October 29, 2010

Varza calita/ Romanian slow roasted cabbage stew

(Please scroll down for English version)

Varza calita... de obicei se facea cu varza murata, si nu pot sa spun ca era una din favoritele mele. Cand am inceput sa o fac eu, cu varza proaspata, cu putina smantana deasupra si un ardei iute langa, nu numai ca ne place, ne place foarte mult, in special sotului.

Se poate face cu carnati, coaste afumate sau fara carne, de post. Eu am folosit de data asta niste carnati proaspeti romanesti (trandafiri).

Varza calita este o alta mancare intr-o oala (cum ar zice americanii) numai potrivita pentru vremea rece. Varza se impaca foarte bine cu mararul, dar se poate folosi si patrunjel, sau chiar amandoua.


1 carnat proaspat taiat in bucati (se poate folosi carnat proaspat polonez)
3-4 linguri de ulei
1 ceapa mai mare tocata
1 morcov tocat
2 tulpini de telina tocata
1/2 ardei gras tocat
1/2 lingurita chimen macinat (optional)
1/2 lingurita boia afumata (optional)
1 varza medie tocata
2 linguri pasta de rosii
2 foi de dafin
1 lingurita cimbru sau oregano uscat
3-4 linguri marar tocat
Sare si piper dupa gust

Se incinge uleiul intr-o cratita, si se prajesc carnatii, intorcandu-se pe toate partile, pana se rumenesc. Se scot si se dau deoparte.

In uleiul ramas se adauga ceapa si se caleste 2-3 minute. Se adauga chimenul si boiaua (daca folositi) si se calesc 1 minut. Se adauga morcovul, ardeiul si telina si se calesc si ele cateva minute. Se incepe sa se adauge varza, cate o mana odata, calindu-se si adaugandu-se mai multa. Se stinge cu o cana de apa, si se caleste incet, pana cand toata varza este adaugata.

Daca vi se pare ca este prea multa varza, nu va ingrijorati. Varza va scadea foarte mult si se va reduce la jumatate.

Se adauga foile de dafin si se condimenteaza cu sare si piper. Se adauga cimbrul si pasta de rosii si se caleste pe foc, mestecandu-se din cand in cand, pana cand varza este patrunsa (cam 20-25 minute), fara sa se adauge multa apa (se va folosi maxim 1 cana jumate de apa).

Intre timp se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Se pun carnatii inapoi in cratita si se ingroapa putin in varza (se verifica de sare si piper).

Se baga in cuptorul incins pentru aproape o ora, cand tot lichidul s-a evaporat si se rumeneste deasupra.

Se serveste cu marar si smantana. Nu uitati de niste paine proaspata. Si daca va place condimentat, serviti cu un ardei iute.

Sa aveti pofta ca varza e gata!

Slow roasted cabbage… it was usually made with sauerkraut, and I can’t tell that it was one of my favorites. But, when I start cooking it with fresh cabbage, and served it with some sour cream and a hot pepper on the side, not only we like it, we love it, specially my husband.

It can be made with sausages, smoked ribs, or vegetarian style, without meat. I used this time some fresh Romanian sausages (they are called “roses”; I don’t really know how they got this name).

Slow roasted cabbage it’s another “one pot meal”, very good for the cold season. The cabbage goes along very good with dill, but parsley can be used instead, or both, parsley and dill.


1 fresh sausage cut in 3 inch pieces (polish sausage works as well)
3-4 tbsp sunflower or olive oil
1 large onion chopped
1 carrot chopped
2 celery sticks chopped
½ red bell pepper chopped
½ tsp ground cumin (optional)
½ tsp smoked paprika (optional)
1 medium cabbage shredded
2 tbsp tomato paste
2 bay leafs
1 tsp dried oregano
3-4 tbsp chopped fresh dill
Salt and pepper after taste

Heat the oil in a Dutch oven or a pot that can be placed in the oven. Fry the sausages, turning on all sides, until they’re golden brown. Remove and set aside.

In the pot add the onion and sauté for 2-3 minutes until translucent. Add the cumin and paprika (if using) and let bloom for a minute. Add the carrot, celery and bell pepper and sauté for several minutes. Start adding the cabbage, a handful at a time, sautéing after each addition. Add a cup of water and deglaze the pan and sauté until all cabbage is added.

If you feel like it’s too much cabbage, don’t worry, it will shrink down to a half.

Add the bay leafs and season with salt and pepper. Add the oregano and tomato paste and cook over medium heat, stirring once in a while, until the cabbage is soft (about 20 minutes). Don’t add more water; maximum 1 and a half cups of water should be used.

Meanwhile preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Return the sausages in the pot, burying them in the cabbage (and check for salt and pepper). Place in the preheated oven and cook for about an hour and all the liquid evaporated. The top and the sides will look caramelized, but not burnt.

Serve with dill and sour cream on top, and don’t forget some good crusty bread. If you like a little heat, have some chili on the side.


October 28, 2010

Supa Minestrone/ Minestrone Soup

(Please scroll down for English version)

Toamna asta a fost frumoasa cat a fost, pana cand s-a facut urata, cu zile reci, innorate si vant urat. Mai e putin si incepe sa ploua... E timpul sa ne bagam sub paturi cu o cana de ciocolata calda sau de vin fiert cu scortisoara.

Supa asta Minestrone este tocmai buna pentru zile din astea. Cu origini in Italia, nu are o reteta bine stabilita (am aflat de pe wikipedia). Este o supa de legume in sezon, cu fasole si ceva paste. Poate sa aiba carne sau nu, si poate fi facuta cu supa de pui sau cu apa.

