins

(Please scroll down for English version)

In peregrinarile mele pe blogurile culinare, am gasit pe site-ul "
17 and baking" un mic concurs: "Vinerea foarte dulce" (in traducere libera). Oricine poate sa participe si sa posteze o reteta cu ingredientul lunii. Aceasta luna, ingredientul secret a fost untul "maroniu". A fost prima data cand am auzit: untul se fierbe pana cand incepe sa se inchida la culoare si capata un miros de nuci coapte (nu se coace prea mult atat cat sa se arda).
Nu a fost prima intentie sa incerc, dar tot gandindu-ma, binenteles ca mi-au venit idei. Si cum aveam afine proaspete, am trecut la treaba si am "inovat" aceasta reteta. Destul de rapida, iar mirosul care venea din cuptor... demential :)

Ingrediente (pentru 12 bucati):

2 oua
1 cana zahar (230 ml)
1 cana kefir (iaurt de baut, sau se poate folosi lapte)
6 linguri de unt maroniu
1 1/2 cani afine proaspete (congelate sunt la fel de bune)
2 cani faina (460 ml)
2 lingurite praf de copt
1 praf de sare
esenta vanilie
coaja rasa de la o lamaie

Echipament special : tava cu forme de muffins unse cu unt sau tapetate cu forme de hartie.

Se incinge cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).

Se amesteca faina cu praful de copt si sarea.

Ouale si zaharul se bat cu mixerul pana cand devin cremoase si se topeste zaharul. Cu mixerul mergand, se adauga kefirul, untul (racit putin inainte), vanilia si coaja de lamaie. Se adauga faina si se mesteca cu spatula doar pana cand este incorporat (nu mestecati prea mult). Se adauga afinele si se mai amesteca de 2-3 ori. Se toarna compozitia in forme

si se coace in cuptorul incins 20 minute. Se testeaza cu scobitoarea. Se servesc calde sau reci.

Pofta buna!

In my wandering on culinary blogs, I found on "
17 and baking" a little contest: Sugar High Fridays. Anybody can participate and post a recipe with the ingredient of the month. This month, the secret ingredient was browned butter. It was the first time that I heard about this: the butter is cooked until it gets brown and smells like roasted nuts (be careful not to burn it).
It wasn't my first intention to participate, but thinking about it, I got ideas in my head :) I had some fresh blueberries in the fridge, so I got to work and I innovated this recipe. It's pretty fast, but the smell that's coming out of the oven... priceless!

Ingredients (for 12 muffins):

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup kefir (drinking yogurt, it can be substituted with milk)
6 tbsp browned butter
1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries (frozen are good too)
2 cups flour (I used unbleached)
2 tsp baking powder
Little salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Zest from one lemon

Special equpment: muffin tin greased with butter or lined with paper liners.

Preheat the oven at 400 degrees.

Mix the flour, baking powder and salt.

In a mixer, beat the eggs and sugar until sugar is dissolved. With mixer still working, add the kefir, the browned butter (cooled a little before), vanilla and lemon zest. Stop the mixer, and add the flour mix, and stir only until incorporated (don't over mix). Add the blueberries and stir 2-3 times. Pour the batter in muffin tin and bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Check with a toothpick, it should come out clean. Remove and serve warm or cold.

August 20, 2010

Supa de pui tortilla/ Chicken tortilla soup

(Please scroll down for English version)

In fiecare marti la restaurant este supa de pui si tortilla. Cum lucrez martea doar ocazional, am mancat supa numai de cateva ori, si mi-a placut de fiecare data. Mi-a venit ideea sa incerc sa fac si eu. Aveam o cutie de rosii cu ardei iute (chili) cu care nu prea stiam ce sa fac, si a fost perfecta pentru aceasta supa. Daca nu gasiti rosii cu chile, puteti folosi rosii tocate simple, si adaugati putin ardei iute. Sau daca nu va place iute, il puteti omite complet.


