July 31, 2010

O dupa amiaza de vara cu fetele/ A summer afternoon with the girls

Am inceput cu un smoothie de piersici si afine...
We started with a peach and blueberry smoothie...

Magda m-a ajutat, cu riscul de a-si sterge unghiile proaspat facute :)

Magda helped me, risking to ruin her fresh painted nails :)

Am continuat cu pui Kiev...

We continued with Chicken Kiev...

cartofi noi la cuptor...

roasted baby potatoes...

salata de vinete si salata de castraveti...

eggplant spread and cucumber salad...

scoici pe gratar...

grilled mussels...

Adriana a savurat scoicile :)

Adriana enjoyed the mussels :)

si dovleceii pane cu sos aioli :)

and the pan fried zucchini with garlic aioli :)

Am incheiat cu cate o felie de lubenita, la care nu i-am mai facut poza :)
Multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru prieteni, pentru cei de aproape si pentru cei de peste mari si tari... (retetele in posturile care vor urma!)

We concluded with a piece of watermelon, with no picture :)

Thank God for friends, for the ones that are close and for the ones far away... (the recipes will be in the next posts!)

July 29, 2010

Salata japoneza de castraveti/ Japanese cucumber salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Saptamana trecuta, dupa cateva ore "obositoare" :) petrecute la mall cu prietena mea, am mers sa mancam la un restaurant japonez. Am incercat vreo 2 feluri de sushi, legume prajite, dar cel mai mult ne-a placut aceasta salata de castraveti, pe care incerc sa o reproduc azi. Si cred ca am reusit cu succes. Simpla si racoroasa!


1 castravete mare feliat foarte subtire
2 linguri seminte de susan
1 ceapa verde feliata foarte subtire (optional)

Semintele de susan se pun intr-un strat subtire intr-o tigaie fara ulei, si se pun pe foc mediu aproximativ 5 minute, pana cand se rumenesc putin. Se scutura din cand in cand tigaia sa se amestece.

Se aseaza pe farfurie feliile de castravete, ceapa si deasupra semintele de susa.

Pentru dres salata, am amestecat sare (1/3 lingurita) cu ulei de masline (1 lingura) si otet de orez (2-3 linguri).

Last week, after few hours spent at the mall, I and my friend ate at this Japanese restaurant. We tried 2 kinds of sushi, some tempura fried vegetables, but we loved this cucumber salad, which I'm trying to recreate here. And I think successfully did. Simple and refreshing!


1 large English cucumber, very thinly sliced
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1 green onion, very thinly sliced (optional)

To toast the sesame seeds, place them in a thin layer in a pan, over medium heat, without oil for about 5 minutes, until they get lightly brown. Shake the pan to even toasting.

Place on a plate the cucumber slices, onion and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

For dressing, mix 1/3 tsp salt, 1 tbsp olive oil and 3 tbsp rice wine vinegar.

Mojito cu mango/ Mango Mojito

(Please scroll down for English version)

Caldura continua si trebuie sa ne racorim! De data aceasta cu o bautura virgina, adica fara alcool, dar foarte delicioasa. Daca vreti putin alcool dupa servici, putin rom este binevenit.


5-6 frunze de menta
3 linguri sirop (reteta urmeaza)
3 linguri piure de mango
1 lamaie verde
1/2 lingurita zahar
apa minerala sau sifon

Pentru sirop:
1/2 cana apa
1/2 cana de zahar
cateva bucatele ghimbir

Se pune apa si zaharul la fiert, pana cand zaharul este topit si lichidul arata ca un sirop. Se opreste focul, se adauga ghimbirul si se lasa sa se raceasca, si aroma de ghimbir sa se infuzeze in sirop. Siropul se poate pastra la frigider 2 saptamani.

Pentru piureul de mango, se foloseste un mango copt bine, curatat de coaja si sambure, apoi dat prin blender. Optional se poate trece printr-o sita.

Intr-un pahar se pun frunzele de menta, 1/2 lingurita de zahar (ajuta la zdrobirea frunzelor de menta) si zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde si se piseaza foarte bine cu un pistil sau cu furculita. Se adauga restul de zeama de lamaie, piureul de mango, siropul si se amesteca. Se completeaza cu apa minerala. Se decoreaza cu frunze de menta sau cu o felie de lamaie verde. Apoi se savureaza :)

The heat is on and we have to cool off! This time we do that with a virgin drink, without alcohol, but very delicious. If you want a little kick after work, go ahead, add a shot of rum.


5-6 mint leaves
1/2 tsp sugar
3 tbsp simple syrup (recipe follows)
3 tbsp mango puree
1 lime
Seltzer water

For simple syrup:

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
Few pieces of ginger

Boil the sugar and the water until sugar dissolves, turn off the heat and add the ginger. Let cool at room temperature and the flavor from ginger to infuse the syrup. The syrup can be kept in the fridge for 2 weeks.

For the mango puree, use a well ripe mango, peeled and pitted. In a blender or food processor, puree the fruit pulp until smooth.