Am luat de la piata vara asta un pachetel cu fasole, paste si legume uscate, si atasat reteta pentru supa. Si binenteles ca eu nu am putut sa nu imi las "amprentele" personale in reteta. Am folosit morcov, telina si ardei uscat, dar postez varianta cu legume proaspete, folositi de care aveti.


6 felii de costita afumata
1 cana - 1 1/2 fasole uscata rosie
1 ceapa mare tocata
1 morcov tocat
1 tulpina de telina tocata
1 ardei tocat
1/2 cana vin alb
aprox 2 litri apa sau supa de pui sau de vita
1 cutie de 400 gr rosii tocate
1/2 cana paste mici, de orice forma
2 cani de varza tocata (sau varza de Bruxelles, taiata in sferturi)
1 foaie de dafin
sare si piper dupa gust
patrunjel proaspat si parmesan pentru servit

Fasolea se inmoaie in apa cu o zi inainte. Se scurge si si se pune la fiert in apa proaspata vreo doua ore pana cand fasolea este bine patrunsa.

Se taie costita in bucati mai mari si se pune intr-o oala fara ulei. Se prajeste pana cand grasimea s-a topit si costita devine crocanta. Se adauga ceapa, se caleste 2-3 minute, apoi se pun morcovul, ardeiul si telina. Se calesc cateva minute, cat sa se patrunda legumele. Se sting cu jumatate de cana de vin, apoi se pune fasolea scursa si apa sau supa de pui. Se condimenteaza cu putina sare si piper, si se adauga foaia de dafin. Cand incepe sa fiarba se pun rosiile si se fierb 10-15 minute. Se adauga varza si se lasa pana cand varza este fiarta.

Se adauga pastele si se lasa sa fiarba inca 8-10 minute, si se potriveste ultima data cu sare si piper. Se opreste focul, se pune in castroane si se presara deasupra patrunjel proaspat si parmesan.

Pofta buna!

It was a nice fall until the weather turned around, and the days became cold, cloudy and very windy. Very soon it’s going to start raining… It’s that time of year when we’re cuddling under a blanket with some hot chocolate or some boiled wine with cinnamon.

This soup, Minestrone, it’s perfect for this kind of days. Originated in Italy, it doesn’t have a set recipe (I found out on Wikipedia). It’s a one pot soup made with vegetables that are in season, some beans and some pasta. It can have meat or not, and it can be made with chicken stock or with water.

I got from the farmer’s market this summer a little bag with beans, pasta and dried vegetables, and attached was the recipe. Of course, I couldn’t help myself not to put my personal touch to the soup. I used dried carrots, celery and pepper, but I’m posting the fresh vegetable version. You can use whatever you have.


6 slices of bacon
1 – 1 ½ cups dried cranberry beans
1 large onion chopped
1 carrot chopped
1 celery stick chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
½ cup white wine
About 10 cups water or chicken or beef stock
1 can diced tomatoes (14 oz)
½ cup small pasta, any shape
2 cups shredded cabbage (or Brussels sprouts, quartered)
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper after taste
Fresh chopped parsley and parmesan cheese for serving

Place the beans in water to cover them by 1 inch and let soak overnight at room temperature. Drain, and place the beans in a pot with fresh water (about 8 cups). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 2 hours.

Cut the bacon in ½ inch pieces and sauté over medium heat until all fat dissolves and bacon is nearly crisp. Add the onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Then add the carrots, celery and bell pepper and sauté until the vegetables are soft. Add the wine and deglaze the pot. Add the drained beans, water or chicken stock. Season with salt and pepper and add the bay leaf to the party. When it starts boiling, add the tomatoes and boil for 10-15 minutes. Add the cabbage and simmer until all the vegetables are cooked.

Add the pasta and simmer for another 8-10 minutes and check for salt and pepper for the last time. Turn off the heat, pour soup in bowls and serve with parsley and parmesan cheese on top.


October 25, 2010

Salata de spanac si rucola/ Spinach and arugula salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Cum ziceam, am descoperit rucola si mi-a placut foarte mult. Si cum probabil ati observat, imi plac foarte mult salatele (si prajiturile, probabil asa se anuleaza caloriile).

Aceasta salata am mancat-o acum cativa ani la un restaurant, ca garnitura la pui la gratar. Daca imi aduc aminte bine, era un special al lui Tyler Florence. In loc de spanac, am folosit spanac si rucola amestecate, iar dressingul cu miere si mustar l-am facut acasa.

Cred ca acum va intrebati cum e dressingul cu miere si mustar, mai ales in combinatie cu branza feta. Chiar daca nu sunteti obisnuiti cu el, tot ce e posibil sa va obisnuiti. Este combinatie de dulce si sarat, poate ca atunci cand, copiii fiind, mancati branza cu paine si beati ceai dulce.
Iar daca va place branza albastra, sau branza de capra, asta este salata potrivita.


1 mana buna de frunze de spanac proaspete
1 mana de rucola
1/3 cana merisoare uscate (sau stafide)
1/2 cana branza feta sfaramata

Se amesteca verdeata cu merisoarele, se pune branza deasupra si se presara cu dressing.

Dressing de miere si mustar:

5 linguri de miere
4 linguri de mustar (Dijon daca aveti)
2 linguri de otet de orez (sau 1 lingura otet de vin)
4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
sare si piper dupa gust

Se amesteca mierea, mustarul si otetul, si se presara cu putina sare si piper. Amestecand cu telul, se pune uleiul putin cate putin, pana cand este tot incorporat.