4 picioare de pui sau 2 piepti (sau combinatie)
2 tulpini de telina
2 morcovi
1 ceapa potrivita
2 catei de usturoi
3-4 linguri ulei de masline
1 cutie de rosii cu chile (400 g)
1 cutie de fasole rosie sau neagra (400 g)
1 cana porumb (fiert sau congelat)
sare si piper dupa gust
1 lingurita chimen macinat
1/2 lingurita boia (eu am folosit boia afumata)
1 lingurita oregano sau cimbru uscat
2 foi de dafin

pentru servit (optionale):
frunze de coriandru tocate
branza cheddar data pe razatoare
ceapa verde tocata
chipsuri de tortilla
felii de avocado

Intai se face supa de pui. Se pun la fiert bucatile de pui cu morcovul si telina, in bucati mari, si cu putina sare. Se fierb la foc mic aprox 1 ora, adunandu-se eventuala spuma adunata (eu plec de obicei de langa aragaz, si nu reusesc sa adun toata spuma, asa ca la sfarsit strecor supa prin sita).
Cand este gata, se scot bucatile de pui si se lasa sa se raceasca, morcovul se toaca, telina se arunca si se strecoara supa (ar trebui sa ramana aprox 1 litru de supa). Cand este destul de rece, puiul se rupe bucatele, si oasele si pielea se arunca.

Ceapa tocata se pune la calit in uleiul de masline. Cand este patrunsa, se adauga usturoiul tocat, chimenul, boiaua, oregano si foile de dafin si se calesc putin. Se adauga rosiile, supa, morcovii, si se lasa sa fiarba pana cand rosiile sunt fierte, cam 20 minute. Daca folositi porumb congelat, se pune si el. Se potriveste de sare si piper, si se mai adauga putina apa daca este nevoie.

Se adauga puiul, fasolea, porumbul (in cazul in care este deja fiert) si se mai lasa 5-10 minute. Se opreste focul si se pun frunze de coriandru.

Se serveste in castroane si deasupra se pot pune unul, doua sau cate topinguri doriti.

Every Tuesday, at the restaurant they serve Chicken Tortilla soup. I work Tuesdays only occasionally, so I had this soup only several times, and every time I liked it. That's how I got the idea to make it myself. I had a can of roasted tomatoes with chilies, and I didn't know what to use it for, so this soup was the perfect choice. If you can't find tomatoes with chilies, it can be substituted with plain canned tomatoes, and add jalapenos for a little heat.


4 chicken legs or 2 chicken breasts
2 sticks of celery
2 carrots
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
3-4 tbsp olive oil
1 can (16 oz) roasted tomatoes with Chile
1 cans (16 oz) black or red beans
1 cup corn (fresh boiled or frozen)
Salt and pepper after taste
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika (it can be substituted with regular paprika)
1 tsp dry oregano
2 bays leafs

For toppings:
Fresh chopped cilantro
Shredded cheddar cheese
Sliced green onions
Tortilla chips
Avocado slices

First make the stock: put in a large pot the chicken, the carrot and the celery, cut in large pieces, and water to cover it by 2 inches, and little salt. Place it on low heat for an hour, picking up with a spoon the foam that forms.
When is ready, turn off the fire, set the chicken aside, set the carrots aside, and discard the celery. Strain the stock thru a sieve (it should be left about 4 cups stock). When cool enough to handle, chop the carrot, shred the chicken, and discard the bones.

In a pot, heat the olive oil, and add the chopped onion. When the onion is translucent, add the garlic, smoked paprika, cumin and bay leafs, and toast for about a minute. Add the tomatoes, carrots and the stock and let it simmer for 20 minutes. If using frozen corn, add the corn too. Add salt and pepper after taste, and little water if necessary.

Add the chicken, beans and corn (if using boiled corn) and let simmer for another 5-10 minutes. Turn off the fire and add chopped cilantro.

Serve it in bowls and add one, two or all toppings.

August 12, 2010

Salata cu mere Waldorf/ Waldorf salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Saptamana asta la mica piata la care ma duc eu, nu mai aveau piersici. Probabil ca s-au trecut, este deja jumatatea lui august. In schimb, chiar in mijlocul tarabei, era un cosulet cu mere. Un singur cosulet. Parca ma astepta pe mine :) Erau din cele galben delicios, putin crude, atat cat sa fie de un dulce acrisor divin. Nu am mai mancat de mult mere asa bune. Poate de cand eram copii si mergeam la practica la cules de mere... si apoi incepeam sa aruncam unii in altii cu cele stricate...