In a glass, place the mint leaves, 1/2 tsp sugar (will help smashing the mint) and the juice from 1/2 lime. Using a pistil or a fork, smash the leaves. Add the rest of the lime juice, simple syrup, mango puree and mix. Fill with seltzer water. And enjoy!

July 27, 2010

Salata asiatica/ Oriental salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Dupa cum cei care ma urmaresc poate au observat, imi place in mod deosebit bucataria mediteraneana, dar imi place sa incerc de toate si de peste tot. Bucataria asiatica nu am incercat-o foarte mult, decat in cateva mancaruri calite rapid (stir-fry). Aceasta salata este o combinatie a cateva retete de salate gasite pe internet. Voiam sa folosesc niste teci de mazare proaspete, care imi plac foarte mult.
Desi sincer nu eram sigura ce o sa imi iesa, salata a iesit foarte buna, si este destul de versatila, adica se pot substitui ingredientele. Se poate folosi si salata verde, sau broccoli. Ingredientul cheie este susanul. Ii schimba total gustul. Gustati-o inainte sa adaugati semintele de susan si dupa, veti vedea diferenta. Si se pastreaza foarte bine la frigider, cred ca a fost chiar mai buna a doua zi, cand toate legumele s-au marinat in dressing.


Pentru salata:
2 cani varza rosie tocata
1/2 cana ardei gras feliat foarte subtire
1 morcov dat pe razatoare
2 cepe verzi, feliate subtire pe diagonala
1 cana teci de mazare proaspete
1 lingura patrunjel tocat

2 linguri seminte de susan

Se pune apa la fiert intr-o cratita mai mica, si cand fierbe se pun tecile de mazare pentru 3-4 minute. Se scot, se pun in baie de gheata sa se opreasca fierberea. Se scurg si se feliaza pe diagonala.

Semintele de susan se pun intr-un strat subtire intr-o tigaie, fara ulei, pe foc mic. Se lasa 4-5 minute, scuturandu-se din cand in cand tigaia, sa se amestece. Nu se lasa prea mult, sa nu se arda.

Se amesteca cu restul ingredientelor, si deasupra se toarna dressingul.

Pentru dressing:

1 lingurita de ghimbir proaspat dat pe razatoare
2 linguri sos de soia
2 linguri otet de orez (sau otet alb de vin)
1 lingurita miere
1 lingurita mustar Dijon
1/4 cana ulei de masline (se poate folosi ulei de susan, dar eu nu am avut)

Se amesteca toate ingredientele, cu exceptia uleiului, si se bat cu telul sa se amestece bine, apoi se toarna uleiul in fir subtire, pana cand este si uleiul incorporat.

As my followers may notice, I love Mediterranean cuisine, but I like to try recipes from around the world. I tried Asian cuisine only in some stir-fry’s. The today salad is a combination of few recipes that I found online, in which I wanted to use some fresh peapods.
Honestly, I wasn't sure about the final result, but it turned out really good. Is a versatile salad, in which you can substitute the ingredients. Some lettuce or fresh broccoli may be used. The key ingredient is sesame seeds. The sesame seeds change the taste, feel free to taste it, before and after you add it, you'll see. It keeps very well in the fridge, it was even better the next day, after the vegetables marinated in the dressing.


2 cups shredded red cabbage
1/2 cup red or green pepper, sliced very thin
1 shredded carrot
2 green onions, sliced diagonally
1 cup fresh peapods
1 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tbsp sesame seeds

Put 4 cups of water to boil in a small pot. When the water is boiling, blanch the peapods only 3-4 minutes. Remove and place in water bath to stop cooking. Drain and slice diagonally.

To toast the sesame seeds, place them in a pan in a thin layer, with no oil. Toast on low heat for 4-5 minutes, shaking the pan for evenly cooking.

Mix all the ingredients, and pour the dressing on top.

For the dressing:
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 cup olive oil (sesame oil can be used, I didn't have any)

Mix all the ingredients, except the oil, until well mixed. Add the oil, little at a time. Pour the dressing over the salad.

Semifreddo cu citrice / Citrus Semifreddo

(Please scroll down for English version)

Vara e in plina desfasurare, si cum nu am inca o masina de inghetata (care este pusa pe lista cu dorinte :)), am facut din nou Semifreddo. Daca
cel cu Nutella a fost dulce si consistent, si poate fi servit in orice anotimp, de data asta, cel cu citrice are un gust dulce-acrisor, si racoros, perfect pentru zilele toride.
Reteta este luata tot de la Giada, imi place mult stilul ei de gatit.


Pentru crusta:
10 biscuiti obisnuiti (sau de care aveti, eu am folosit graham)
4 linguri de unt

Pentru semifreddo:
7 galbenusuri
1/2 cana zahar + 1/4 cana zahar
1/4 cana zeama de lamaie si lamaie verde amestecate (50 ml)
2 linguri lichior de lamaie sau de portocale (reteta originala cerea Limoncello, eu am folosit Cointreau, este total optional)
1 varf de sare
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
coaja rasa de la o lamaie verde
1 cana frisca lichida neindulcita

Ne trebuie o tava de chec stropita cu apa si tapetata cu folie de plastic, cu marginile in exces afara (mai multe detalii

Biscuitii se piseaza si se amesteca cu untul topit, pana cand se incorporeaza. Se iau 2 linguri din amestec si se pun deoparte. Restul de amestec se pune in tava si se taseaza cu fundul unui pahar sa se niveleze. Se da deoparte.