Bun bun! :)

As I was saying, I discovered arugula, and I liked it a lot. And as you may be noticed, I liked salads a lot (I love cakes too; probably that’s how the calories balance).

I had this salad few years ago at this restaurant, as a side dish for grilled chicken. If I remember correctly, it was a Tyler Florence special. Instead using only spinach, I mixed spinach and arugula, and the honey mustard dressing I made it home.

If you like blue cheese or goat cheese, this is a nice salad to use it instead of feta.


1 handful fresh baby spinach
1 handful arugula
1/3 cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
½ cup feta cheese crumbles

Toss the greens and the cranberries, and sprinkle crumble feta on top. Drizzle the dressing and serve.

Homemade Honey mustard dressing:

5 tbsp honey
4 tbsp mustard (preferably Dijon)
2 tbsp rice vinegar
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper after taste

In a bowl mix the honey, mustard and vinegar, and sprinkle little salt and pepper. Whisk continuously and add the oil little by little, until is all incorporated.


Tort Amandina/ Amandina Cake

(Please scroll down for English version)

Amandina (pentru cei care nu stiu) este, alaturi de
Savarina, una din cele mai populare prajituri romanesti, intalnita foarte des in cofetarii in Romania. Sincer, nu mai stiu daca mai sunt cofetarii in Romania cum erau cand eram copil, dar in mod cert Amandina a ramas printre preferintele romanilor. Imi aduc aminte cum acum muuulti ani, de ziua fratelui meu (la 5 ani), mama a venit cu mai multe amandine acasa, si le-a aranjat sub forma de tort, si acasa a gasit toti copiii pe care ii cunostea frate-meu, pe care i-a invitat fara sa spuna nimanui :)

Ma gandeam de mai mult timp sa incerc sa reproduc amandina, si am tot amanat. Dar a venit timpul pentru o noua provocare la "Vinerea foarte dulce": Allie, de la "
Zucchero Dolce" ne provoaca la torturi cu straturi. Mi s-a parut momentul perfect sa fac amandina, care a iesit foarte buna.

Amandina este in mod traditional taiata in patrate pentru o singura servire, si acoperite cu ciocolata, dar ca sa fiu in tonul provocarii am ales sa o fac sub forma de tort.
Reteta este compusa si modificata de mine, blatul este inspirat de pe
Retete usoare si ilustrate, iar crema dupa o reteta de la o prietena.


Pentru blat:

6 oua
200 gr zahar
40 ml apa
40 ml ulei
3 linguri cacao
200 gr faina
1 1/2 lingurite praf de copt
esenta de vanilie
un praf de sare

Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).

Faina se amesteca cu cacaoa, praful de copt si sarea.

Se separa albusurile de galbenusuri. Galbenusurile se bat cu uleiul pana cand ajung la consistenta cremoasa, se adauga zaharul si se bat pana se topeste zaharul. Se adauga apa si vanilia. Se incorporeaza usor amestecul de faina.

Separat se bat albusurile spuma, apoi se amesteca usor cu restul compozitiei, de sus in jos.
Se unge o tava rotunda de aprox 24 cm cu unt si se tapeteaza cu faina.
Se toarna compozitia si se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 40 minute, cand o scobitoare bagata in centru iasa afara curata. Se lasa sa se raceasca in tava.

Cand este complet racit se taie in 2 de-a latul.

Pentru sirop:

500 ml apa calda
250 gr zahar
1 fiola esenta de rom

Intr-o craticioara se pune zaharul si 3-4 linguri de apa, se lasa sa fiarba fara sa se mestece pana cand zaharul incepe sa se caramelizeze si capata o culoare aurie. Se opreste focul si se toarna apa (caramelul se va intari initial), se da drumul la foc si se fierbe pana cand caramelul este complet topit. Se da deoparte si se adauga romul. Se lasa sa se raceasca complet.

Crema de mocha:

60 gr zahar
3 oua
2 galbenusuri
1 lingurita de ness
50 gr ciocolata topita
1 lingurita esenta vanilie
300 gr unt la temperatura camerei

Intr-o craticioara pe foc mic se bat ouale, galbenusurile, zaharul si nessul. Se adauga ciocolata. Se tin pe foc mic pana cand amestecul se ingroasa. Se ia de pe foc si se adauga vanilia. Se lasa sa se raceasca complet.
Se bate untul cu mixerul, apoi mixand continuu se adauga treptat amestecul de oua si ciocolata, pana cand totul este incorporat.

Pentru glazura de ciocolata (se face chiar inainte de folosire):

200 gr ciocolata semidulce
5 linguri de unt (aprox 50 gr)

Se topeste ciocolata si untul intr-o craticioara pe foc mic pana cand are o consistenta moale si sidefata.

Pentru a asambla tortul, se aseaza pe platou prima jumatate de blat si se insiropeaza cu lingura jumatate din sirop.

Se adauga crema (am oprit putina crema pentru decorat) si se niveleaza. Se pune a doua jumatate de blat, cu partea de sus in jos. Se insiropeaza cu restul de sirop. Se toarna deasupra glazura si se lasa sa cada pe laturi (am folosit o spatula de tort pentru a o intinde putin). Se da la rece. Cand glazura este rece, se pune restul de crema intr-o punga, i se taie putin un colt si se decoreaza dupa cum aveti chef.

Apoi invitati prietenii la o felie de amandina!