Si parca a fost un facut, saptamana asta am auzit vorbindu-se la tv de 2 ori despre salata Waldorf. M-am gandit cum de nu am auzit pana acum de salata asta, asa ca a trebuit sa o caut. Am gasit cateva retete, din care am ales ce mi-a placut mie.

Salata Waldorf a fost servita prima data in anul 1893 la Hotelul Waldorf din New York. Continea mere, telina si maioneza. De-a lungul timpului i s-au adaugat si alte ingrediente, precul nucile, si alte variante au dressing de iaurt. Eu am adaugat niste merisoare uscate. Mi-a placut si ideea sa adaug struguri, dar cum am gasit destul de rar struguri foarte buni, am renuntat. Si pentru dressing am amestecat maioneza si iaurt facut in casa.


2 mere medii, cu coaja, fara seminte si cotor, taiata cubulete de 1-2 cm
3 tulpini de telina, taiate in cubulete de aproximativ aceleasi dimensiuni (2/3 cana)
1-2 linguri de zeama de lamaie
1/3 cana merisoare uscate (se pot substitui cu stafide)
1/2 cana nuci coapte si tocate bucati mari*
cateva frunze de salata verde pentru servit (eu am folosit-o mai mult pentru decor)

Merele tocate se stropesc cu zeama de lamaie pentru a preveni oxidarea. Se amesteca cu telina, merisoarele si nucile. Se toarna dressingul, se mesteca si se serveste pe salata verde.

Pentru dressing avem nevoie de:

1 lingura plina maioneza cumparata
2 linguri iaurt simplu
sare si putin piper, dupa gust

Se amesteca si se bat putin cu telul.

Rezultat fenomenal!

* Pentru a coace nucile, se pun intr-un singur strat intr-o tava in cuptorul incalzit la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit) pentru cel mult 15 minute, pana cand se rumenesc putin. Atentie: se ard foarte repede!

This week at the farmers market, they had no peaches. Maybe they're out of season, is already August. But, in the middle of the counter was a small basket with apples. Just one basket. Like it was waiting for me :) It was Golden Delicious apples, just a little raw, to get that sweet and sour divine taste. I haven't had such great apples in a while. Maybe since I was in school and we had to go picking apples... and after a while we start throwing the bad ones at each other...

And like it was meant to be, this week I heard twice at TV about Waldorf salad. I thought "how come I never heard about this salad?" and I had to check it out. I found several recipes, and I chose what I liked most.

The Waldorf salad was served for the first time in 1893 at Waldorf Hotel in New York. It contained only apples, celery and mayo. In time, other ingredients were added to it, like walnuts, and some recipes substituted the mayo with yogurt. I added dried cranberries. I liked the idea of adding grapes, but I didn't find very good grapes, so I saved it for some other time. And for dressing I mixed jarred mayo and homemade yogurt.


2 medium apples, with skin, seeded and cut in 1/2 inch cubes
3 sticks of celery cut in cubes, the same size (2/3 cup)
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
1/3 cup dried cranberries (it can be substituted with raisins)
1/2 cup toasted walnuts* coarsely chopped
Lettuce leaves for serving

Sprinkle the chopped apples with the lemon juice to prevent browning. Mix with celery, cranberries and walnuts. Toss with the dressing and serve on top of lettuce leaves.

For the dressing we will need:

1 tbsp mayo
2 tbsp homemade plain yogurt
Salt and little pepper, after taste

Whip all the ingredients until well combined.

Phenomenal result!

* To toast the walnuts, place them on a single layer in a baking sheet and place them in a preheated oven (350 degrees) for about 15 minutes. Be careful: they burn very quickly.