Cele 7 galbenusuri se bat cu 1/2 cana de zahar, zeama de lamaie si un varf de sare, apoi se pun pe bain-marie (intr-un castron care sta deasupra unei oale in care fierbe apa, fara ca nivelul apei sa ajunga la fundul castronului). Se mesteca in continuu cu telul, cam 5-10 minute, pana cand se ingroasa si se formeaza o pasta. Se ia de pe abur si se lasa sa se raceasca complet (eventual se pune pe baie de gheata). Se incorporeaza lichiorul si coaja de lamaie.

Separat se bate frisca cu restul de 1/4 cana zahar, pana se intareste. Cand crema de galbenusuri s-a racit, se amesteca cu frisca, usor, de sus in jos, pana cand este incorporata. Se toarna in tava peste crusta, si se decoreaza cu cele 2 linguri de biscuiti opriti. Se acopera cu excesul de folie si se baga la congelator pentru cel putin 8 ore inainte sa se taie.

The summer is in full power, and considering I don't have an ice-cream maker (yet! is on my wish list :)), I made Semifreddo again. If
the one with Nutella was sweet and rich, and it can be served any time of year, the Citrus Semifreddo is sweet and sour, very refreshing for this time of year.
The recipe is Giada's, I love her style of cooking.


For the crust:
10 graham cookies
4 tbsp butter

For the semifreddo:
7 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar + 1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup lemon and lime juice, mixed
2 tbsp lemon or orange liqueur (the original recipe asked for Limoncello, I used Cointreau, and is totally optional)
the zest from one lemon and one lime
pinch of salt
1 cup heavy whipping cream

We're going to need a loaf pan (9x5 inch), sprayed with water or non-stick spray and a large piece of plastic wrap. Line the pan with the plastic wrap, allowing the excess to hang over the margins (more details

For the crust, crush the cookies, and mix it with the melted butter, until is well incorporated. Reserve 2 tbsp. Pour the mix in the loaf pan and push gently with the bottom of a glass to firm.
Set aside.

Mix the egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, lemon and lime juice and the salt in a glass or metal bowl. Place the bowl on a double boiler, or a pot with boiling water. The water level should not reach the bottom of the bowl. Mix for 5-10 minutes, until the cream thickens. Remove and let cool completely (place on ice bath). Incorporate the lemon and lime zest and the liqueur.

In a different bowl, whip the cream with the remaining 1/4 cup sugar until stiff. Combine the whip cream with the cool custard, little by little, and pour over crust. Decorate with the 2 tbsp of biscuits reserved. Cover with the excess foil and place in the freezer for at least 8 hours before serve.

July 23, 2010

Smoothie cu avocado si pere/ Avocado and pear smoothie

(Please scroll down for English version)

Pana acum vreo 2 ani imi placea foarte mult sa ies la restaurant, pana cand am vazut ca mancarea nu imi prieste, si nu ma simt foarte bine. Majoritatea restaurantelor au aceleasi mancaruri in meniu, foarte multe prajite si pline de calorii si grasimi.
Saptamana trecuta am descoperit insa un restaurant deosebit, care serveste mancare organica, carne adusa de la ferma, de la animale care nu sunt crescute cu hormoni si antinbiotice, fara cartofi prajiti si cola in meniu. Am fost foarte impresionata! Am baut acolo un smoothie cu avocado, pere si nectar de agave, care mi-a placut foarte mult.

Smoothie-urile sunt bauturi care au la baza fructe si lapte sau iaurt, de consistenta cremoasa. Pline de vitamine si energie, si se pot face sute de combinatii.

Inspirata de smoothie-ul baut la restaurant si de noul meu blender, am facut ceea ce urmeaza:


1 avocado, fara sambure si coaja, taiat bucatele
1 para, fara coaja si cotor, taiata bucatele
1/2 cana kefir (sau iaurt simplu)
4-5 cuburi de gheata

Se pun in blender cateva minute pana cand se fac piure. Daca este consistenta prea groasa, se mai poate adauga putin lapte si se mai mixeaza putin.
Se decoreaza cu felii de pere, sau in cazul meu cu putina menta.