Amandina is, along with
Savarina, one of the most popular Romanian cakes, very often seen in the sweets shops in Romania. I don’t know if there’s as many sweets shops left in Romania as they were when I was a kid, but for sure Amandina is one of the Romanians favorites. I remember many years ago, at my brother’s 5th Birthday, my mom brought many amandines home, and she fixed it up in a cake shape, to see when she got home that my brother invited all the kids that he knew, without telling anybody 

I had in mind to make Amandina for a while, and I kept postponed it. But it was that time again for another challenge at “Sugar High Friday”: Allie of “
Zucchero Dolce” is challenging us to make layered cakes. I thought that is the perfect moment to make it and it turned out so good.

Amandina is traditionally a layered cake cut in square single serving pieces and covered in chocolate. To answer the challenge, I chose to make it in round shape.
The recipe is compose and modified by me, with the cake recipe from “Retete usoare si ilustrate” and for the filling cream I used a recipe from a friend.


For the cake:

6 eggs, whites and yolks separated
1 cup sugar
2 oz water
2 oz vegetable oil
1/3 cup cacao powder
1 ½ cups flour
1 ½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.

Mix the flour, cacao and baking powder.
Beat the egg yolks with the oil, and add the sugar. Beat until sugar dissolves. Add the water and vanilla and incorporate slowly the flour mixture.
In a standing mixer beat the egg whites until soft peaks forms. Fold in the egg whites in the egg yolks mixture very slowly.
Grease and flour a 10 inch cake pan. Pour the mix in the pan and bake in the preheated oven for about 40 minute, when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in the pan. Remove and cut along side in 2 parts.

For the syrup:

2 ½ cups warm water
1 ¼ cups sugar
Rum flavor (or go wild and use real rum :))

Cook the sugar and 4-5 tbsp water in a small saucepan over medium heat, without mixing, until sugar caramelizes and turns to nice amber color. Turn off the heat and add the water (the caramel will solidify in the beginning, don’t worry). Turn the heat on and boil until the caramel melts completely. Remove and add the rum flavor. Let cool.

Mocha filling:

1/3 cup sugar
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 tsp instant coffee granules
2 oz semisweet chocolate, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup butter softened

In a small saucepan, whisk the sugar, eggs, egg yolks and coffee granules. Add the melted chocolate. Cook over medium heat until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla. Cool. Cream butter and gradually beat in cooled chocolate mixture.

For chocolate glaze (prepare just before using):

8 oz semisweet chocolate
5 tbsp butter

Melt the chocolate and butter over low heat until soft and silky.

To ensemble the cake, place bottom part of the cake on the platter and spoon half of the syrup all over. Don’t worry; it’s supposed to be very moist. Add the filling (keep a little for decoration), and spread. Add the top layer upside down. Spoon the rest of the syrup. Pour the chocolate glaze on top, smooth a little with a spatula and let cover the sides. Place in the fridge to cool.

When the chocolate is hardened, use the rest of the filling to decorate (I placed it in a sandwich bag and I cut a little corner).


October 22, 2010

"Tea" party... or "Martini" party?

Miercurea trecuta am programat cu fetele petrecerea noastra cu ceai, editia a doua. Si cum trebuia sa o facem mai speciala, am evoluat de la ceai la martini. Asta da "Tea party"!
M-am trezit devreme sa fac supa de praz si cartofi, si printre picaturi a trebuit sa verific e-mailul si blogul, cand am observat tot felul de poze ciudate peste tot meniul blogului. Cat mi-a trebuit sa vad ce se intampla, era gata sa ard prazul. Se pare ca "template-ul" meu disparuse... asa ca pana gasesc altul o sa ramana aceasta "fata" pentru blog. Se potriveste, e in tema. Si chiar imi placea cel de dinainte...

The second edition of our tea party was scheduled last Wednesday, at my house. And we wanted it more special, so we upgraded it to martinis. This is what I call "Tea party"!
So I woke up little earlier to make the leeks and potato soup, and in between I had to check my e-mail and the blog, when I've seen a lot of weird photos all over the menu. I had to see what happened and I almost burn the leeks! The template that I used dissapeared... so until I find another one I'll use this face for the blog (and I really liked the old one...).

Am inceput cu un bol de supa...
We started with some soup...

Agne agita martiniurile:
Agne is shaking the martinis:

Mariya le toarna:
Mariya is pouring it:

Si Asta ma invarte pe mine pe scaun. Si mi-au mai dat si paharul in mana, sa arat mai bine :)
And Asta is spinning me with the chair, like I'm in a carousel. And they gave me the glass too so I look better!

Adriana a venit numai putin, cat sa incerce supa si martini-ul.

Am mancat biscotti cu ciocolata si alune de padure, super buni facuti de Mariya. Asa de buni ca am cerut reteta. Putina inghetata de pepene si bomboane de ciocolata au completat meniul.
Pisica s-a ascuns sub pat :)

Adriana stopped by just a little, so she can try the soup and the martini.
We also had chocolate hazelnut biscotti, made by Mariya. So good so we asked for the recipe. A little melon ice cream and some chocolate filled the party menu.
And the cat was hidden under the bed :)

Martini "Sclipiri frantuzesti"

40 ml lichior de zmeura (sau vodca cu aroma de zmeura Chambord)
55 ml nectar de mango (noi am folosit mix de mango cumparat, dar este foarte bun si nectar proaspat stors)
30 ml sampanie (vin spumant)

Se agita gheata, nectarul de mango si lichiorul de zmeura. Se toarna in pahare si se toarna deasupra sampanie.
Si se savureaza :)

"French Sparkle" Martini

1 1/2 oz raspberry liqueur or flavored vodka (Chambord)
2 oz mango nectar (we used mango martini mix, but fresh squezed mango nectar is very good)
1 oz champagne (or sparkling wine)

Shake the ice, raspberry liqueur and mango nectar. Pour in glases and top with champagne.
And enjoy!