Waldorf Salad on FoodistaWaldorf Salad

August 11, 2010

Cupcakes cu morcov/ Carrot Cupcakes

(Please scroll down for English recipe)

Am mancat prima data tort de morcov acum cativa ani, cand am venit in America. In Romania nici nu cred ca auzisem de asa ceva. Mi-a placut foarte mult cel de atunci, avea nuci si stafide, si crema de branza. Cred ca atunci am si inceput sa iau cateva kilograme :))
Am cautat si eu o reteta pe internet, am facut, si a iesit bun. Theresa, o fosta colega de servici, chiar a zis ca a fost cel mai bun tort de morcov pe care l-a avut vreodata.
Saptamanile trecute, am incercat din nou, cu dedicatie pentru Nora, care la 1 an si 8 luni nu ar trebui sa manance prajituri cu ciocolata sau cafea, asa ca putin morcov in "tortit" ar fi nimerit. De aceasta data am facut in forme de muffins cu varf de crema de branza.
Ar trebui sa precizez ca un cupcake este un muffin cu crema si decoratii deasupra. Este pur american.

Ingrediente (pentru 12 bucati):

2 oua
1 cana de zahar (230 ml)
1/2 cana ulei , aprox 100 ml (eu am folosit de floarea soarelui, dar este bun si cel vegetal)
1 cana si jumatate morcov dat pe razatoare (4 morcovi medii)
2 linguri suc de portocala
1/2 cana nuci macinate
1 cana si un sfert faina (125 gr)
1 lingurita praf de copt
1/2 lingurita sare
1/2 lingurita scortisoara
1/2 lingurita nucsoara macinata

Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).

Se bat ouale cu zaharul pana cand se topeste, si se adauga uleiul treptat pana cand este incorporat. Se adauga morcovul, zeama de portocala si nucile si se amesteca bine. Se adauga faina, praful de copt, sarea, scortisoara si nucsoara si se amesteca numai pana cand este incorporat.
Forma de muffins se unge cu unt, sau se pun cupe de hartie, si se umple cu compozitie, putin mai mult de 3 sferturi. Se baga la cuptor 25 minute, si se testeaza cu scobitoarea.

Se lasa sa se raceasca si se decoreaza cu crema. Se poate folosi posul sau se poate intinde cu cutitul de unt. Se decoreaza cu morcov dat pe razatoare sau cu nuca de cocos prajita*.

Pentru crema:

225 gr branza topita Philadelphia la temperatura camerei
100 gr unt la temperatura camerei
4 linguri cu varf zahar pudra
1/2 lingurita esenta vanilie

Se bate untul si branza topita foarte bine cu mixerul, se adauga zaharul si vanilia si se bate pana cand este incorporat bine.

* Pentru a praji nuca de cocos, se pun intr-o tigaie fara ulei 2-3 linguri de nuca de cocos in strat subtire, si se pun pe foc mic, scuturand mereu tigaia, pana cand se coloreaza putin, cel mult 5 minute.

I had Carrot cake for the first time few years ago, when I came to America. I don't think I ever heard about carrot cake in Romania. I liked it a lot; it had nuts and raisins, and cream cheese frosting. I think that was the time when I started gaining few pounds :)) just joking.
I looked online for a good carrot cake recipe, I made it and it turned out good. My ex coworker Theresa even said it was the best carrot cake she ever had.
Last week, I made it again, with little Nora in mind. Chocolate and coffee cakes are not a good idea for 1 year and 8 months old, but a little carrot "tortit" will be good. This time I made it in muffins shapes and cream cheese frosting on top.

Ingredients (for 12 pieces):

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used sunflower oil)
1 1/2 cups grated carrots (4 medium)
2 tbsp orange juice
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F.

Beat together the eggs and the sugar until creamy. Add the oil little at a time, until incorporated. Add the grated carrots, orange juice and walnuts and mix well. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg and stir until just combined.
Grease a muffin tin with butter, or line with paper cups.
Fill the cups with the mixture, a little more than 3/4 of the paper cup. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Test with a toothpick (inserted in the center of one muffin should come out clean).
Let cool and decorate with frosting, either using pastry bag or just spread with a spatula. On top sprinkle grated carrot or toasted coconut flakes*.

For frosting:

1 package Philadelphia cream cheese (14 oz) at room temperature
1 sticks of butter at room temperature
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Beat the cream cheese and butter until creamy, then add the sugar and vanilla extract and continue beating until well combined.

* For toasting the coconut flakes, place 2-3 tbsp coconut flakes in an ungreased pan on low heat until golden brown (about 5 minutes). Shake the pan often to turn.