Until about 2 years ago, I loved to go out to restaurants, and I've seen that the food is not what I really like, and I don't feel very good from it. Most restaurants have similar menus, with fried dishes, full with calories and fats.
But, last week I discovered this restaurant, which is not like the rest. It serves organic food, meat brought from the farm, from animals that are not raised with hormones and antibiotics, and no fries and no cola in the menu! I was impressed. I had a smoothie with avocado, pear and agave nectar.
Smoothies are drinks based on fruits and milk or yogurt, with a creamy texture. Full with vitamins and energy, one can make hundreds of combinations.
Inspired by the smoothie that I had at the restaurant and my new blender, I made this:


1 avocado, chopped, skin and seed removed
1 pear, peeled and seeded, chopped
1/2 cup kefir (plain yogurt)
4-5 ice cubes

Put everything in blender and mix until smooth. If it's too thick, add a little milk, and blend some more. Serve garnished with pear slices or mint.

July 20, 2010

Tacos cu peste/ Fish tacos

(Please scroll down for English version)

Am mancat prima data Tacos cu peste cu putin timp in urma, la restaurantul unde lucrez, si mi-au placut foarte mult. Apoi am aflat prin "pelegrinarile" mele pe Canalul de gatit la televizor ca taco-urile cu peste sunt foarte populare in California in special. Originare din Baja California, Mexico, s-au raspandit in Statele Unite, si se compun in principal din varza tocata sau salata verde, peste, prajit sau pe gratar, si pico de gallo, din rosii, ceapa si jalapeno.
Acum, fiecare are propria reteta de tacos, si mi-a venit ideea sa le incerc si eu. Cu o reteta improvizata, au iesit excelente, sigur o sa mai fac si alta data.

Ingrediente (pentru 4 tacos):

4 tortillas (lipii mexicane)
2 fileuri de peste potrivite (eu am folosit Tilapia, dar se poate folosi si alt peste, de preferat unul care se tine intreg pe gratar)
sare, piper si ulei de masline
1 cana varza rosie tocata

Pentru salsa:
1 mango, curatat de coaja si taiat cubulete
1/3 cana ananas, taiat cubulete (proaspat daca se poate)
1 rosie, fara seminte, taiata cubulete
3 cepe verzi, tocate
1/4 cana frunze de coriandru tocate
1/2 ardei iute, jalapenos (optional, daca va place iute)
sare, piper
zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde
2 linguri otet de orez (se poate inlocui cu mai multa zeama de lamaie verde)

Se amesteca toate ingredientele. Se poate pastra la frigider pana a doua zi.

Pentru sosul de avocado:

1 avocado
1/2 cana(100 ml) kefir
2 linguri pline cu smantana
sare, zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde
1 varf de cutit cayenne pepper (boia iute)
1 varf de cutit chimion macinat

Eu am folosit kefir pentru ca asta am avut in frigider, se poate inlocui cu iaurt mai moale.
Avocado se taie pe jumatate pe lungime, se roteste putin si se desprinde in 2 bucati, din care una va avea samburele inauntru. Se infige putin lama cutitului in sambure si se roteste putin, ca sa iasa usor. Cu varful cutitului se cresteaza miezul avocado-ului in lung, apoi de-a latul, si cu o lingura se scoate miezul. Va iesi gata tocat. Se pune in blender sau in robotul de bucatarie impreuna cu restul ingredientelor pana cand rezulta o crema si se potriveste de sare.

Pestele se da cu sare, piper si ulei de masline, si se pune pe gratar (sau pe plita), incins in prealabil. Eu am folosit o mica tavita facuta din folie de aluminiu cu marginile indoite, pe care am pus-o pe gratar.
Se tine cateva minute pe fiecare parte, pana cand se rumeneste.
Se taie felii lungi.

Pentru asamblare, se incalzesc tortillas pe gratar (20-30 secunde), se aseaza varza tocata, pestele, salsa si apoi sosul de avocado. Se serveste cu lime si se mananca cu mana :)
Pofta buna!

I had fish tacos for the first time, few months ago, at the restaurant where I work, and I liked it a lot. I found out after that the fish tacos are very popular in California. Originated in Baja California, Mexico, they spread out in the United States, and they consist of shredded cabbage or lettuce, fried or grilled fish, pico de gallo, with tomatoes, onions and jalapeno.

Now, everybody has their own recipe for fish tacos, so I wanted to try it too. I improvised, and it turned out delicious, for sure I'll make it again.

For this recipe I used tilapia, which I like for it's mild flavor, but it can be substituted with salmon or halibut.

Ingredients (for 4 tacos):
4 tortillas
2 fish files
salt, pepper and olive oil
1 cup shredded red cabbage

For the salsa:

1 mango, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup chopped fresh pineapple
1 tomato, seeded and chopped
3 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1/2 jalapeno, chopped (optional)
salt, pepper
juice from 1 lime
2 tbsp rice vinegar (it can be substituted with more lime juice, after taste)

Mix all the ingredients. It can be kept in the fridge for next day.

For the avocado sauce:

1 avocado, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup kefir
2 tbsp sour cream
salt and juice from 1/2 lime
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of ground cumin

Kefir is a yogurt relative, so it can be substituted with plain yogurt.
Place all the ingredients in the blender or food processor until smooth.

Salt and pepper the fish, and drizzle with olive oil. Place on preheated grill. I used a little tray made out of aluminum foil and place on top of the grill.
Grill for 4-5 minutes on each side, until starts browning a little. Remove and cut in strips.