Dovleci ghinda umpluti cu mere/ Apple stuffed acorn squash

In ultima vizita la ferma anul asta am vazut acesti dovleci mici, de un verde inchis cu putin portocaliu si cu coaja ondulata. Erau foarte draguti, a trebuit sa ii incerc. Pot fi copti simpli, sau facuti supa, insa mie mi-a placut
aceasta reteta, pe care am adaptat-o putin.
Daca nu aveti acest fel de dovleac, puteti folosi orice fel de dovleac si folositi-va imaginatia sa taiati bucati care pot fi umplute.


1 dovleac ghinda
1 mar, curatat de coaja si cotor si taiat bucatele
1 lingura de zahar
1/4 cana merisoare uscate (sau stafide)
1/4 cana nuci taiate bucati mari
1 lingura de unt taiat bucatele mici
1/2 lingurita scortisoara

Se incinge cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).

Se taie dovleacul pe jumatate, se scot semintele (care sunt foarte bune coapte, mai ales daca nu le parlesti cum am facut eu), si se taie putin din capete, cat sa poata sta drept.
Se pun cu partea taiata mare in jos intr-o tava, si se pune apa fiarta in tava de 1/2 centimetru. Se coc 30 minute.

Intre timp, se amesteca merele, zaharul, untul, merisoarele, nucile si scortisoara.
Dupa 30 minute se scoate dovleacul, se intoarce si se umplu jumatatile cu amestecul de nuci (daca mai este apa ramasa in tava se lasa). Se baga iar la cuptor pentru inca 40 minute, pana cand totul se rumeneste si in casa miroase demential.

Pofta buna!

In our last trip at the farm this year, I found these acorn squash, dark green in color with orange spots. They looked so pretty, so I had to try it. The acorn squash can be roasted with sugar, or made in soup, but I liked
this recipe, which I adapted a little.

If you can’t find acorn squash, you can use pumpkin or butternut squash and use your imagination to cut it in shapes that can hold the filling.


1 acorn squash
1 apple, peeled and seeded, cut in small pieces
1 tbsp sugar
¼ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
¼ cup walnuts, roughly chopped
1 tbsp butter cut in small pieces
½ tsp cinnamon

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cut the acorn squash in half and remove the seeds (which are delicious roasted, especially if you don’t burn it, like I did). Cut the ends off, just a little, so the squash can stand by itself.

Place the squash with the larger part down in a roasting pan and pour hot water for ¼ inch. Roast in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix the apple, sugar, butter, cranberries, walnuts and cinnamon. After 30 minutes, remove the squash from the oven, and turn upside down. Fill the cups with the filling.

Roast for another 40 minutes until everything is golden brown and the house is smelling sooo good.


October 21, 2010

S-a sunat adunarea la "Dulce Romanie"/ "Sweet Romania" Round-up

Toamna se numara bobocii... sau dovlecii daca vreti :)
In urma cu cateva saptamani mi-a venit ideea de a lansa o provocare intre bloggerii romani, pe care am numit-o "Dulce Romanie".
Ceea ce trebuiau sa faca cei care voiau sa participe era sa gateasca ceva cu dovleac si sa trimita pana pe data de 20 octombrie o poza si linkul retetei respective.
Ma bucur ca au fost cativa carora le-a placut ideea mea si au raspuns la provocare, si sper ca la urmatoarele provocari ideea sa fie imbratisata de si mai multi.
Ce castigam? Nimic material, numai ne cunoastem mai bine intre noi si vedem ce idei interesante gasim.

Primul care a raspuns a fost Bucatarul Maniac, pe numele lui, Cristian Borod din Arad. Maniacul a gatit o delicioasa Supa Crema de Dovleac potrivita pentru aceasta perioada. Binenteles, cu fotografia de rigoare :)

Doamna Elena Toma din Bucuresti, posesoarea Bucatariei Elenei, ne-a pregatit un Bostan copt, mai altfel. Numai bun pentru cei care sunt la dieta :)

Din Iasi, de pe blogul Alison's Trials, Simona Haliga a pregatit o Salata calda cu dovleac si fenicul. Cred ca se impaca destul de bine blandetea dovleacului cu ascutimea feniculului.

Lilly, din Torino, Italia, autoarea blogului "Lilly in the Kitchen" a gatit Gnocchi de Dovleac cu Sos de Gorgonzola. Foarte imbietori, o idee buna de mancare italiana facuta in casa.

Andreea, de pe blogul "Dimineti insorite" a facut o Crema de zahar ars cu dovleac. Andreea nu mi-a trimis e-mail asa ca nu stiu din ce oras este si nici nu a anuntat pe blogul ei despre provocare, asa ca daca citeste aici o rog sa ne spuna de unde este si sa posteze la reteta ei un mic anunt despre provocare.

Colega mea, Michelle Schaub din Chicago, atunci cand a auzit de provocare, a vrut sa faca un tort in forma de dovleac, mai ales ca sarbatoarea Halloween se apropie.

Pentru partea de jos a folosit tort simplu galben, iar pentru dovleac a folosit mix cumparat cu aroma de dovleac. Tortul din care a facut dovleacul l-a copt in 2 tavi bundt (din cele rotunde cu gaura in mijloc), iar pentru cotor a folosit un cornet de inghetata imbracat in ciocolata. A imbracat totul in crema amestecata cu diferite culori si a decorat totul in spiritul Halloweenului.