August 05, 2010

Dovlecei pane cu sos aioli/ Pan-fried zucchini with aioli

(Please scroll down for English version)

Dovleceii pane cu mujdei de usturoi sunt o mancare traditionala romaneasca. De data asta, in loc de mujdei, am ales sa fac sos aioli, un fel de ruda spaniola sau franceza a mujdeiului.
Am fost inspirata de emisiunea lui Anthony Bourdain, "No Reservations", in care, in vizita fiind la o familie in sudul Frantei, o batranica facea aioli. Intr-un mojar, a pisat bine usturoiul, a adaugat un galbenus de ou, si a inceput incet incet sa adauge uleiul si sa il incorporeze. Si mai voia batranica liniste in camera, ca altfel i se taie sosul :)


1 dovlecel mai mare, feliat pe diagonala
1 ou
1/2 cana faina
sare si piper
1/2 cana - 1 cana ulei pentru prajit

Se incinge ulei intr-o tigaie, uleiul sa fie cam de 1 cm inaltime. Oul se bate bine intr-un castron, cu putina sare si piper, faina se pune in alt castron, si se amesteca cu putina sare (1/2 lingurita). Feliile de dovlecel se dau prin faina, apoi ou, apoi faina, si se pun in uleiul incins, pe ambele parti, pana cand se rumenesc. Se scot si se dau deoparte.

Pentru aioli:

1 catel de usturoi
1 sau 2 galbenusuri
1/2 cana ulei (eu am folosit ulei de floarea soarelui, dar se poate folosi si ulei de masline)
sare, putina zeama de lamaie

Am ales calea mai usoara sa fac aioli, am dat usturoiul pe razatoarea mica, am adaugat galbenusurile, si apoi cu mixerul mergand am adaugat uleiul cate putin. Se potriveste de sare si de acru cu putina zeama de lamaie. Daca sosul este prea gros, se poate dilua cu putina apa rece (2 linguri), si se mai mesteca.

Pan-fried zucchini and garlic sauce is a traditional Romanian dish. This time, instead of garlic sauce (mujdei), I chose to make aioli, a Spanish or French relative of the garlic sauce.
I was inspired by Anthony's Bourdain show, "No Reservations", in which, visiting a family in South of France, an old lady was making aioli. In a mortar, she smashed garlic, added an egg yolk and oil, little by little, mixing very well. And she requested quiet in the room; otherwise, the aioli won't turn out good :)


1 medium to large zucchini, sliced on a diagonal
1 egg
1/2 cup flour
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup to 1 cup oil for frying (sunflower oil)

Heat the oil in a pan, the oil should be 1/2 inch high. Beat the egg in a bowl, with a pinch of salt and pepper. Place the flour and 1/2 tsp salt in a different bowl, and mix. Take one slice of zucchini at a time, place in flour, egg, and flour again; making sure is well coated each time. Place in the pan, 3-4 minutes each side, until is golden brown. Remove and set aside.

For the aioli:

1 clove of garlic
1 or 2 egg yolks
1/2 cup oil (I used sunflower oil, but it can be substituted for olive oil)
Salt and lemon juice after taste

I chose the easier way to make the aioli. I grated very fine the garlic, added the egg yolks and mix well. Using a hand mixer, I added the oil, a little at a time, until all the oil was incorporated. Add little salt and lemon juice. If the sauce is too thick, very little cold water can be added (2 tbsp) and mixed again.


August 04, 2010

Cartofi rosii noi la cuptor/ Roasted red baby potatoes

(Please scroll down for English version)

Este o vara frumoasa si calduroasa. Cine are chef de gatit? Si mai ales la cuptor! Dupa aproape o luna de mancaruri usoare, salate si gratar, mi-am facut curaj si am dat drumul la cuptor. Si bine am facut. Acesti cartofi noi, copti in ulei de masline si usturoi, s-au topit in gura. Se pot servi ca garnitura la o friptura sau ca fel principal, acompaniati de o salata.


1 kg cartofi rosii noi
1 lingura de ierburi italiene uscate (maghiran, cimbru, busuioc, rozmarin, salvie si oregano)
3 catei de usturoi, tocati marunt
1/4 cana ulei de masline (50 ml)
sare si piper

Se incinge cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).