To assemble the tacos, warm the tortilla on the grill for 20-30 seconds, place shredded cabbage, fish, salsa and avocado sauce. No need for utensils:) Enjoy!

July 18, 2010

Semifreddo cu nutella si Baileys/ Baileys and Nutella Semifreddo

(Please scroll down for English version)

Semifreddo este un desert italian inghetat, si o traducere a numelui ar fi "semi-inghetat": partial crema, partial inghetata. Inspirata fiind de caldura de afara si de reteta Giadei de Laurentiis, am trecut la treaba:


aprox 20 biscuiti macinati (1 cana) - eu am folosit biscuiti cu ghimbir, dar se pot folosi de oricare aveti
1/4 cana alune de padure coapte si macinate
3 linguri de unt
6 galbenusuri
1/3 cana zahar + 1/4 cana zahar
1 praf de sare
1 cana frisca lichida, neindulcita
4 linguri mari de Nutella
2 linguri lichior Baileys (optional, sau se poate substitui cu lichior de ciocolata)

Avem nevoie de o tava de chec stropita cu putina apa si o folie de plastic mare, sa tapeteze tava pe dinauntru, si sa ramana si margini afara.

Se amesteca biscuitii macinati cu alunele si untul topit, pana cand se incorporeaza bine. Se pun pe fundul tavii si se apasa cu fundul unui pahar sa se uniformizeze.

Pe bain-marie se amesteca galbenusurile cu 1/3 cana zahar si praful de sare, aprox 10 minute, pana cand crema se ingroasa. Se scoate din abur si se pune in gheata si se lasa sa se raceasca complet. Se incorporeaza lichiorul.

Separat se bate frisca cu 1/4 cana zahar pana cand se intareste. Se amesteca usor frisca cu crema de galbenusuri, amestecandu-se cu o spatula de sus in jos.
Se pun cele 4 linguri de Nutella, si se fac spirale cu un cutit de unt, asa incat este amestecat, dar cu parti de Nutella inca intregi. Se toarna peste crusta, se mai poate decora cu mai multe spirale, se acopera cu marginile de folie de plastic si se baga la congelator pentru cel putin 8 ore.

Acum ma duc sa ma delectez cu o felie si sa ma gandesc ce sa fac cu cele 6 albusuri ramase :)

Semifreddo is an italian frozen dessert, and a translation will be: "half cold": part custard, part ice-cream. Inspired by the summer heat and Giada's recipe, I got to work:


about 20 crushed crackers -1 cup (I used ginger cookies, but can be substituted with any sweet crackers)
1/4 cup toasted and crushed hazelnuts
3 tbsp melted butter
6 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar + 1/4 cup sugar
1 pinch salt
2 tbsp Baileys
1 cup heavy cream
4 tbsp Nutella

We're going to need a loaf pan (9x5 inch), sprayed with water or non-stick spray and a large piece of plastic wrap. Line the pan with the plastic wrap, allowing the excess to hang over the margins.

Mix the crushed cookies with the almonds and butter, pour the mix on the bottom of the pan and push with a glass bottom to firm.

On a double boiler, mix the egg yolks with 1/3 cup sugar and salt, about 10 minutes, until thickens. Remove and place on ice bath to cool completely. Add the Baileys and mix to combine.

In a separate bowl whip the heavy cream with 1/4 cup sugar, until thick. Mix gently with the custard, little at a time, until incorporated. Drop spoonfuls of Nutella and mix with a butter knife, until incorporated, but still chunky. Pour over the crust, cover with the edges of plastic wrap and freeze for at least 8 hours.

Now I'm going to enjoy a piece and think what to do with the 6 egg whites that I have left :)

July 13, 2010

Somon pe gratar cu salata de rosii/ Grilled salmon with tomato salsa

(Please scroll down for English version)

Daca eu nu am putut sa ajung la Wolfgang Puck, il aduc pe Wolfgang Puck la mine, prin aceasta reteta de somon pe gratar.
Somonul este un peste destul de gras, eu de obicei il mananc cu multa lamaie. Dar garnisit cu salata de rosii din aceasta reteta, gusturile se balanseaza foarte bine, rezultand o combinatie potrivita.


2 felii de somon (sau mai multe, pentru cate portii gatiti)
2 rosii potrivite
2 catei de usturoi tocati
1 ceapa mica, tocata
1 praf de cayenne pepper (boia iute)
ierburi tocate: patrunjel, busuioc, tarhon, coriandru
2 linguri otet balsamic
sare si piper proaspat macinat, dupa gust
1/2 cana ulei de masline

Pentru salata:
Se pune o oala cu apa la fiert, si se pregateste un bol cu apa si gheata. Rosiilor li se scoate cotorul, si la capatul opus se cresteaza in cruce. Se scufunda in apa fiarta pentru 5 secunde (numeri: 1, 2..5!) , se scot si se pun in apa cu gheata sa se opreasca fierberea. Aceasta operatiune ajuta sa se cojeasca mai usor. Se cojesc rosiile, se taie jumatati si se scot semintele, apoi se toaca.
Se amesteca cu usturoiul, ceapa, ierburile, cayenne pepper, se adauga sare si piper, otetul si se incorporeaza uleiul.
Salata poate fi facuta in avans si lasata cateva ore sa se imbine aromele.