200 gr zahar
50 ml apa
3 galbenusuri
250 gr unt
Esenta de vanilie

Se bat galbenusurile foarte bine. Se pune zaharul si apa pe foc pana cand se topeste zaharul (ajunge la temperature de 120 grade Celsius). Cu mixerul la viteza medie se toarna siropul in galbenusuri, fara a se turna pe palete. Se mareste viteza mixerului si se bate pana cand mixtura s-a racit. Treptat se incorporeaza untul la temperatura camerei si esenta de vanilie.

Furnicuta Boscodina a aflat tarziu de provocare, asa ca nu a avut timp sa pregateasca nimic inca, dar s-a oferit sa tina provocarea pe luna Noiembrie, asa ca ne vedem in Noiembrie aici.

Ce am facut eu? Am facut un Cheesecake cu Dovleac, la care nu i-am facut poze si am copt un dovleac mic de tip ghinda cu mere, nuci si merisoare. Reteta va fi intr-un post urmator.

Sa gatim cu placere pana data viitoare!

October 14, 2010

Couscous cu alune macadamia/ Macadamia nuts couscous

(Please scroll down for English version)

Alunele Macadamia sunt originare din Australia, sunt rotunde si delicioase. Sunt destul de scumpe, dar, la fel ca semintele de pin, merita incercate macar odata. Asa am incercat eu prima punga, pe care am mancat-o singura (am folosit numai jumatate de cana la aceasta salata) pentru ca luam 2 si nu puteam sa ma mai opresc, trebuia sa mai iau inca 8. Daca le gasiti la magazin, nu ezitati.

Cautand pe internet retete cu alune macadamia, am gasit aceasta salata cu couscous. Este o alegere perfecta pentru pranz, mai ales daca vreti sa luati pachetel la servici. Si este si o foarte satioasa mancare de post. Am folosit couscous marocan (diferit de cel israelian), care necesita timp de fierbere mic. Cea mai buna metoda de fiert este cea din instructiunile de pe pachet (este posibil sa fie diferit de cel pe care l-am folosit eu).

Daca nu gasiti alune macadamia, migdalele sunt foarte bun substituent.


1 cana (250 ml) couscous
1 cana (250 ml) de apa fiarta
1/2 cana merisoare uscate (sau stafide)
1/2 cana alune macadamia taiate bucati mari (au fost deja coapte cand le-am cumparat)

2 linguri ulei de masline
2 linguri zeama de lamaie
2 linguri de patrunjel tocat
2 linguri de menta tocata
sare si piper dupa gust
cateva bucatele de mar tocate (optional)

Se pune couscous-ul intr-un vas si se toarna apa fiarta peste el. Se acopera cu o folie de plastic si se lasa sa se abureasca 5 minute. Se desface si se infoaie cu o furculita.

Se amesteca cu alunele si merisoarele. Intr-un vas separat se amesteca uleiul, zeama de lamaie, sare si piper pana cand sunt incorporate. Se toarna peste couscous, se adauga si verdeturile si se amesteca toate usor.

Daca se foloseste mar, se stropeste cu putina zeama de lamaie pentru a preveni oxidarea.

Pofta buna!

The Macadamia nuts are originated from Australia, they’re round and delicious. They can be pretty expensive, but, like the pine nuts, should be tried at least once.

That’s how I tried my first bag of Macadamia nuts, which I ate it pretty much by myself (except for a half a cup that I used for this salad) because I was taking 2 and it was hard to stop, so I had to have another 8. If you find it in the store, don’t hesitate.

Looking online for Macadamia nuts recipes, I found this salad. It’s the perfect choice for lunch, especially if you make your own lunch bag. And it’s a vegan recipe also. I used Moroccan couscous (which is different than Israeli couscous), and needs a very short cooking time. The best is to use the package directions (you may have a different couscous than mine).

If you can’t find Macadamia nuts, almonds are a good substitution.


1 cup couscous
1 cup boiling water
½ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
½ cup roasted and chopped macadamia nuts (mine were already roasted)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper after taste
2 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tbsp chopped mint
½ chopped apple (optional)

Place the couscous in a bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Cover with plastic wrap and let steam for 5 minutes. Remove the foil and fluff with a fork.

Mix in the nuts and cranberries. In a separate bowl mix the salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Stir until well incorporated and pour over couscous. Add the herbs and toss gently to combine.

If using apple, sprinkle little lemon juice over the chopped apple to prevent browning.


October 07, 2010


(Please scroll down for English version)

Da, stiu, este un film de desene animate, cu un sobolan. Dar Ratatouille nu este numele sobolanului, este felul de mancare cu care l-a dat gata pe criticul de restaurant. Ok, recunosc, nu auzisem de ratatouille inainte de filmulet, dar am aflat ceva nou cu aceasta ocazie. Si am vazut un film pe cinste, iar cine nu l-a vazut, fuguta la inchiriat (nu inainte sa citesti reteta).

Ratatouille este o mancare taraneasca franceza, vegetariana, in care ingredientele sunt gatite separat, si apoi amestecate (cam asta ar fi marea diferenta intre o tocanita si ratatouille), iar aromele explodeaza in gura, asa cum au fost foarte bine explicate in film.

Reteta am luat-o din show-ul Laurei Calder, care a devenit una din preferatele mele in ultima vreme.