Cartofii se curata de noduri si se taie jumatati sau sferturi, sau daca sunt foarte mici, se lasa intregi. Se spala bine si se pun intr-un castron. Se presara sare si piper, si se toarna peste uleiul, usturoiul si ierburile. Se amesteca bine, se pun intr-o tava si se dau la cuptor pentru 50 minute - 1 ora. La jumatatea timpului de coacere se mai intorc, sa se rumeneasca pe toate partile.
Se scot si se servesc presarati cu putine ierburi si ulei.

It's a beautiful and hot summer. Who's in the mood for cooking? Let alone baking in the oven! After almost a month of cooking light, salads and grilled food, I dared to turn on the oven. And I'm glad I did. These new potatoes, roasted in garlic and love oil, just melt in your mouth. They can be served as a side dish with chicken or steak, or as a main dish, with a salad.


2 pounds red baby potatoes
1 tbsp mixed Italian dry herbs (marjoram, thyme, basil, rosemary, sage and oregano)
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven at 400 F.

Clean and wash the potatoes, and cut in halves or quarters, depends how big they are. If they are very small, leave them whole. Place the potatoes in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add the oil, herbs and garlic. Mix well so the potatoes are well coated. Place everything on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 50 minutes - 1 hour. At the half cooking time, turn the potatoes, so they brown evenly.

Remove from oven and sprinkle some more olive oil and herbs for serving.

Scoici pe gratar/ Grilled mussels

(Please scroll down for English version)

Sincer, a fost prima data cand am gatit scoici (sper ca nu ultima:)). Am mancat de cateva ori inainte, fara sa fiu impresionata de gust. Si cu atatea feluri de scoici, la care nu stiu traducerea: mussels, oysters, clams... am fost oarecum intimidata si nu am incercat niciodata sa le gatesc.
Adriana insa ne-a furnizat niste scoici, pe care le-am gatit simplu, pe gratar, dupa cum mi-am adus aminte ca am vazut odata la televizor. A fost foarte inspirata ideea pe gratar, foarte rapida, si ne-a placut foarte mult gustul de foc deschis.


aprox 1/2 kg scoici desfacute (20 bucati)
3 linguri de unt
2 catei de usturoi
sare si piper

patrunjel tocat
lamaie si parmesan pentru servit

Untul se topeste si se amesteca cu usturoiul dat pe razatoare. Scoicile se dau cu sare si piper, si se ung cu o pensula cu amestecul de unt.
Se pun pe gratarul incins 3-5 minute, nu se lasa mai mult. Se iau de pe foc si se presara zeama de lamaie sau parmesan ras, si se decoreaza cu patrunjel tocat.

Honestly, this was the first time when I cooked mussels (not last I hope :)). I had mussels few times before, without being impressed with the taste. And with so many kinds: mussels, oysters, clams... I was a little intimidated and I never tried to cook them.
But Adriana provided some mussels, and I cooked it simple, on the grill, as I remembered I've seen once on TV. Cooking on the grill was an inspired idea, very fast, and we enjoyed the open flame taste.


1 pound open mussels (20 pieces)
3 tbsp butter
2 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper

1 tbsp chopped parsley
Lemon juice and parmesan cheese for serving

Melt the butter and mix it with the finely grated garlic. Sprinkle little salt and pepper on the mussels, and baste it with the butter mix.
Place the mussels on the hot grill, for 3-5 minutes, do not overcook. Remove and sprinkle grated parmesan cheese or lemon juice, and decorate with parsley. Enjoy!

Smoothie cu piersici si afine/ Peach and blueberry smoothie

(Please scroll down for English version)

Seria "Bauturi delicioase si sanatoase" continua. Azi : Smoothie cu piersici si afine.

Ingrediente pentru un pahar mare (250 ml):

1 piersica (zemoasa si dulce :))
1/2 cana afine
1/2 cana iaurt (kefir)
cateva cuburi gheata

Se pun toate ingredientele in blender si se fac piure.

The series: "Delicious and healthy drinks" continues. Today: Peach and Blueberry Smoothie.

Ingredients for 1 large glass (16 oz):

1 peach (juicy and sweet)
1/2 cup blueberrys
1/2 cup plain yogurt
few ice cubes

Place everything in the blender and puree until smooth. Enjoy!


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