Somonul se sareaza si se pipereaza, apoi se unge cu ulei de masline. Se pune pe gratarul incins in prealabil si uns cu putin ulei. Se coace cam 5-10 minute pe fiecare parte.

Se serveste cu salata. Pofta buna!

If I couldn't get to Wolfgang Puck (his restaurant), I'll bring Wolfgang Puck to my house, with this salmon recipe.
The salmon is a pretty fatty fish, and I usually serve it with a lot a lemon. But, with this salsa recipe, the fattiness is balanced by the acidity from the tomatoes and vinegar. The result: a good combination.


2 pieces of salmon
2 medium tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 pinch cayenne pepper
herbs: parsley, basil, tarragon, cilantro
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and fresh cracked pepper
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil, and get a ice bath ready, with ice and water in a bowl. Core the tomatoes, and at the other end, make a little cut, crosswise. Drop the tomatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes (no need more than that), and after that move them in the ice bath to stop cooking. This procedure will make peeling easier. Peel the tomatoes, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Chop the tomatoes, and mix them with the garlic, onion, cayenne pepper, herbs and vinegar. Salt and pepper after taste, and drizzle the olive oil, while still mixing.
The salsa can be prepared in advance, so the flavors combine better.

Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Place on a preheated and oiled grill, 5-10 minutes on each side.
Serve with salsa. Enjoy!


(Please scroll down for English version)

Am fost inspirata pentru aceasta salata de postul lui Ellie, de pe "Homecooking in Montana". Am ales sa o fac cu couscous, si a fost prima data cand am gatit couscous. Este foarte usor de gatit, nu necesita prea multa fierbere, perfecta pentru perioada de vara.

Tabbouleh este o salata originara din Liban, si raspandita in tot Estul Mijlociu. Este facuta cu bulgur (data viitoare o sa incerc si cu bulgur), si are mai mult patrunjel decat bulgur. Salata mea este tocmai invers, dar nu cred ca mai conteaza. Este foarte satioasa, si proaspata in acelasi timp si o sa fie un super pranz pentru maine. Se poate servi ca atare, sau ca garnitura la fripturi.


1 cana de couscous
2 rosii medii, tocate si stoarse de seminte
1 castravete mediu, tocat, si fara seminte, in cazul in care are seminte mari
3 fire de ceapa verde (sau ceapa obisnuita)
1 mana buna de patrunjel, tocat
1 mana de menta, tocata
1 lamaie, coaja + zeama
3-4 linguri ulei de masline
1 lingurita chimion macinat
sare si piper dupa gust

Se fierbe o cana de apa, cand s-a fiert se toarna intr-un vas peste couscous, cu 1 lingura ulei de masline, si fara sa se amestece, se acopera vasul cu folie de plastic, si se lasa aprox 5 minute. Se da folia deoparte si cu o furculita (daca se foloseste lingura, se vor lipi grauntele intre ele) se mesteca usor, sa se umfle.

Se amesteca cu rosiile, castravetele, ceapa si verdeata.

Intr-un bol se amesteca sarea, piperul, chimenul, coaja de lamaie si zeama de lamaie, cu uleiul de masline, si se agita putin cu telul pana cand sarea se topeste, apoi se toarna peste salata. Se amesteca bine si se serveste.

I was inspired for this salad by Ellie's post, from "Home cooking in Montana". I chose to make it with couscous, and it was the first time when I cooked couscous. Is very easy to make, it doesn't require much boiling, just perfect for summer cooking.

Tabbouleh is traditionally a Lebanon dish, and it has becoming one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. Usually made with bulgur wheat (next time I'll try bulgur too), it has more parsley than bulgur. In my salad, couscous is predominant, but it was delicious. It is very filling and in the same time fresh, a super lunch for tomorrow. It can be served as it is, or as a side dish for chicken and steaks.


1 cup couscous
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1 medium cucumber, seeded if necessary
3 scallions, or 1/2 cup white or red onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/3 cup chopped mint
1 lemon, zest and juice
3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper after taste.

Put the couscous in a bowl, and boil 1 cup with water. When the water is boiling, pour it over the couscous, with 1 tbsp olive oil. Without stirring, cover with plastic foil and let it soak for about 5 minutes. Remove the plastic foil, and using a fork fluff the couscous.
Add the tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and herbs.
In a different bowl mix well the lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cumin and olive oil. Pour over the salad, and mix. Enjoy!