2 vinete mici
2 ardei grasi mari (2 ardei grasi si 2 gogosari)
2 dovlecei mici
1 ceapa medie taiata solzisori
2 catei de usturoi tocati
ardei iute pisat (optional)
1 foaie de dafin
1 crenguta de rozmarin
4 rosii potrivite taiate sferturi, semintele scoase si apoi tocate mare
sare si piper proaspat macinat
1/2 cana ulei de masline
frunze proaspete de busuioc tocate (optional)

Vinetele se taie felii rotunde de aprox 2 cm in grosime. Se aranjeaza pe un tocator si fiecare felie se sareaza cu multa sare. Se lasa 30 minute sa iasa zeama amara din ele, timp in care pregatim celelalte ingrediente.

Ardeii se coc pe gratar sau in cuptorul incins la 260 grade Celsius (500 Fahrenheit), pentru aproximativ 20 minute, intorcandu-se pe toate partile. Se scot, se lasa sa se raceasca putin si se curata de coaja si seminte. Se taie in felii mai mari si se pun intr-un bol mare.

Se reduce cuptorul la 230 grade Celsius (450 Fahrenheit).

Dovleceii se taie felii rotunde de aprox 1 cm. Se pun intr-o tava intinsa, se dau cu sare, piper si cateva linguri de ulei de masline. Se amesteca, se baga la cuptor pentru 10 minute, intorcandu-se odata. Se scot si se pun peste ardei.

Vinetele se spala se sare sub jet de apa, se taie sferturi si se pun in aceeasi tava in care am copt dovleceii, se dau cu piper si ulei si se baga in cuptorul incins pentru 15 minute. Cand sunt gata, se adauga peste ardei si dovlecei.

Se incing 2 linguri de ulei intr-o tigaie si se pune ceapa. Se caleste pana cand se rumeneste.

Se adauga usturoiul, ardeiul iute pisat (daca folositi), crenguta de rozmarin si foaia de dafin. Se caleste cam 1 minut. Se adauga rosiile si se amesteca, pana cand rosiile sunt patrunse, cam 15 minute, pana cand o sa arate ca un sos.

Se toarna sosul de rosii peste legumele din bol, se verifica de sare si piper si se serveste cu busuioc presarat deasupra.

Pofta buna!

Yes, I know, it’s a cartoon movie named Ratatouille, with a rat. But Ratatouille it is not the rat’s name; it’s the food that he impressed the food critic.
Ok, I admit I never heard about Ratatouille before I’ve seen the movie, but I found out something new. I I’ve seen a really nice movie, and if you haven’t seen it, run and rent it (not before you see this recipe).

Ratatouille is a French vegetarian peasant meal, in which all the ingredients are cooked separate, and then mixed, and the flavors explode in your mouth, like in the movie.

The recipe belongs to Laura Calder, which became one of my favorite lately.


2 small eggplants
2 red bell peppers
2 small zucchinis
1 medium onion, sliced
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
Pinch of red crushed pepper (optional)
1 bay leaf
1 spring fresh rosemary
4 medium tomatoes, seeded and roughly chopped
½ cup olive oil
Fresh chopped basil leaves (optional)

Cut the eggplant in round slices about 1 inch thick. Line the slices on a rack and salt generously each slice. Let sit for 30 minutes for the excess water to drain off. Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Preheat the oven at 500 degrees. Place the peppers on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes, turning on all sides. Remove, let cool a little (can be covered with plastic wrap) and clean the skin and the seeds. Slice the peppers in strips and place in a large bowl.

Turn down the oven at 450 degrees.

Slice the zucchini in round slices, ½ inch thick. Place in a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with some olive oil. Bake for 10 minutes, remove and add to the peppers.

Rinse the eggplant slices and cut them in quarters. Toss with oil, place on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and add to the bowl.

Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a sauté pan and fry the onions until golden brown.
Add the garlic, red pepper flakes (if using), rosemary and bay leaf and sauté for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and cook until they are soft, about 15 minutes and the whole mixture thickens.

Pour the sauce over the vegetables in the bowl, and check for salt and pepper. Serve with basil scattered over.


Salata cu rucola, nuci si feta/ Arugula, walnuts and feta salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Spuneam in unul din posturile anterioare ca nu am gasit rucola la magazin. De data asta am gasit-o, si o sa mananc mai des de acum inainte, a fost foarte buna.

S-a intamplat aproape in acelasi timp cand am vazut pe blogul
Kali Orexi aceasta salata. Aveam de catava vreme in minte o salata cu rucola si feta, iar reteta a picat la fix. Este la fel de buna pe cum arata, daca nu si mai buna. Gustul este putin acrisor de la dressingul cu otet balsamic, putin dulceag de la merisoarele uscate, iar combinatia de branza sarata cu nuci este fenomenala.

Daca nu gasiti arugula, cred ca cea mai buna substitutie ar fi spanacul proaspat. Iar in loc de merisoare puteti folosi foarte bine stafide.


2 maini bune de rucola tanara
1/2 cana nuci coapte si tocate mare*
1/2 cana merisoare uscate
1/2 cana branza feta sfaramata

Pentru dressing:

1 shalot tocat marunt (shalotul este o ceapa lunguiata si de culoare mov deschis, daca nu aveti inlocuiti cu 1 lingura de ceapa tocata foarte marunt, iar daca nu va place ceapa, puteti sa o omiteti)
2 linguri otet balsamic
4 linguri ulei de masline extra virgin
1/2 lingurita de sare
piper proaspat macinat

Se amesteca shalotul cu sarea, piperul si otetul balsamic, apoi batandu-se in continuu se incorporeaza uleiul de masline.

Pentru salata, se pune intr-un bol rucola, nucile si merisoarele si se toarna dressingul peste (mie mi-a ajuns dressingul pentru 2 salate) si se amesteca. Se serveste cu branza feta deasupra.

Pofta buna, ca sigur o sa aveti!