July 12, 2010

Martini de piersica/ Peach martini

(Please scroll down for English version)

Nu sunt o mare bautoare de alcoolice, dar imi place sa ma rasfat din cand in cand cu o bautura "cu umbreluta" (asa numesc eu bauturile de vacanta). Martini-urile sunt bauturi foarte tari, cu multa vodca. Eu am adaugat putina vodca la un suc de piesici natural.
Piersicile pe care le-am folosit erau ultimele din stocul pe care il fac martea la piata. Au fost foarte zemoase si dulci, la fel ca cele pe care le mancam cand eram copii: curatam pielita subtire si apoi mancam piersica cu zeama curgand printre degete, si cateodata si pe tricouri :) Din ele mama facea cele mai bune compoturi si nectaruri, cu care ne delectam toata iarna urmatoare.

Pentru martini-ul meu am folosit 2 piersici bine coapte si foarte zemoase, fara samburi, taiate bucati, facute piure in robot, cu putina apa. Apoi le-am trecut prin sita, apasand putin cu o spatula, sa storc tot sucul. Au rezultat aprox 200 ml lichid. Am adaugat putin zahar (1/2 lingurita), zeama de la 1/2 lamaie verde si vodca (50 ml). Puteti adauga mai multa, dupa preferinta. Am agitat amestecul intr-un pahar cu gheata (pentru detalii
aici), si apoi am strecurat lichidul in paharele de martini, garnisite cu zahar pe margini (pentru detalii aici).


I am not a very big drinker, but I like to enjoy from time to time a little cocktail, just to feel like I am on vacation. The martinis are very strong drinks, but I added just a little vodka to a natural peach nectar.
The peaches that I used were the last from the stock that I made on Tuesday from farmer's market. They were very juicy and sweet, like the ones that me and my brother were eating when we're kids: we used to take off the thin skin and enjoy the peach with all the juice running thru our fingers, and sometimes on our shirts :)
Those peaches were used by my mother to make the best compotes and nectars, to have all next winter.

For my martinis, I used 2 very ripe and juicy peaches, pitted and cut in pieces. I puree them in the food processor with a dash of water, and after that I strain them thru a sieve, pushing gently with a spatula, to get all the juices out. I had about 1 cup of liquid. I added just a little sugar (1/2 tsp) and the juice from one lime, and 1 shot of vodka. Feel free to use more vodka if you like.
For garnishing the glass, wet the rim of the glass with little lime, and rotate the rim upside down on a plate with a 1tbsp sugar.
Shake everything in a martini shaker with ice, pour and enjoy!

July 09, 2010

Crostini cu ardei copti/ Red peppers crostini

(Please scroll down for Enghish version)

Un aperitiv rapid, inspirat dintr-o reteta a Giadei de Laurentiis. Am folosit
ardeii din postul precedent si o savuroasa branza Monterey Jack adusa din Wisconsin. Se poate folosi cu mult succes mozzarella, sau chiar feta (feta probabil nu o sa se topeasca prea mult). Daca vreti sa va impresionati prietenii la un gratar, fara sa transpirati prea tare, este reteta potrivita.


1 bagheta, taiata felii cu grosimea de aprox 2 cm
ardei copti in salata
1/2 cana branza Monterey jack data pe razatoare
frunze de busuioc pentru decorat
1/4 cana ulei de masline

Feliile de bagheta se ung cu ulei pe ambele parti si se pun pe gratarul incins pana cand se rumenesc pe o parte, 3-4 minute. Se iau de pe gratar si se intorc cu partea coapta in sus si se aseaza felii de ardei copti, iar deasupra branza. Se pun inapoi pe gratar, de aceasta data, partea necoapta o sa fie in jos. Se lasa inca 3-4 minute, pana cand se rumeneste si partea de jos si branza se topeste.
Se decoreaza cu frunze de busuioc.

An easy appetizer, inspired by a Giada de Laurentiis recipe. I used the
roasted red peppers from the previous post, and some Monterey Jack cheese brought from Wisconsin. It can be successfully substituted with mozzarella, or even feta cheese (feta probably won't melt the same). If you want to impress your friends at a barbecue party, without sweating too much, this is the proper recipe.


1 baguette, sliced (1 inch thick)
roasted red peppers
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese (or mozzarella)
basil leaves for decoration
1/4 cup olive oil

Brush the baguette slices with olive oil and place on a preheated grill for 3-4 minutes until they get golden brown. Remove and turn with toasted side up. Arrange the peppers slices and top with shredded cheese. Place again on the grill, this time the untoasted part down. Grill for another 3-4 minutes, until the cheese start melting. Remove and decorate with basil leaves.
Serve and enjoy!

Salata de ardei copti/ Roasted red peppers salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

Iata ca incet-incet am ajuns la postul cu numarul 50. Ma felicit singura si ma bat prieteneste pe umar! :) Ca sa sarbatoresc, am reluat
prima reteta cu care am inceput acest blog. Binenteles, cu niste poze reusite la aceiasi ardei deliciosi. De data asta copti pe gratar.

3 ardei grasi (rosii si galbeni)
sare si piper dupa gust
1 catel de usturoi
2 linguri de ulei de masline
3 linguri otet balsamic

Eu nu am masurat ingredientele, intotdeauna ii gust si mai adaug sare sau otet, daca este necesar.

Ardeii se coc pe gratar, intorcandu-se pe toate partile, pana cand se rumenesc.

Se lasa sa se raceasca, apoi se curata de coaja, cotor si seminte, si se rup fasii. Atentie: nu se spala! Odata cu apa se vor duce si toate sucurile ardeilor. Eu folosesc si zeama care se lasa de la ardei. Se rade pe ochiurile mici usturoiul, se pune sare, piper, uleiul si otetul. Se amesteca si pofta buna! Daca se mai lasa cateva ore sau pe a doua zi, se vor imbina si mai bine aromele. Se serveste ca garnitura la carne, sau chiar simpla. Eu i-am folosit si intr-o reteta de crostini, in postul urmator.

Little by little, I got to the post number 50! I'm patting myself friendly on the shoulder.
To celebrate, I revisited my first post from this blog, this time with better pictures, and the same delicious recipe. This time I grilled the peppers.

3 bell peppers (red and yellow)
salt and pepper after taste
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

I don't measure the ingredients, I taste it, and I add more salt or vinegar if necessary.

Cook the peppers on the preheated grill, turning all sides, until they turn dark, without burning. Remove and let the peppers cool down. When cool enough, clean the skin, core and seeds. Do not wash! Water will take away all the good juices. I use the juice that is left on the bottom of the bowl. Grate the garlic, and add the rest of the ingredients. Toss and enjoy! The flavors will combine better in few hours or overnight. You can served them as they are, or as a side dish for steak or chicken. I used the peppers in a crostini recipe, in next post.

July 07, 2010

Creveti pe gratar cu salata de mango/ Grilled shrimp with mango salsa

(Please scroll down for english version)

Caldura mare, cum ar zice Caragiale. Numai chef de gatit nu ai. Asa ca am gasit solutia salvatoare: gratarul.
Imi place foarte mult mancarea pe gratar. Pestele, carnea, crevetii, au toate o aroma si gust deosebit atunci cand sunt gatite la foc deschis. Am fost inspirata de Tyler Florence sa fac crevetii in crusta, sa nu se usuce. Iar pentru salata, m-a inspirat o discutie la plaja intre fete, care m-a facut sa caut si sa gasesc reteta lui Ellie Krieger. Ce a iesit? Ceva delicios! Rapid si usor! Creveti fragezi si o salata racoroasa.
Doar ce am citit intr-un articol pe internet ca mancarurile picante sunt perfecte pentru vara, pentru ca te fac sa transpiri, iar prin transpiratie se pierde din caldura din corp si te racoresti. Asa ca un ardei iute (jalapeno) in salata a fost perfect.
Sa trecem la treaba:


10 creveti mari, crestati pe jumatate, curatati, cu crusta intacta
3 linguri de unt la temperatura camerei
2 linguri ulei de masline
8-10 frunze busuioc
o mana mica de frunze de coriandru
sare si piper dupa gust

Untul se amesteca cu uleiul si ierburile tocate (eu am folosit blenderul), se adauga uleiul, sarea si piperul si se omogenizeaza. Cu acest amestec se umplu crevetii.

Se pun pe gratarul incins, cam 5 minute pe fiecare parte, pana cand se rumenesc si crusta se face roz.

Pentru salata:

1 mango, curatat de coaja, si tocat mai marunt
1/2 cana castravete, curat de coaja si tocat
1/2 ardei iute (jalapeno) curatat de seminte si vine, tocat marunt
1/3 cana ceapa rosie, tocata marunt
1 mana buna de frunze de coriandru, tocate
zeama de la jumatate de lamaie verde
2 linguri de ulei de masline
sare si piper dupa gust
1 lingura otet de orez (optional)

Se amesteca toate ingredientele, si gata salata.

Pofta buna!

It's very hot outside and I don't feel like cooking. But I found a better solution: grilling.
I love grilled food. The fish, steak, shrimp taste different and better when they're cooked on an open fire.
I was inspired by Tyler Florence to cook the shrimp in crust, so it doesn't get dry on the grill. For the salsa, I was inspired by a conversation at the beach with the girls, which made me look and find Ellie Krieger's recipe. It turned out delicious and it was fast.
I just read this article over internet, that spicy food is perfect for summer, because it cools you down, so a little jalapeno was the perfect touch.

10 jumbo shrimp, cleaned, with crust on, cut lenghtwise in half
3 tbsp butter room temperature
2 tbsp olive oil
8-10 basil leaves
3 tbsp cilantro leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper, after taste

Mix in the food processor the butter, basil, and cilantro, add the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Stuff the shrimp with this mixture and grill the shrimp about 5 minutes on each side, until they turn pink. Remove from grill and serve with salsa.

For salsa:
1 mango, peeled and diced
1/2 cup cucumber, peeled and sliced
1/2 jalapeno, seeds and core removed, finely diced
1/3 cup red onion, diced
The juice from 1/2 lime (1 tbsp)
1/3 cup cilantro leaves, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, after taste
1 tbsp rice vinegar (optional)

Mix all the ingredients.



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