*Pentru a coace nucile, se pun in cuptorul preincins la 180 de grade Celsius (350 Fahrenheit) pentru 10-15 minute.

I was saying in one of the precedent posts that I didn’t find arugula in the store. This time I found it! And boy, o, boy, I’m going to have a lot of arugula salads now on, I loved it.

It happened almost in the same time I’ve seen on
Kali Orexi blog this salad. I had in mind for a while an arugula and feta salad, so the recipe was like meant to be. It’s as good as it looks, if not better. The taste is little tangy from the balsamic vinegar, little sweet from the dried cranberries, and the walnuts and salty feta is phenomenal.

If you can’t find arugula, I think that the best substitution will be baby spinach. And instead of dried cranberries, raisins are good too.


2 handfuls baby arugula
½ cup roasted and roughly chopped walnuts*
½ cup dried cranberries
½ cup crumbles feta cheese

For the dressing:

1 small shallot finely chopped
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp salt
Freshly cracked black pepper

Mix the shallot, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix continuously and add the oil, little at a time until all incorporated.

To make the salad, put the arugula, walnuts and cranberries in a large bowl and drizzle the dressing on top (I used the dressing for 2 salads). Toss and serve with crumble feta on top.


*To roast the walnuts, place the walnuts on a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

October 03, 2010

Provocarea lunii octombrie "Dulce Romanie"/ October's "Sweet Romania" Challenge

(Please scroll down for English version)

Am participat in ultima vreme la cateva provocari, la "Vinerea foarte dulce" si la provocarea canalului tv Cooking Channel pentru prajiturelele de Craciun. Mi-a placut foarte mult sa particip, sa ma gandesc ce sa gatesc cu un anumit ingredient sau cu o anumita tema.

Asa mi-a venit ideea sa lansez o provocare pentru bloggerii culinari romani (si nu numai!) si sper ca ideea sa fie preluata si mai departe. Am numit-o "Dulce Romanie" (sau dulce-amara Romanie :) si se poate schimba daca cineva vine cu o idee mai buna).

In ce consta provocarea: in fiecare luna un blog tine o provocare cu un anumit ingredient sau cu o anumita tema, si cu un link la provocarea lunii anterioare. As vrea ca ingredientul sau tema sa fie romanesti, dar reteta poate fi din orice parte a lumii si poate contine orice ingredient exotic. Orice persoana care vrea sa participe poate sa gateasca ceva cu ingredientul respectiv, sa il posteze pe blogul personal (daca are) cu un link la postul care a lansat provocarea si sa trimita la adresa bloggerului care a lansat provocarea o poza cu mancarea, numele, si adresa unde poate fi gasita, pana la o data limita. Daca cineva nu are blog, dar vrea sa participe, este binevenit.

Dupa cateva zile, blogul care a lansat provocarea va posta toate pozele cu linkurile respective, anuntand la sfarsit blogul care va tine provocarea lunii viitoare.

Ingredientul sau tema sunt alese de bloggerul care lanseaza provocarea lunii respective.

Si ca sa incep, ingredientul lunii octombrie o sa fie DOVLEACUL. Cine vrea sa participe poate sa gateasca ceva interesant folosind dovleac, dulce sau sarat, si sa posteze reteta pe blogul personal.

Trimiteti la adresa de e-mail
p_michaela@yahoo.com numele vostru, orasul din care sunteti, numele blogului, adresa postarii si o poza lata de 300 px cu mancarea respectiva. Puteti sa spuneti si cum v-a venit ideea sa gatiti mancarea respectiva.

Data limita este 20 octombrie 2010.

Pe data de 22 octombrie voi posta pe blogul meu adunarea tuturor celor care au participat.

In acelasi timp, astept oferte cine vrea sa tina provocarea lunii noiembrie.

Abia astept sa vad ce idei inedite vom avea!
Gatire placuta :)

Lately, I challenged myself to cook for “Sugar High Fridays” and for Cooking Channel TV some Christmas cookies. I liked to think what I’m going to make with a certain ingredient or theme.

That’s how I got the idea to launch a challenge for my fellows Romanians cooking bloggers (and not only Romanians!) and I hope the idea will go on. I named it “Sweet Romania” but the name can be changed if somebody has a better idea.

What’s the challenge: every month one blog launch a challenge for a certain ingredient or a certain theme, posting the link to the previous month challenge. I would like that the ingredient to be something popular in Romania, but the recipes can be from anywhere and can have any exotic ingredients one like.

Anybody who wants to participate can cook a meal or bake a dessert with that month’s ingredient or theme and post the recipe on their personal blog (if they have one) with a link to the challenge post, and send at the challenger’s e-mail address a picture with the food, their name and the address where the recipe can be found, until a set date.

If somebody doesn’t have a blog and wants to participate, it’s more than welcome.

After few days, the blog that launched the challenge will post all pictures of all participants and the recipe link, announcing at the end the blog that will keep next month’s challenge.

The ingredient or the theme will be chosen by the blogger that launch the challenge that month.

So, let’s start. The October’s ingredient will be: PUMPKIN. Anyone who wants to participate can cook or bake something interesting using pumpkin, sweet or savory and post the recipe on their blog.

Send at the e-mail address p_michaela@yahoo.com your name, your blog name, the city where you’re from, address where recipe can be found and a 300 px wide picture with the food, until October 20th, 2010. If you like, you can tell me how you came up with the recipe.

On October 22nd I will post on my blog the round-up with all entries.

Meanwhile I’m waiting for offers who want to keep the November’s challenge.

I can’t wait to see all the new ideas!
Happy cooking :)


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